Part 1

- At the top of the Arcology is a botanical
garden. From a cramped and dimly lit tunnel
chase, the kids are suddenly thrust into a sunny
dome with a waterfall, trees, a climbable rock
wall (with a safety cushion beneath, of course),
playground equipment to duck behind, swings to
entangle pursuers with, and ethical challenges for
gun happy EcoRaiders.
- The air circulation tunnels branch off of
twenty central circulation pipes. At the bottom
of each pipe is what the Arcorunners have
colorful, ly termed "death fans." A strong jump
might take you across the center pipe, especially
if you're light enough or have a parachute or
something... or you might slowly, oh so slowly,
fall to a red mist demise...
- Of course, the URBAN LEGEND is that
the masked, deformed, hideously dangerous
Phantom of the Arco lurks somewhere in the
bowels of the structure - but that's just a story
for kids, right?
Mad Max Turf
There are few places that the cops won't
go, but
there are any number they'd prefer not to. Haring
off to one of these demilitarized zones probably
won't help the kids much - but the people there
are much likelier to kill and cat representatives of
the ISA than in any other neighborhood. A little
spice can be added with any of the following:
A pack of feral dogs. If they see meat on
the hoof go by, they'll try for an easy kill. Watch
out; these puppies have got enough germs and virii
in their bloodstream to create their own ward, and
the last guy they ate had been loaded up on heavy,
.duty antibiotics. That. means that the virii that
survived the antibiotics could be eaten by later
virii, which would then gain their immunities. (Yes,
this really happens; ask your doctor about it the
next time she wants to put you on a course of
tetracycline for a minor illness.)
A pack of feral Megas. If they spot fleeing
kids, they'll set, up an ambush. However, once
CorpSec shows up they'll attack them, obeying
your basic MegaViolent code of "follow the path
of most resistance."
An illicit drug factory. This isn't just a
little pharmofac spitting out ten doses of Blue
Lace a day; this is a major production site. It's
well guarded by goons who shoot to kill; this is
good, in that they can easily scare off a CorpSec
kidnap squad; however, CorpSec will be back, and
the pushers know it. They'll be very, very angry
at the little punks who led them there - unless
said punks can somehow prevent the CorpSec
squad from revealing the factory (calling all
Wizards ... ). The chase can then reverse, with the
pushers chasing the cops. Such a reversal might
earn the kids a nod from the pushers; however,
friends like these may be worse than enemies...
A Clarker temple. Like the drug factory,
this group will be more than willing to tangle with
CorpSec, and won't want them to leave the war
zone alive. New CyberEvolved wil be welcomed.
Eagerly welcomed. S eagerly welcomed that the
Clarker won't want to let them go. There at some
CyberEvolved kids already liv ing at the temple,
some of whon would love to escape: other are jeal
ous of their "godly" status and wi attempt to
eliminate all rivals.
A group of nomads has snuck in looking
for a buried treasure: specifi cally, a hidden cache
of heavy explo sives. They were buried by some
cor porate greedhead for a rainy day, an the
Nomads have gotten his mal The last thing they
want to see is firefight in their dig. (Hey kids! Can
you spell "BOOM"? I knew you could!)
Bloodhead. Around the war zone,
there are rumors about a totally borged
out, cyberpsycho solo called
"Bloodhead" who roams the area,
robbing and killing and generally getting
his ya-yas out, If the chase crosses his
path, the kids and the CorpSec squad
together might have a chance against this
Mall, Sweet Mall
This last, sweetest haven for children in
2027 may pull them with an instinctive
attraction. It will certainly provide them with
crowds to hide in (depending on time of day,
natch) and the public nature of the area will
prevent CorpSec from getting fed up and using
lethal force. Other tricks and treats include:
Racing BoardPunks on a cut decide to
flaunt their suicidal tendencies by detouring
through the mall. The last thing they're expecting
is cops or a rival chase scene.
