by Pete Panzeri
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Any standard HMGS type GM form: must INCLUDE "HMGS HOT'98" at top; email GM data to: or call 1-800-529-EXPO ext. 212. OR snail address: ANDON ORIGINS *ATTN HMGS* PO Box 13500 Columbus, OH 43213 OR Can submit game on web page: (MUST Mention HMGS HOT and also please notify: HMGS-Troy Boni <> and ME for HMGS ORIGNS TEAM free accomodations (this would be a select needy few.) Last year we had over 110 Historical Games for HMGS at Origins, a great team of HMGS MEMBERS to run our booth, and we recruited over 50 new HMGS members from around the world. (about a dozen from GL area. This year we need more GMs to sign up early to make it into the ORIGINS pre-event book with a great color spread AND HMGS Advertisement. The Deadline is comming up soon! please help!! The HMGS Origins TEAM 1998 ORIGINS ™ International Game Expo, July 2 - 5, 1998 Columbus, OH The 1997 HISTORICAL MINIATURES GAMING SOCIETY (HMGS) Origins Project was a smashing success, AND "...we're baaack!" HMGS is invading ORIGINS again in 1998 with a crack team of Veteran HMGS Game-Masters. These include Pete Panzeri's big (1:1 scale/25mm/25 player) "LITTLE BIG HORN" and related seminar which won the HMGS BEST of SHOW award at HMGS FALL IN 1997. ALSO look for the MASSIVE "ALAMO" game sponsored by Old Glory Miniatures, and Mark Cambell's "CLEAR FOR ACTION" naval battles running throughout the weekend. Veteran Game Designer Jim Getz's innovative "CHEF DE PIQUET NAPOLEONICS," will be featured; over one dozen "NAPOLEON'S BATTLES SCENARIOS" from Bryan Leshinskie's team, a spectacular "Scottish Clans at Culloden" by Mike Demana, Chris VonFahnestock's massive 15mm "EASTERN FRONT OFFENSIVE," Troy Boni's [motion] picture-perfect "LAST OF THE MOHICANS AMBUSH," Bill Acheson's popular "WWI AERIAL ACES," a marathon demonstration of Tim Donovan's and his new "WARBAND And RETINUE " (WAR) Rules System. (Tim's Viking Raid ran an incredible 12 times during Origins 97.) Paul Westermeyer will present his "De Belis Antiqutatis Mini-tournament" and also "AIR ASSAULT on CRETE." Join veteran HMGS game masters Dave Doty and Rich Masse, in their a MONSTER Horse and Musket "Battle of Zorndorf." Their popular fast-play rules system was a *BIG HIT* at HMGS Cold Wars 1998 with fun and thrills for all levels of wargamers. HOT'98 will feature popular HMGS Game Masters from the local HMGS Great Lakes Chapter and across the USA. HMGS MEMBERS get a special deal to exclusively benefit HMGS members: 1. HMGS members get a 10% discount to pre-register. 2. A badge-ribbon for UNLIMITED HMGS Gaming costs only $5. (Otherwise there is a $1.25 fee to use the computer reservation ticket system to reserve a spot in a game.) There are 3 weeks between the Origins and HMGS Historicon '98, so hard-core HMGS members would do well to attend both conventions. While many events fill up at Historicon, 90% of the Origins games are always wide open (and open spots in HMGS games are always free). Look for the ANDON PRE-Event Book for Origins 1998 and you'll find dozens more of what is in store for "HOT'98!" Our HMGS GOALS for HOT'98 are: #1. Recruit Origins ALTGAMERS to HMGS. #2 Deliver quality successful HMGS games to Origins and HOT. #3. Attract HMGS Gamers to Origins and HOT. TIME TO BEGIN RECRUITING HMGS GM's and attendees for HOT'98: #1 - DISCOUNTS FOR HMGS MEMBERS ATTENDING ORIGINS: HMGS Attendees can get a coupon from their chapter newsletter or HOT'98 for 10% off of the Origins PRE-REGISTRATION admission price. (Those pre-registering via fax or e-mail must provide a copy of