The Early Israelites

The Armies and Bilbiography

by Gary Comardo

When the Exodus began the Israelites were a disorderly mob Of escaped slaves. They must have had few, if any weapons: and no knowledge of their use. In Sinai from a total population of only about 6,000 there can't have been more than 1,500 men of military age. In fending off Egyptians and Rivialikites they gained some experience and equipment but it was still a sorry lot that emerged from Sinai. 40 Years later they were better equipped but still lacked experience and confidence.

All able bodied men would fight. They had no chariots, horses, body armor, or iron weapons. The typical Israelite warrior would probably have had a hide shield and short spear and a bow. Large numbers would also be skilled in the use of the sling. Thew would have fought in a loose irregular formation, effective in rough terrain but at the mercy of mounted men in the plains.

The tribes they encountered east of Jordan were in more or less the same condition. As the more numerous Israelites rolled over these tribes they gained experience and confidence. It was a dangerous, war-hardened army that crossed the Jordan and destroyed Jerico. They failed to capture all of Canaan becuase in the plains the Canaanite chariots were decisive. They were also starting to arm themselves with iron weapons, which the bronze-armed Israelis couldn't compete with.

These conditions still existed in the time of Saul, though not as much. Through purchase, capture,a nd theft, iron weapons made their way into Israeli hands. Through intermarriage and other economic and political moves, the hill-dwelling Israelis wrere starting to move onto the plains of Canaan. By the time of David, the Israeli armies could compete with any other in the region.


The History of Ancient Israel by Michael Grant
Asimov's Guide to the Bible by Isaac Asimov
The Bible As History by Werner Keller

To many wargamers, the feel of a period is as important as the history. For atmosphere, try these: The Source by James Michener, King David - The movie starring Richard Gere (Ed.: and of course The Ten Commandments with Charleton Heston).

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