by Rhett Scott
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Friday Afternoon The Battle of Crete April 12 1896: A French squadron has undertaken a blockade of Crete in an effort to quell the insurrection that began in February. The British, in support of the Greek intentions to Annex Crete, have sent part of their Mediterranean Fleet to relieve the island. The admirals in command of both forces have orders to engage. GM: Authors and the SEEKRIEG Admiralty. Era: Pre-dreaduought. Scale: 1:6000. Rules: SEEKRIEG 5. Players: 8. Battle Fleet Gothic Pick-Up Game: Introductory game, Imperial versus Chaos Fleets. GM: Cameron Ferguson. Era: Sci-Fi. Rules: Standard Battle Fleet Gothic. Beginners welcome. Players: 2+. Table: 41 x 8'. Eviction Notice: The Zanzibari slavers have set up a fortified village in your district and are cutting into the profits of the Congo Free State. Your task is to drive them out and recover anything of value that you can find. GM: Dwight Jones. Era: Colonial Africa. Rules: The Sword in Africa. Scale: 25mm. Players: 6. Table size: 51 x 8'. Advance on Baghdad: Armor races to relieve the light airborne forces holding the Saddam Hussein International Airport south of Baghdad. Forces loyal to the Thug of Baghdad resist. GM: Doug Bohannon and Rick Cundiff. Era: Who knows? History, Current Events, or SciFi? We won't know until we get there. Scale: 1/285. Rules: Modern Spearhead. Players: 6-12. Table size: 8' x 20'. Friday Evening The Road to Mohacs: Ottoman hordes invade Hungary in the 16* Century. In the early years of this century the Turks would overrun Hungary and threaten Vienna. GM: Chuck Holabird and Jon Laughlin. Era: Renaissance. Rules: Clash of Arms. Scale: 15mm. Players: 4- 6. Table: 5' x 9'. Hill 112: Normandy France July 1944. Can remnants of the 7th Hampshires and 9th Royal Tank Regiment hold the Village of Maltot against elements of the 10th SS, 12th SS and Willi Fey in Tiger 134. GM: Steve Guilbert and Rich Gause. Scale: 28mm. Rules: Battleground, 6-8 players. Table size: 6' by 121. Punic World War: Description Are you the next Hannibal, Scipio or Pyrhus? In this event your defeated enemy becomes your vassal and sub-general in the next battle. Losses carry over from battle to battle so players must weigh their options carefully. The game ends in one large four on four Big Battle DBA game! Beginners welcome. GM: Martin Schmidt. Players: 8. Experience level of the players Novices welcome Rules: De Beflis Antiquitatis (DBA)v2.0 Table Size: two 3' x 5' (end to end) Second Day at Gettysburg: A "what if?" scenario. It is July 2nd, 1863. Gen. Longstrect has convinced General Lee to attempt to turn the Union left flank at Gettysburg. As Hill's Corps extends itself to cover the union front, the divisions of Hood and McLaws begin to move south of Big Round Top. In their path is Buford's beat up cavalry division. North of, and behind, Little Round Top is the Union 5th Corps. Will It arrive in time and stop Longstrcet or will the Rebs bit the Yankees from behind? Let's find out. GM: Nick Zizo. Era: ACW. Scale: 25mm. Players: up to six. Experience level: Some experience with Fire and Fury preferred. Rules: Fire and Fury. Table size: 8'X 5'. Ramilles 1706: Marlborough's greatest victory. How did he fool Villeroi? Last year the allied attack bogged down in the marshes of Flanders. Can they do better this time? GM: Pat Condray. Scale 15mm. Rules: Wargaming the Age of Marlborough. Players: 6-8. Table size: 6' x 101. Komandorski Islands March 26, 1943: One of the few VvrW2 battles in the old tradition-a daylight gunfight. A recreation of the historic battle between Japanese'and American cruisers and destroyers with a slight twist-Admiral MeMorris gets and unexpected addition to TG 16.6 as the USN prepares for the capture of Attu. Beginners welcome. GM: Authors and the SEEKRIEG Admiralty. Era: WWIL Scale: 1:600. Rules: SEEKRIEG 5. Players: 9. Eutaw Springs, 1781. A nasty little fight in South Carolina, just prior to Yorktown. American General Greene attacks a smaller force under British Colonel Stewart. MVP Prizes for each side. GM: Bob Moon. Era: AWL Scale: 25mm. Rules: modified Fire and Fury. Experience: Young folk under 16 welcome with playing adult. Players: 6-7. Table size: 10' x 61. Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers: Description: The Warriors of Rohan aided by mighty Heroes clash with the Forces of Evil for control of their Kingdom and for the Fate of all Middle earth. GM: John Adams. Scale: 25 (small) MM. Rules: Games Workshop's The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers. # Players: 2-8. No experience required. Table Size: 4 ft x 8 ft. Battle Fleet Gothic "Free for All". New players welcome. Fleet strength 500 points maximum. You versus everyone else-last man standing wins! GM: Cameron Ferguson. Rules: Standard Battle Fleet Gothic. Players: 2+. Table 41 x 81. ZULU - "de Weerdt's farm". Can the British find the de Weerdt family and rescue them, before their farm is over-run by a marauding force of Zulu warriors? All players will be on the British side. The game runs the Zulus. RULES: a variant for TSATF: "Every Man A Briton". GM: Jay Stribling. Era: Colonial. Rules: Battalion TSATF. Scale: 25mm. Players: 6-8. Table size: 61 x 101." Advance on Baghdad: Continued from Friday Afternoon. Fighting for Home and Hearth: A small village in the western part of the Perdican Empire's Northern Territory is under siege by invaders from across the Great Rift River. All able bodied men have been captured or killed. Those who remain are subjected to terror and violence by the humanoid marauders. Can a small group of women rise against this occupation and free their homeland from certain doom? GM: Scott Presley. Era: Fantasy. Rules: Dungeons and Dragons 3rd D20. Players: 6 - 8. Blood of the Gods: (Arabia, ca. 1900)"- Bill takes his back-stabbing plot lines from his usual arena, the Dark Ages, into the Colonial period. Inspired by Robert E. Howard's novella 'Blood of the Gods', players take command of surly European outlaws, European caravan guards, vicious Bedouin tribesmen, or the literary hero himself- "El Borak". Blood feuds and grudges must be settled as players hunt for the hermit Al Wazir and his priceless rubies through a haunted and mystical Oasis. GM Bill Short. Era: Colonial. Rules: The Sword in Africa. 9 players. Table WO preferred, but 6x10 will work. GM- Bill Short. Saturday Morning WARHAMMER Fantasy Battles-Rogue Trader Tournament (RTT): Armies limited to 2000 points. Standard GW Tournament Rules. Twenty-four slots. The tournament will begin Saturday morning and run through three games, completing by Saturday evening. To register, and to clear army lists, contact John Holmes WARMASTER Rogue Trader Tournament (RTT): Three round tournament. Twelve slots. The Tournament will begin Saturday morning and run through three games, completing by Saturday evening. To register, and to clear army lists, contact Tom Ferris. Battlemasters Junior Tournament: Two Rounds. Maximum game length 90 minutes. After two rounds are complete the two highest scoring kids face each other in the finals. Trophy presentation for the Tournament Winner. GM: Karina Fontana. Era: Fantasy. Scale; 28mm. Rules: Battlemasters. Players; 4-6. Table size: 5'x 6'. Battle of the Generals: Description Four separate battle problems. A Chariot battle, Punic Wars, Dark Age slaughter, and High Medieval clash. (one pair from each of the four WRG 'books'). Players will rotate and score points based on their results compared to the other generals using the same armies. Beginners welcome. GM: Martin Schmidt. Players: 8. Experience level of the players: Novices welcome. Rules: De Bellis Antiquitatis (DBA) v2.0. Table Size: two 3 x 5 (end to end). Breakout from the Cherkassy Pocket: In January 1944, the Red Army had once again broken through a thin German defensive perimeter, this time along the Dneiper River and surrounded thousands of hapless Wehrmacbt troops. In the swirling snow and bitter cold, it became obvious to everyone that the armored relief effort would fall short, and the Kessel would remain isolated. Therefore, Manstein gave the order for the 50,000 surviving soldiers of Group Stemmermann to break out to freedom and a hot meal. Join us as the Germans try to escape the closing Soviet noose at night in the middle of blinding snowstorm. Beginners welcome. GM: Bill Bass Era: World War II Scale: Micro-armor. Rules: Command Decision 2. Players: 6-12. Table: 5'x9' Paritschi-Destruction of Army Group Center, June 25 1944: Always one for irony, the