There are several roles
that players can portray in the
Steampunk campaign. The
following are just examples:
The Enforcer This
character works for one of the
corporations, or maybe she's a
mercenary. Whatever the case,
the enforcer's job is to destroy
the corporations enemies, get
revenge on data pirates and
corporate spies, and to protect
the corporate elite from rival
companies' enforcers.
The Data Pirate The data pirate is
a maverick who knows the ins
and outs of analyzing machine
design and programming. Data
pirates break through the codes in
rival companies analyzing
machines and steal the data.
Unlike the data pirates of the
Cyberpunk world, Steampunk
data pirates can't jack into their
analyzing machines. Instead, they
operate just as any user would,
through its keypad.
Spy The Corporate spy
attempts to get hired by his
company's competitors and steal
their information.
Sometimes corporate spies steal from the
companies they work for and sell it to the highest bidder.
Law Enforcement
Agent The character is a police officer,
or maybe a detective with Scotland Yard. Her job
is to stop corruption, protect the upper and
middle classes, and to stop enforcers and
corporate spies from waging open war in the
streets. Usually a thankless job, especially if the
character tries to defend the rights of the lower class.
Nobility The nobles are
supposedly the rulers in Steampunk Europe, but
it is the Corporations that are the true rulers.
Most nobles fall into the respectable category,
though a few refuse to follow court culture and
are thus considered not respectable. Nobles
almost always have the advantage of money and
Court politics play a large part in their lives.
Reporter With the
steampunk information net in place, reporters
have access to large pieces of information,
research, and telecommunications over telegraph
lines. The reporter will want to be the first to get
the story, and will often take chances to get her
Several common traits in the steampunk
campaign are Money, Respectable or Not
Respectable, Addiction, Analyzing Machine
Knowledge, Analyzing Machine programming,
codebreaking, stealth, alertness, and contacts.
Women in Babbage's World
In the Victorian Age, women were
considered frail and men thought that they needed
to be protected. In Babbage's World, the harsh
existence of the underclass, Coupled with the
Corporations need for intelligent and driven
people, has freed women from their social chains
much earlier than in our world. While men still
think that women need to be protected, they
recognize many positions of power are now filled
by women.
Some Options for the Steampunk
The steampunk campaign is fun and
interesting in its own right, but when any of the
following optional cam. paign extensions are
used, the campaign takes on new depth and
Magic Works
In this Steampunk campaign, magic actually
works, and just about everyone knows it. The
players could be magicians, working for the
corporations. If magic worked in the steampunk
campaign, then trains and steamboats would be
obsolete, since magicians could probably teleport
across the planet. Analyzing engines could be
connected to each other through specially
constructed magic portals, and spells would exist
to protect analyzing engines. Of course, spells
would also exist to break into them!
Ether Space The Victorian
scientists were right: Ether really does fill the
vacuum of space. Using an analyzing machine, a
group of scientists develop a way to travel
through the ether. Thus characters could take
journeys through the ether to other planets.
Victorian people believed that people actually
lived on Mars and Venus, and it was during the
Victorian Age that people believed in the canals
on Mars. Maybe they were right!
Revolution The underclass
just isn't gonna take it anymore. They rise up and
try to overthrow the monarchy. "Me
Corporations side with the European nations, and
people found supporting the revolution get public
executions. Corporate enforcers are used to hunt
down the revolution's leaders. PCs could either be
revolutionaries, or they could be trying to stop the
America, Home of the
Enslaved In a tragic turn of events, the
corporations in America wield enough political
power to overthrow the US government. Within a
matter of months, the new US akes over Canada
and Mexico and starts a campaign to annex Central
America. The PCs are trying to set things right, or
maybe they're just trying to survive.
No matter if you use these options or not,
the Steampunk campaign can provide many
adventures for your PCs. With the gritty
Cyberpunk morality, mixed with Victorian
technology, the PCs are likely to be shocked many
times by the complexity of the stories you can weave.
Babbage's World
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