Scots Isles

Highland Army List

by Jamie McLaughlin Fish


Those unfortunate enough to know me are aware of my pathological fascination with the Scots and my belief that the Scots are constantly being persecuted by everyone, especially the Saseenech English Rule authors. I have on occasion harassed a renown author why he is so unfair to the Scots Isles/Highlanders. Of course, wily individual fellow that he is, he looks at me like I am quite mad. His bias can be proven. The list does not allow the Scots special protection from the rain (Mackintoshes). Nor does he give them attack dogs. (How many Scottish terriers do you know?J. And most telling, he does not allow them to have Machine guns.

The last time this unfortunate was cornered, he produced a ballad about 2 unarmed men that fought a whole "Hieland" army to a standstill. I enjoyed the ballad and he made his point. Reliable research and information is sparse. So I decided to take a crack at redoing the list

I get the idea that most list authors have usually decided that his favorite list does not get a fair shake. (Guilty). Then the author sets out to create a list with troops representative of every historical example. The result is frequently as faulty as the first.

I went about this a bit differently. I assumed that the list had to be "playable" given the vulgarities of the game. This could mean editing history, especially unusual/one of a kind examples. But, I listed the key components of the old list and compared those components to like components found in other comparable lists. I went out and read the material available to me.

About this time, the poor unsuspecting author reappeared and I ran some disconnected information by him .and was amazed and slightly intimidated by his off the cuff insights. Obviously this was going to be harder than it first looked. Finally I tried to match what appeared to be, with my (mis)conceptions and overlay those conclusions on the existing list.

Scots Isles Highland Army List

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