An immense display for the hot new band,
du-jour, "Skin Integrity." The display includes
three story high inflatable statues of the band
members, a veritable maze of merchandise, and
music pumping out loud enough to deafen a
thundercloud. While near the display, the kids
should not be allowed to communicate verbally,
except with Scanners who make a roll high enough
to read their minds of what they're trying to say.
Of course, if they have some kind of sound
dampening tech that will help - somewhat.
Incidentally, the balloon statues are heavy plastic;
if punctured, they will slowly collapse and create
a barrier to vision and movement to any
unfortunates beneath.
Huge holo projectors showing previews for
movies. A Wizard who can take over one of these
puppies can put images in front of just about
anyone, V-trodes or not. Making the picture
convinc. ing is another story.
One large area is GymDandy, a daycare
facility where parents can dump their toddlers
and take off for serious consumerism. The area is
full of jungle gyms, big holograph cartoon
characters, puffy pillows, harried adults and...
toddlers! Show your characters why these are
called "the terrible twos." Don't be afraid to make
your players squirm by putting little kids in
danger, either; characters who stay in GymDandy
get some measure of protection from the presence
of children, but they also make it more dangerous
for those children...
One large store has invested in an
expensive holo display with a jungle motif.
Visibility is low, there actually are vines you can
swing on (though of course you're not supposed
to) and you never can tell if the person around the
corner is a cop or just another panicky
The media are present, either to cover
some big event or to get a "person on the street"
opinion puff piece. Instead they get real news.
The behavior of the PCs determines whether they
become recognized as evil, destructive terrorists,
or whether their pursuers are revealed as evil,
oppressive thugs.
A famous Glitterkid, Tancy Peregrine, has
deigned to grace the mall with her presence
(possibly explaining the media attention
mentioned above). She's surrounded by her
entourage and by her adoring fans. However, a
group of Face Dancers who specialize in
impersonating her have shown up as well. There
are at least ten Tancies around - and six of the
impostors are good enough to fool her security
for a short time at least. The mayhem associated
with your PCs will make a confusing scene far, far worse.
"For centuries, cutpurse or
pickpocket children have known that
the way to get away with the goodies
is to split up, so your pursuers don't
know which child is. carrying the
wallet, purse or datacard of
Potentially earthshaking info.
Part Two: Rescued?
When (that is, if) things get particularly
cataclysmic, you can bring in Ma and her pals
(see sidebars) to help out. Or they might show
up as things seem to be settling down and the
kids are calm and off guard. Or they might spy
out the kids, send in a CorpSec goon squad, and
then "providentially" show up to as saviors.
If she can win their trust (or at least their
ears) Ma will start a subtle pitch for Arasaka.
She'll start by describing the cruelties and
injustices the CyberEvolved face. (She probably
won't have a hard audience in your characters.)
Next she'll say she works with a "loose group"
who believe that the CyberEvolved have a right
to live. She'll present all this with her "Cerebral
Clicker" (see sidebar) turned off; she'll be sincere
about what she's saying. If they seem receptive,
Denny will subtly turn her clicker on, and she'll
present Arasaka's spiel. The spiel will have
several different spins, depending on how she
judges her audience.
BOARDPUNKS she'll stress the excitement,
adventure, and opportunity Arasaka offers.
Megas and Streetfighters will have a chance to
face tough opponents on fair terms. Instead of
being constantly hunted, they'll have a powerful
backer who can negate the advantages of numbers
and tech that CorpSec and the CDC have. For
the speed addicted, Arasaka offers spec tacular
velocity toys; possibly even prototypes that
won't be available to the public for months, and
which the kids could never afford under normal
emphasize the safety Arasaka offers; if it's
revealed that they're plague carriers, they'll go
from being a favored elite to being the coolest kids
in the resettlement camp. Arasaka can keep them
safe, and many children have a strong desire to
keep things from changing.
AND MALLBRATS, she'll stress that a major
corp has everything they want - in spades. Tech,
access, knowledge and wealth are available to
those who simply get with the program.