Russians launch "Operation Bagration" on 22 June 1944, three years to the day the Germans launch Barbarossa. The objective is the complete destruction of Army Group Center. On 24 June the offensive is extended to the southern portion of Army Group Center, the 9,h Army. Elements of the 36th Division attempt to block the Russian thrust as Kampfgruppe Ulrich races to seal the gap. There is a twist; all players will be on the German side commanding elements of the 36 1h Division and Kampfgruppe Ulrich against a programmed Russian side run by the GM! GM: Marc Rebhun. Era: WWII. Scale: 15mm. Rules: Rapid Fire. Players: 57. Table: 6 W x 8'. Talavera de La Reina July 1809: Wellington faces off against the French with a mixed Anglo-Spanish force. Historically Wellington won, after which the first the French, then the Spanish, then the British retreated. GM: Chuck Holabird. Era: Napoleonic. Scale: 15mm. Rules; Napoleon's Battles. Players: 4-6. Table: 4' x 81. Last Remake of Bribuega-18 March 1937: Adjusted to reflect more accurate geography. Once again 4 Blackshirt Legions (a reinforced division) face the attack of 4 Republican Brigades with Pavlov's armor and massive air support. One more time while I research what was happening on the other side of the Badiel. GM: Pat Condray. Scale 20mm. Rules: Viva El Cristo Rey! Modified. Players: 6-8. Table size: 6'x 10'. The Final Sortie-April 17, 1918: A sortie by the German High Seas Fleet to intercept and destroy a late war Allied convoy results in a clash between German battlecruisers of the 1st Scouting Group and American battleships of the Grand Fleet's 6th Battle Squadron. Both sides are using their light cruisers as scouts ahead of the formation and visibility is rather poor when they meet just before sunset. Beginners welcome. GM: Authors and the SEEKRIEG Admiralty, Era: WWI. Scale: 1:6000. Rules: SEEKRIEG 5. Players: 10. (Two session game.) Bentonville 1865: The last hurrah for the Southern Cause. Can you make a difference, or will Sherman complete his devastating swath through the Carolinas. GM: Bob Moon. Era: ACW. Scale: 25mm. Rules: Modified Fire and Fury. Experience level: Young folks under 16 welcome with playing adult. Table size: 10' x 61. Courage and Futility, The Battle of Fredericksburg December 13*, 1862: Come and play the feature battle of the new Fire & Fury Scenario book entitled "Winters of Discontent". The book is due out in mid 2003 and will feature this and six other brigade level scenarios written by the host for new Fire & Fury book. GM: Bill Moreno with assistance from Paul Robinson & Mitchell Bates. Scale: 10mm. Era: ACW. Rules: Fire & Fury. Players; 10. Table size. 6.5' x 12'. This game won best of show at Recon 1999. Come and play with nicely painted 10mm troops over a beautifully sculpted terrain board. Battle and Siege of Alesia 52 BC: Gaius Julius Caesar makes a double line of siege works - some 25 miles in total around the Gallic city of Alesia. Approximately 60,000 Romans besiege Vercingetorix while an army or some 250,000 Gauls makes the attempt to relieve the siege. 1st day's battle, some 20,000 Gallic cavalry along with 5,000 archers battle about 7,000 Roman and German cavalry. 2nd day's battle, around 180,000 Gallic infantry assault the Roman siege lines while Vercingetorix attempts to break out Over 2500 15mm figures, huge 8' X 4' siege layout and city all the entrenchments and equipment. GM: Bob Richardson. Rules : modified Tactics. Era: Classical Antiquity (Republican Rome.) Players: 2-8 Prizes provided by Hobbytown USA. Marvel Hero Clix Demonstration open to all Judge is Adam Ambute, figures will be provided for this session. 