the coupon) Information will be in HMGS Chapter Newsletters, and the ORIGINS Pre-Registration Program. #2- HMGS EVENTS, HOT Attendees may: a. Play free in all HMGS EVENTS with *open spots -- "first come-first served." (90% of 110 historical games were *open in 1997) b. Electronically preregister for any HMGS event for a $1.25 ticket fee. c. Purchase an "HMGS Ribbon" [$5.00] for unlimited pre-registration in ALL Historical Events (this equates to free-gaming if you use the discount coupon). #3- INCENTIVES FOR HMGS GAME MASTERS/Judges [several options] a. One Day: Judge one (4 /hr.) HMGS event for a One-Day ORIGINS badge. b. Multiple Day GM/judges - Judge 2 HMGS events (4 hour minimum each) and assist 2 hours at the HMGS table and receive a FREE four-day badge.* c. Free Accommodations are available for Showcase HMGS GameMasters; contact: Troy Boni <> *NOTE: These "HMGS GM" options are different (better) from the normal Andon GM compensation. Submit all GM data to: (MUST Mention you are an HMGS GM and notify: Troy Boni <> #4 TWO game rooms will be used for HMGS Events and priority for all table locations. This special consideration will affect what type of games are running around them and also visibility to the public to promote the HMGS events. #5- Provide FIVE HMGS DEMO Tables for HMGS in the MAIN DEMO area for SHOWCASE HMGS HISTORICAL GAMES during the entire four day convention. Thanks for your support! Pete Panzeri ( *THIS IS THE HMGS ORIGINS'98 COUPON*THIS IS THE HMGS ORIGINS'98 COUPON*THIS IS THE HMGS ORIGINS'98 COUPON**THIS IS THE HMGS ORIGINS'98 COUPON* PRE - Registration MUST be an HMGS MEMBER and submit coupon. [PRE-registration only] NAME: _________________ ADDRESS _______________ HMGS CHAPTER: _____________ CHAPTER PRESIDENT: __________ ORIGINS [HMGS] PO Box 13500 Columbus, OH 43213. Email: HMGS ORIGINS: Or submit on web page: HOT COUPON!!! HMGS Game Master INVITATION HOT '98 Origins Team I am requesting your help and individual talents with the HMGS Origins Team 1998. LAST YEAR (1997) we had over 100 Historical Miniatures Games at Origins and signed up scores of new HMGS Members! We are Planning now for HOT'98. OUR GOALS for HOT'98: #1. Attract more historical GAMERS to Origins and HOT'98 #2. Deliver more quality HMGS Game Masters to Origins #3. Recruit NEW Historical Gamers from "ALT.GAMERS" at ORIGINS Please respond by calling emailing or submitting the form below. THIS ONE PROJECT, could POTENTIALLY BE the single greatest contribution any one of us can make to grow the hobby! Pete Panzeri, Director, HMGS International, and HMGS Origins GM registration for HOT '98. USMAIL to: *HMGS ORIGINS* PO Box 13500, Columbus, OH 43213 Email to: HMGS-ORIGINS
for info call 1-800-529-EXPO Please mention "HMGS-Origins" NAME: __________________________________________ ADDRESS: __________________________________________ PHONE: __________________________________________ EMAIL: __________________________________________ Times I'd like to work at the HMGS Booth: _____________________ EVENT TITLE: ____________________________________ DESCRIPTION: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
SCALE: ____________________________________RULES:_________________________________ REQUESTED TIME: Number of Players: __________________ DURATION: ___________ TABLE: _______' x _______' OTHER DATA: Back to Rebel Yell No. 8 Table of Contents Back to Rebel Yell List of Issues Back to Master Magazine List © Copyright 1998 by HMGS South This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other military history articles and gaming articles are available at |