ECORAIDERS AND RADS are a tough sell; to
them, she'll point out that the power to make real
changes is much likelier to belong to an Arasaka
operative than to a grungy street urchin who
carries a dread disease. She'll tell them that
Arasaka realizes that the CyberEvolved are the
future, and that the old style of management isn't
going to work in a new paradigm. "In the old
days, people cut ice out of lakes and delivered it
door to door; you don't see any of those old ice
miners building refrigerators these days, do
If Denny finds out what's on the card, all
bets are off. He'll reason (rightly) that T112 is
worth more than the lives of some cyber brats.
He'll try to steal it and get away; if that means
killing them all in their sleep, he'll do it. Ma won't
support him in this (well, stealing yes; killing the
kids, no). Jack might go either way.
Now the ball is in the kids' hands. They
can belly up to the tempting teat of Atasaka,
there to suckle the sweet milk of safety and
servitude for the test of their lives. Or they can
take the high road, make a powerful enemy and
try to get away with the goodies.
It may help to think of this choice as a
referendum: if your characters choose to join up
with Team Arasaka, they're telling you (whether
they realize or not) that they want a game of
intrigue, betrayal and wrecking the system from
inside. (Think of Fox Mulder on "The X-Files.")
If they defy Arasaka, they want a game of
pursuit, constant danger and life on the edge.
(More like Thomas Veit on "Nowhere Man.")
You may favor one style over the other, but this
is your players chance to tell you, in character,
what they're after. You'll be doing yourself a big
favor by respecting that.
The YYY Computer
... is not very well defended
because their sensitive material is all
located on the system that is
inaccessible from the net, and they
are still a struggling, young
company. The system is INT 11,
DEF 5. Use the basic layout and
security of the sample Datafort (pg
163) with the following exceptions: 1:
The FCT of all programs listed are
reduced by two. 2: Any reference to
a human sysop is instead a FCT 4
Spy with a FCT 5 Fenris. 3: The
"physical" description of the Datafort
is as follows: The Datafort appears
as a gothic cathedral (e.g. Notre
Dame) with high, arched ceilings.
Alcoves and twisty staircases lead
users off to the various
subdirectories of the System. There
is a giant stained-glass window of
the YYY company logo on the north
end of the main hall. The various
rooms are all as bare of adornments
as the main hall, but offer more
comfort than the wooden pews.
Conference rooms have large oak
tables surrounded with padded
chairs. icons use the medieval motif
as well (Fenris is a large mastiff,
Blaster is a crossbow wielded by a
squire, etc.).
Editor's Note: Irritatingly enough, this sidebar was
inadvertantly omitted from Part One of "Jack." Sorry for any
inconvenience this might have caused.
When Jack swings into action, most
yogangers shouldn't just want to be like him;
they should want to BE him. Tall, good looking,
cool, fearless and tough, he usually shows up just
in time to save the bacon.
Outside of combat, he's even better. Self-
effacing, even a little shy, but with an engaging
friendliness and enthusiasm. He's just your basic
good guy - or so it seems.
Actually, there's nothing basic about Jack;
he's a complicated, confused pack of conflicts.
Arasaka's top mind meddlers made Jack a special
project for over a year; he's the best Tinman
they've been able to "acquire." A lot of other
yogangers broke before they bent, but Jack had a
chink in his mental armor; he'd been found by Ma
(see sidebar) and her kindness towards him
opened the door to doubt just a crack. Once they
got him over to Japan, that crack was wedged
wide open and a deluge of poisonous Arasaka
propaganda was pumped in. When they were
convinced that he was "safe" they sent him back
to the ISA, where more brainwashers were
waiting with a team of sociologists
to make him into more of a perfect yogang
recruiting tool. Of course, to do this, they had to
make him less and less himself.
Now Jack is mostly a hollow shell - all
care, fully programmed reactions and responses,
but there isn't really much there any more.
Scanners will get surface thoughts that largely
match what he's saying and/or doing - just as they
would from any honest, straightforward guy.
However, a skilled Scanner (or one with a good
roll) will notice a strange lack of force to Jack's
emotions. Underneath the reactions, he's hollow.
