Mirliton's Braveheart Range

Figure Review

Review by Terry Gore

I recently received three figures from the Mirliton 25mm Braveheart range. At Cold Wars, I lamented the fact that there was not a line of figures available for this period. Well, I was wrong. This line includes 14-foot figures, including William Wallace as well as a bagpiper, several Scottish foot figures with a variety of weapons and poses, Irish archers, a light cavalryman and a heavy horseman. The figures I received were William Wallace and two Scottish foot.

The figures stand 28mm (Barrett Scale) and have medium builds. They are well proportioned and completely free of flash. The weapons and shields are cast separately. The Wallace figure is a fair copy of Mel Gibson's character, but different enough (hair not quite as long, facial expression a bit different) to be used for other foot leader types. He stands with arm raised and his mouth open, yelling in defiance at Edward's Sassenach invaders. He wears the traditional kilt and armor epitomized in the movie. This is a good-looking figure, and one I quickly painted up and added to my existing Medieval Scots army.

Next is a Scottish pikeman. He is standing, or rather squatting with his pike held ready to receive the English heavy cavalry. He wears a nasal helmet and has a studded corselet over his tunic. He is bearded and is also screaming oaths at his enemies. Since William needed some supporting figures on his stand, I included this one as well. Lastly is a wild Scot wielding a two-handed axe! He is swinging it overhead with both hands around it. This figure is bareheaded, but also has armor, in this instance a chainmail vest. He also is yelling as he charges forward. What the hell, he became the third figure on the stand. I subsequently added a 'dead' cavalryman to complete the mini-diorama. If any of you are at HISTORICON, stop by the Medieval Warfare tournament on Friday where this stand of figures will be doing their part as a command stand for my Medieval Scottish foot.

This is a good looking line of figures, covering a period, which has been ignored in other lines. Why, I don't know. With the success and the popularity of the movie, I would have thought this would be a sure-fire line. In any event, these figures fill this void very well. Foot figures are $1.55 and horses are $2.60. Available from G.K.G. Gaming, 86 Regan Road, Ridgefield, CT 06877. Highly recommended. Reviewed by Terry Gore.

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