By Larry Granato
Art by Bradley K. McDevitt
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1. The Kid - He's young, gung-ho, and naive. He tied about his age to get in the service. He's probably going to die. 2. The Top Sergeant - This man has been in the army so long, he's practically an institution. If there's any way of getting something done, he'll find it. 3. The Crazy - This guy is always teetering on the edge of violence. He's almost as much a menace to friendlies as to the enemy. Quote: "I want to ... kill." 4. The Wiseguy - Always quick with a joke or insult, this fellow is constantly rib. bing the other characters and playing tricks on them. 5. The Drill Sergeant , No matter how bad things are, this bellowing taskmaster can make them worse. Quote: "I can't hear you, maggot! Get down and give me fifty!~' 6. The Parade Ground Soldier ~ His uniform and kit is perfect and he's a paragon of military virtue while in garrison. He's always playing up to his superiors. One problem, though: he's gutless on the battlefield. The higher ranking version is the peacetime officer who's great at making logistics arrangements and keeping his troops and equipment in order - providing they don't have to actually be used in something as damaging as combat. 7. The Barracks or Sea Lawyer - This guy knows the regulations by heart and is always pushing for his "rights." He is skilled at instigating trouble and letting others take the blame. Of course, he still provides them with so called legal advice. 8. The Braggart - A real loudmouth, ready to brawl with fellow soldiers anytime, but a washout in a firefight. Aged Braggarts become Old Campaigners, who have endless stories about their supposed heroics. 9. The Farmboy - This hayseed is of humble origins and the butt of many jokes. However, he's a crack shot and expert woodsman. 10 The Maverick - A decorated veteran who's often insubordinate, and may have lost rank because of it. He doesn't say much and won't take guff from anyone. Quote: "I don't get mad, I get even." 11. The Operator , He's always got something going- a card game, a scam, some passes, high-interest loans, an "investment." Somehow, this fast-talking smart guy keeps making money while others lose theirs. Equipment: dice and a deck of cards. 12. The Scrounger - He can come up with just about anything if the price is right. Quote: "I've got a deal for you." 13. The Courier/Radioman - He knows the best rumors, since he overhears the officers' discussions. 14. The Coward - He worries about being paralyzed by fear in combat, and with good reason. Aside from his normal gloom and doom, he will freeze up in battle, then run away (if he's a officer he will be incapable of making the right decision.) Quote: "We're all going to die!" 15. The Rear Echelon Soldier ("Chairborne Commando") , Never near combat, he's sometimes encountered hunting around for war souvenirs when the fight is over. The higher ranking equivalent is the lifer--a career officer or NCO who simply wants to put in the years remaining until his retirement without making any undue effort. He provides little, if any, leadership, and is never around when there is trouble. 16. The Slacker - A soldier who's expert at getting out of work. When officers appear, he's a hive of energy. Otherwise, he loafs, telling other soldiers they're stupid for working hard. He's a regular at 'sick call. Quote: "Hey, buddy! Can you carry my pack? I think I twisted my ankle." 17. Pop - The oldest soldier in the unit, he's a respected and canny veteran. 18. Doc - A medic whose bravery in saving lives in unsurpassed. Equipment: medical kit. 19. The Supply Sergeant , Need something? Better have all the paperwork in order. You do? Sorry, but other units have a higher priority. You can't get anything from him without everything done in triplicate. Even then there's a good chance that "red tape" will cause further delays. 20. Tiny - He's big. He's dumb. He doesn't talk much. He can carry a lot of equipment and is good to have around in a pinch. Equipment: a large gun. 21. The Junior Officer - Fresh from the Academy, he's all full of energy and new ideas. You better hope he listens to his sergeants before he comes up with some rash plan. Some newbies don't even have that much training, being a "3-month wonder" - an officer or NCO who was a civilian a short time ago and was rushed through a quick training program. He might turn out to be O.K. - if he survives. 22. The Ambitious Colonel - This steely-eyed officer with his eyes on the stars (general's stars) will achieve his objective at any cost - including the lives of all his men. Quote: "No retreat. Your orders are to hold to the last bullet." 23. The Martinet - A stiff, red-faced major who shouts a lot. The military is his life and his life is military. No matter how trivial a regulation, he will insist on com- plete compliance. Quote: "Everything by the book." 24. The Staff Officer - His uniform is immaculate and he's rarely seen in a combat zone. Equipment: briefcaee with papers. Quote: "You're out of uniform, soldier." 25. The Old General - A pompous windbag who's still fighting the last war. He rarely leaves his luxurious headquarters. He has no hesitation about ordering thousands to their deaths in futile attacks. He's either incompetent, completely callous or a rabid warmonger. Too bad for the guys under his command. 26. The Fighting Captain - He's tough, carries his own rifle and is always calm under fire. He won't ask his men to do anything he wouldn't do, but then there are few things he won't do. Equipment: Sometimes wears a white hat. 27. The Paranoid Officer - He's hypercritical, has an haughty and abusive attitude, is a fanatic for details and harsh punishments, constantly complains of persecution and conspiracy, blames others for his mistakes, and demands absolute loyalty but rarely gets it. 28. The Bombastic Captain ~ Arrogant and conceited, his bravery is not in question, just his brains. Quote: "Forward to glorious victory! Attack! Attack!" 29. The Burnout - He's seen too much combat; his haggard expression says it all. Substance abuse can be a problem. Cattle Call Archetypes for Non-Player Characters Back to Shadis #20 Table of Contents Back to Shadis List of Issues Back to MagWeb Master List of Magazines © Copyright 1995 by Alderac Entertainment Group This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. |