In keeping with this, Jack usually follows
orders from Ma.
Skills: Tmman 4, H-T-H Combat 4,
Melee 5, Driving 3, Education 2, Athletics 4,
Genspeak 5, Streetsmarts 5
Denny looks like a chubby ten year old
with no hair. Maybe a little smudged and grubby
around the edges, but he's cute as the dickens. He
seems a little jittery and hesitant (as would any
little kid in his circumstances) but he's trying to
be a good boy.
Not. Dennis Brown is actually thirty two;
he has a rate genetic condition that halted his
apparent age twenty two years ago (it also made
his hair and eyebrows fall out). He's been an
Edgerunner most of his life; the disadvantage of
his small, weak frame was amply compensated
for by his innocent appearance. Dennis has
learned to play the waif very, very well. He'll
come off as the fragile kid that everyone wants to
protect - and everyone trusts a little boy (or, at
least, doesn't worry that he's going to sell them
out to Arasaka at the first opportunity).
Dennis also pretends to be a Scanner. He
has uncanny skills at reading people, which can
pass for Scanning. He backs this up with boosted
reflexes, if necessary; after all, no one would
believe that a ten year old body could handle
Kerenzikovs, right?
He appears to take orders from Ma (of
course) but he has the real authority in this
operation. However, he respects Ma's skills and
usually follows her lead.
The one thing that really spooks Dennis is
real Scanners. A genuine Scanner will pick up fear
from Denny, because every time he meets new
Cyber-evolved he's terrified that a real Scanner
will find him out. He is careful to stay near heavy
electromag machines if at all possible until he can
dope out the abilities of his targets.
5 LUCK 4 BODY 4 EMP 10 ATT 6
Skills: Interaction 10, Awareness/Notice 8,
Stealth 7, Ranged Weapons 6, Education 3
Athletics 2, Expert: Language ("street lingo") 6.
Cyberware: Neural Processor, 2x
Cyberaudio, 2x Cyberoptics with targeting
scope, Kerenzikov Reflex Boosters
Like Jack and Denny, Ma is not quite
what she seems. On the surface, she's a caring,
determined, gutsy gal in her mid-forties. Even a
Scanner who realizes the truth about Denny will
probably be footed by Ma; this is because she's
the test subject for a device termed the "Cerebral
Clicker." So far, the test is going very well indeed.
See, the caring persona, devoted to
protecting kids from a ctuel society, is the trudi.
Ma really believes that working for Arasaka is the
best thing that could happen to the
CyberEvolved. However, she knows that many
kids are (unrea. sonably, in her opinion)
frightened of the corp. Even if they knew her
intentions were pure, the knowledge that she
works for Arasaka would repel most Scanners.
Hence, the Cerebral Clicker. Arasaka
technicians "copied" the knowledge that she was
working for them out of her mind, and then
"erased" it from her consciousness. However, that
knowledge (along with the passwords, codes and
other spy stuff she'd need to deliver the kiddies)
was stored in a special, permanently installed
datachip. Denny has a control phrase that
will switch her between "caring, embattled and
rebellious Ma" and "tough, remorseless Arasaka
op Ma." That's right; to make her "surface"
personality more convincing to the cyberkids,
Arasaka actually allowed her some glimpses of
just how horrible and ruth~ less they are.
Furthermore, they edited the per, sonality on the
chip to be more obedient and ruthless.
Basically, neither of her personalities is
exactly like her original. She started out naive and
good natured, trusting in Arasaka. Now her public
personality is still kind and gentle, but is more
streetsmatt and cynical. Her chipped, "clicker .
self is more cold and detached. Neither of her
personalities would be able to kill a child under
the age of 14, however; Ma just doesn't have it in
Skills: Leadership 6, Ranged Weapons 6,
Resist Interrogation 5, Athletics 5, Education 3.
Cyberware: Neural Processor, Chipware
Socket, Cyberaudio, Nanosurgeons, Advanced
Muscle & Bone Lace, Sandevistan Reflex
Boosters, "Cerebral Clicker" (see above).
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