2-10 players everyone will get a figure. Boer and Roineck: Heroic Boers fight for freedom, independence, and the right to keep the Kaffirs in line. Foreigners (Roinecks, or Rednecks) right for Queen Victorian and the right to annex the mines of Kimberly. GM: Jay Stribling. Era: Late Colonial. Scale: 25mm. Rules: TSATF. Players: 6 to 8. Table: 6' x 10". Kideappin' Kobolds: Kobolds descend on the peaceful town of (Whatever) with only one thing in mind ... Hunger. But if these adolescent "adventurers" wish to finish puberty, they'd better keep their appetites in check long enough to return to the kobold eaves with fresh baby. King Torg ("All Hail King Torg") isn't above citing kobold's who return empty handed. GM: Daniel Macey. Genre: Comedy. Game: Kobolds Ate My Baby. Rules: KAMB3E (BEER Engine). Players: 4-8. (and remember, kobolds rely on numbers to defeat their enemies. The Colonel's Secret Recipe: Most terrorists are in it for the cause, the rest are in it for the money. One such piece of scum is a former US Air Force Colonel, Hank Scorpio. Gun running, drug trafficking, and information brokering are all part of the Colonel's web of influence. He has been remarkably lucky in avoiding the authorities until now. You are part of an elite task force which has been assembled to bring this villain to justice. GM: Michael Kurak. Era: Modern Day. Rules: Spycraft D20. Players: 6. Thrown to the Goblins: Your army is broken, the survivors scattered, you are the survivors of the cataclysmic battle. Now alone, hungry, cold, and tired, the six of you, survivors of wildly different units, must use your wits and skills to escape the snare of the goblins from the wilds. GM: Kevin Halleran. Era: Fantasy. Rules: Dungeons and Dragons 3rd D20. Players: 6. Meteor or Menace? An unidentified object has crash landed outside the city and now innocent people are turning up dead near the site of the crater. Our Superheroes must find out what is causing the death and stop it. Jump into the worlds of your favorite comic book heroes with Mutants & Masterminds Role Playing Game, as you become the heroes that must once again use brain and brawn to save the city. GM: Chris Coffin. Era: Modern Day. Rules: Mutants & Masterminds D20. Players: 4 - 5. In Defense of Narolith. The northwestern region of the Perdican Empire is under invasion by war-bands from the Orc Nation. Harsh winter weather is interfering with defensive efforts of the provincial cohorts and allowing the invaders to push deeper into the territory. The prefect of Narolith sees his town next in line to be razed by the ores and their unseen masters. The barbarians are at the gate but help from the Imperial Legion is more than a day away. Can the town's defenders old out until then? Additional Info: This adventure uses pre - generated characters of 5th level. All ages are welcome but some RPG experience will be useful. GM: Scott Presley. Era: Fantasy. Rules: Dungeons and Dragons D20. Players: 4 - 6. Operation Nighthawk- You are members of a combat rescue team In the House Sarava (Silver Dragons).Your ship has received a distress call. "Mayday, Mayday. Our ship is under attack. The invaders-necromancer-we are dying-Please, help us. Anybody-" Your ship has altered course. The distressed ship Is not faraway. Will you get there In time? GM: Richard Farris. Era: Science Fiction based on Magic. Game: D&D 3rd/ using Arsenal variant. Players: 4- 6. Cawnpore 1857: The pandy has turned to face the pursuing British troops at a small village outside cawimpore. A meeting engagement using "The Devil's Wind". GMs: Rickey Grice and Chuck Kennedy. Era: Indian Mutiny. Players: 4-8 (Basic experience necessary.) Table size: 41 x 81. (two session game) What if Custer had paid cash Instead of charging? Battle of Little Big Horn with a twist. Referees will control the 7th Cavalry as gainers control the swarming hordes of Redsidus. Plenty of action using the tomahawk and the flame with plenty of pig wars latin thrown in by referee Bill Short. GMs: Bill "Pig Wan" Short and Chuck Kennedy. Era: Sioux War of 1876. Rules: ? Players: Up to 8 (Basic Experience Level.) (two session game.) Saturday Afternoon Cherkassy Pocket. Continued from Saturday morning. Ancients Tournament: NASAMW Deep South DBA State Championship. Description: This tournament is a qualifier for the NICT at Historicon'03. Players may bring any 15mm army, camp and terrain from the DBA 2.0 rulebook. Loaner armies available. Format will be the same as used in the NICT. Alternate RUA rules will be used. Additional entry fee. $25 top prize. GM: Martin Schmidt. Players: 16. Experience level: Players should be experienced. Rules used: De Bellis Antiquitatis (DRA) v2.0. Table Size four 3 x 5 (end to end). For questions contact: Martin Schmidt 321-720-0183 The Final Curtain. May 1945. Join in the final Soviet assault on the heart of Berlin. GM: Jim Berhalter # players 8 Experience level of the players Any Rules used simplified Battleground WW2. Time preferred Session 3 (Saturday AM Table Size 4' x 8'. The Final Sortie: Second half of two session game. See description from Saturday morning. Fredericksburg: Continued from morning session. Siege of Alesia. (continues from morning session): 3rd day's battle, approximately 60,000 picked Gallic warriors assault the Roman fortifications at a weak point while 240,000 others attempt to pin the Romans down in their final attempt to break the siege. 