

by John Morris

A two-volume set of paper books published by Pallas Armata. Terry was kind enough to forward these down to me and said "You're buggy about Scottish history, what do you think?" In truth I think it is my reward from being gullible enough to be drafted into this project.

My opinion is if everything else Pallas Armata puts out is half as good as this set, IMMEDIATELY buy one of each. Gareth Simon will be delighted to send you a list of titles [I love putting words in the mouths of the unsuspecting...] if you write him and send him a S.A.S.E.. His address is 98 Priory Road, Tonbridge, Kent, TN9 2BP England. Friendly advice; write him. He appears to have a gazillion books on just about any topic.

As regards this particular fine set the only criticism is the photos are a bit dark and it is not a hardback. I have read so many books on this era that my wife allows me to have 500 odd books in the house and the rest are in storage out in the barn.

Arrogantly said he, "I have read enough crap on this period of Scottish history to be a fussbudget." But Morris passes the Fish test with flying colors. By page eight he was tying up old loose ends for me and by page ten Morris' elegant choice of words and simplified delivery had completely captured me. He is gifted with the talent of taking very convoluted circumstances and making them not only easy to understand but allowing the reader to grasp them for future reference.

This set is not a hard read and is well worth the money. This gets the Fish seal of approval and would be a must buy if you are interested in this period.

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