
DBM Ruler and
Shield Transfers

Dave Jackson of Pharaohs Arms, PO Box 579 Merrickville, Ontario, Canada, K0G 1N0 613 269-2557 send a couple of nifty items. The first was a measuring stick for DBM. It looks like a gamer designed it as it is basically a crib sheet for the movement rules. Very professionally done, I never saw anything like it for WRG 7th. It is about 1 inch wide and 6 inches long and I imagine would be a "neat toy" for those DBM'ers who like such things. But this ruler has a hefty price tag at $3.30.

The second item David sent was some Norman decals from Veni, Vidi, Vici. Dave in his letter states that the decals come in black, blue, white, red and yellow. If you are a decal friendly person I would think these are for you. I however cannot use decals to save my life. They always wad up on me.

There is one point of concern and that is price. It could be simply a harried dealer sending an item off and a tired associate editor misreading it. But the sheets I got had four 25mm decals and sold for $3.50 [$.87 each] while there were sixteen 15mm decals [$.12 each] which sold for $1.90. But if I have screwed up Dave I am sure will let me know and I will let you all know. But Dave if I am wrong, put what you want me to say on a disk, please?

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