2-8 players Prizes provided by Hobbytown USA. Marvel Heroclix Tournament: This will be a standard tournament each player must provide his own figures. Prizes provided by Hobbytown USA and Wizkids 2-8 players Heavy Ground - Boxer Rebellion. Description: "When you enter deeply into other's land, past many cities and towns, this is called heavy ground" - Son Tze. "This Is ground from which it b hard to return" - Cao Cao. A multinational force of allies ventures far from the campaign in an effort to rescue and extract civilians from a remote mission. Several surprises for the sllks, some for the Chinese as well. 15mm miniatures, platoon level. GM: Tod P. Zechiel . Rules: Tuan: Boxer Rebellion Miniature RaW Scale: 15mm. Experience level: Beginner. # Players: 2-6. Table Size: 4'x8' The Sikhs Cross the Sudej: A well trained native army of the Sikh religious movement has gone to war against the British Raj. This game will pit the Bengal Army against the Khalsa early in the Victorian Colonial Era, and demonstrate a new version of TSATF. GM: Mark Stevens. Era: Sikh War of 1845. Rules: Eight Hundred Fighting Englishmen (The Colonel and the Band!) (battalion level TSATF). Players: 6-8. Table size: 6' x 101. The Mage's Machinations: While traveling through a volcanic mountain range, you encounter a primitive tribesman running for his life. Moments later, several ores covered with mechanical wear led by a giant half-machine Minotaur catch up to the fleeing man. A battle unfolds as the mechanical monsters attempt to capture you as well. The tribesman speaks in an unknown language to you and beckons for you to follow. He leads you to a nearby cave where you meet a wise woman that tells you of a place full of evil where the mechanical creatures are many and that they have launched constant attacks on the caves attempting to gain more slaves. The woman begs you for your help, will you help her? GM: Robert Sivilli. Era: Fantasy. Rules: Dungeons and Dragons 3rd D20. Players: 4 - 8. (preferably Beginners to intermediates) Achilles Heel: The horror of battle has been replaced by the grim determination to stop the advancing horde of goblins bent on ravaging your homelands. The six of you, after demonstrating your ability to work together have been tasked with finding the source of the goblin's strength. GM: Kevin Halleran. Era: Fantasy. Rules: Dungeons and Dragons 3rd D20. Players: 6. Prophecies: The lands surrounding the trade cities of Damascus and Marcusgrad have only just found peace following a brutal series of wars. The Order of St. Nathaniel has begun a crusade to educate and rebuild society, beginning first with prodigies born into the commonwealth. These caravans travel the land under guard of hired mercenaries, adventurers, and sell-swords. When members of a growing militant group, calling themselves Legionnaires, attack out of these caravans, the monks agree to reward anyone with information regarding the attack. Soon the investigations unlock the secrets that hint to a separatist movement within the freedom fighting Legionnaires, a child slave ring, and a sadistic cult that reaches salvation through torture and agonizing death. The true secrets lie in the mysterious orchestrator of these events and his lust for revenge through the fulfillment of his own prophecies. GM: Daniel Macey. Era: Fantasy. Rules: EPIC I" Edition. Players: 4-6 FedCom Civil War - Battleground Karnheim. The political feud between Katrina SteinerDavion and her brother Victor, has enveloped the Federated Commonwealth in conflict for years. Now, with full scale war raging, the control of territory and the placement of military assets is of the utmost importance. The planet Karnheim is a vital location for Katrina's forces, but the population is loyal to Victor. Can the determined but poorly