Edited by Patrick Rodgers
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Editorial Yes, this is leading up to something. I’d like to encourage Shadis readers to give us more feedback on the Post Marque section. We've gotten response from those who are already a part of the Postal Gaming community (we could always use more), but we want to hear what non-PBM gamers think of our section. Do you find it a useful window into another vista of gaming? Potentially useful, but poorly written? Too short? Too long? A total waste of time?
We’d like to hear from you, especially if you have any suggestions for improvements that you'd like to see.
John Hainly of JFH Games wanted to respond to last issue's article, "Welcome to PBM Gaming." In reference to our comments about rulebooks that do not provide specific information about all aspects of the game, John says "our rulebook doesn't leave you guessing about anything. Combat factors, to-hit rolls, chance of destruction - we give you all the information you need. " He even sent us a rulebook to prove it! As John says, World War IV (which is also moderated by High Point Games) features a large variety of units and options, all of which are completely detailed in the rulebook. Look for a review of World War IV in a future issue of Post Marque.
One question that I did receive was whether Post Marque was a one-man operation. The question stemmed from the fact that, except for a capsule review by Trey Stone, the entire column in issue no.# 9 was written by myself. The answer is a resounding "no!" Before we could attract quality writers, and arouse the interest of the PBM moderators, we needed to have Post Marque "in operation," to demonstrate our continued commitment to the PBM community. Post Marque is not a "once off," but a regaler feature of Shadis that is here to stay. I hope our presence at AndCon helped reinforce this.
Thus, this issue, we have more from Trey Stone, as well as a piece by Mike Wincek. Future issues will contain more articles from Trey and Mike, as well as a review of Delenda est Carthago from PBM veteran Bob Bost, a look at Quest from Shadis Magazines John Zinser, a PBM first-timer's perspective on Middle Earth from Heidi Wolters, a review of Quest of The Great Jewels by Vickie Lloyd, and much more.
Unsolicited submissions are welcome. Those wishing to be considered as staff writers should send a sample of their writing, along with a description of their PBM experiences & preferences.
Finally, Post Marque has joined the rest of the Shadis family and gotten "wired." Post Marque can be Emailed an America Online at "ShadisEast," or via internet as Shadiseast@aol.com. I look forward to hearing from you!
Patrick Rodgers The Bloody Blade |