Historicon 1989
Convention Report


By Terry L. Gore

Sunday morning (no, actually nobody does get much sleep at these conventions!) I awoke to the smell of that hated canned meat again. Spam for breakfast again? Enough was enough and I went to McDonald's and ordered some 'real?' food. After we got over to the gaming area at around 9:30, we ran into Joe Walukonis who was going to put on a huge refight of Tannenberg (the 1410 battle, not 1914!). I was very interested in his setup as I'd written a piece for Military History magazine on the battle which will be appearing in the October issue.

Joe did not disappoint me. Chris Cameron, Dave Stiers, Tom Downs, Dave Armer and myself commanded the Germans and Teutonic knights and five other players took the Polish-Lithuanian hordes of Witold and King Jagiello of Poland. Joe's terrain setup was beautiful with sloping hills, roads and woods covered with painted 25mm figures - hundreds of them!

Joe used his own rules (two pages total!) and the game was perfect for ten players. We started before 10:00 and by 11:30 we had broken the Polish flank and center, Dave Armer managing to rout, the Polish King and drive several Polish units from the field singl~ handedly! Maybe there's more to this Spam diet than I've been led to believe. Not a bad morning's work.

We made a final trip through the dealer's area (and there was plenty of everything to choose from) finally walking out with boxes of Thistle and the Rose Gallics, Slavs, Vikings and others. This place was disastrous to walk through if you had a walletful of bills. Painted armies seemed prolific this year and there was fierce competition for sales among those who had brought down troops to sell.

As we said our goodbyes to old friends and new alike, I looked" forward to next year's Historicon. What with a little practice, Dave and I might actually make the finals next year, but if not, we'll have a great time anyway... just as we did this year.

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© Copyright 1989 by Terry Gore
This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other military history articles and gaming articles are available at http://www.magweb.com