equipped citizens stand against a battle hardened military force?This adventure pits a defending force of infantry, vehicles and Battlemechs against an attacking force of four veteran Battlemech lances. It is designed for 8 Battletecb players of any age. GM: Scott Presley & Chris Coffin. Era: Sci-fi. Rules: Classic BattleTech. Players: 8. Table Size: 5' x 8'. Cawnpore (Indian Mutiny): See description from Saturday morning. "Silence those Guns!" (Gordon Relief Expedition, Sudan, late 1884) Elements of the Desert Column are detached to assist troops of the River Column in an assault to remove two captured Krupp guns from commanding positions on the Nile. Strength of the Mahdist force is unknown. Sorry Chaps, no time to daily. Another day cannot be lost Open the river and "Dash for Gordon"! GM- Bill Short and Frank Frey. Era: Colonial. Rules: Sword and the Flame 20th Players: 8-10. Table size: 81 x 101 preferred. Saturday Evening Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers: Description: The Warriors of Rohan aided by mighty Heroes clash with the Forces of Evil for control of their Kingdom and for the Fate of all Middle earth. GM: John Adams. Scale: 25 .(small) MM. Rules: Games Workshop's The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers. # Players: 2-8. No experience required. Table Size: 4 ft x 8 Cowpens-A Devil of a Whipping!: Bloody Banastre Tarleton (of Tarleton's Quarter Fame) pins American General Dan Morgan's forces against a river and launches an all out attack to annihilate the American raiders. Few would escape (of Tarleton's command that is.) GM: Chuck Holabird and Bernie Chambers. Era: American War of Independence. Rules: Age Of Reason. Scale: 25mm. Playerst 4-6. Table: 41 x 8'. Battle of Ludhiana: A raiding Sikh army runs into a British force under Sir Harry Smith. Not your ordinary colonials. A well trained and organized native force raced with British colonial (the John Company) forces in the smoothbore musket era. GM: Mark Stevens. Era: Sikh War of 1845. Rules: 800 Fighting Englishmen (TSATF). Players: 6-8. Table size: 61 x 101. The Mage's Machinations : See Saturday afternoon listing. Merchant Troubles: A merchant house has dared to defy your noble house and establish a Citadel in your territory. You must make them pay. All who dare stand up to your great house must be destroyed! First you must find them. GM: Richard Farris. Era: Fantasy. Rules: D&D 3rd / Under Dark D20. Players: 4-8. The Horde Stops Here! Having discovered the terrifying truth of the goblin advance; the six of you take the final steps to halt, for now, the advance of the goblin army, at any cost. GM: Kevin Halleran. Era: Fantasy Rules: Dungeons and Dragons 3rd D20. Players: 6. War in the Shadows: The Perdican Empire has learned that the invasion of the Northern Territory is being directed by priestess of the dark elf goddess Lolth. A detachment of Praetorian Guards has been sent to capture or destroy the foul drow directing the occupation of the town Narolith. Even with the assistance of the Officio Imperialist's DivineOrder, Can these brave soldiers succeed? Additional Info: This adventure uses pre - generated characters of 6th level, all ages are welcome but RPG experience is required. GM: Scott Presley. Era: Fantasy. Rules: Dungeons and Dragons 3rd D20. Players: 4-6. Battle of St. Vith: The 7th Armored Division holds off the German onslaught during the Battle of the Bulge. This game focuses on the classic action fought by the 1st Armored and attached troops which delayed the desperate German offensive for crucial day. Modeling superb. GM: Richard Huntington. Era: WWII. Rules: Home rules. Scale: 20mm. Sunday Morning Botuvels Crown: King Botuve, ruler of a small but prosperous tribe, has struggled steadfastly to resist the encroachment of colonial powers and to maintain his independence. However his village and crown have been stolen. He must regain them or lose his power. GM: Dwight Jones. Era: Colonial Africa. Rules: The Sword in Africa. Scale: 25mm. Players: 6. Table size: 5' x 8'. Back to Rebel Yell No. 22 Table of Contents Back to Rebel Yell List of Issues Back to Master Magazine List © Copyright 2003 by HMGS South This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. 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