by John Marron
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This scenario represents a fictional action based on the early morning surprise attacks by German forces on newly arrived American troops stationed in the Ardennes on December 16, 1944. The scenario represents a tiny corner of the much larger "Battle of the Bulge", and while fictional, is representative of the numerous heroic struggles by outgunned and outnumbered American troops during the vital first hours of this last major German offensive of the war. Scenario Specific Rules: Surprise The German player moves units onto the table as usual. Whenever the American player would normally have LOS to an enemy unit, roll one die as follows:
Spotting attempts may be made as per Reaction fire attempts (ie, one per move action). Armor units are automatically "spotted" (by sound), and as soon as one moves on the board surprise is lost. If the unit is spotted, the American unit may take reaction fire as normal, and surprise is lost. As long as a German unit is not spotted, the German player retains surprise, and may continue moving units until one is spotted. Once surprise is lost, play continues as normal. Deep Snow - Certain areas of the table are covered in deep snow. The players should ideally not be aware of the location of these patches. If a referee is present, mark the locations on a sketch map of the table. If not, roll a d6 each time a natural terrain feature (not structure) is entered or an area of open ground is crossed. On a roll of 1-3, the area has deep snow. Units entering deep snow move to the center of the feature or open area and are automatically pinned. They will require a successful morale roll to remove the pin before they can move further, but the roll is made at a +2 modifier. The morale roll to remove the pin is not made until the next friendly initiative. American Reinforcements - On the first American initiative after German surprise is lost, the American player rolls 2d6. On a roll of 2 or 12, the three M10 Tank Destroyer's will arrive on the following American initiative. Roll for which road the TDs arrive on (one of the three roads coming in from the American base edge). If the roll is not made on the first initiative, roll on the next initiative, with the reinforcements arriving on rolls of 2-3 or 11-12. Keep rolling in this fashion (adding one number to the top and bottom chances) each initiative until the TDs arrive (ie, 3rd roll = 2-4 or 10-12, 4th roll = 2-5 or 9-12, etc.). American Briefing: Thiersville, Belgium 0530, December 16th, 1944 You are in command of company G, 2nd battalion, 424th Infantry Regiment, 106th (Golden Lion) division. Two months ago, your unit was just completing basic training in Georgia. Two weeks ago, your men were landing on the European continent for the first time. Five days ago, you moved into your current front-line positions in this small Belgian village. None of the men of your command have been under enemy fire yet, but nightly patrols have given you a sense that the war is finally "real". Aside from the bitter cold and heavy snowfall, morale is holding up well. You have been sent to this quiet sector of the Ardennes forest for orientation and further training. The war seems much closer here, and the distant flash and thunder of heavy artillery lights up the night skies periodically, but otherwise all is quiet. The krauts are on the run and have been for the last 6 months, ever since the D-Day landings. You look forward to a slow transition into the front lines and rumors continue to circulate around camp that the war will be over by Christmas… American Forces: On Board
1 Engineer Platoon with 1 PC (+1) and 3 rifle stands (Regular) 1 Heavy machine Gun squad
Reinforcements - 3 M10 Tank Destroyers Note: American officers may only apply their plusses to morale rolls, not close combat rolls. All on-board American units start the game hidden. Their location should be marked on a sketch map of the table. German Briefing: Ardennes Forest, Belgium 0530, December 16th, 1944 You command elements of the Fifth VolksGrenadier Armee. Most of your troops consist of young boys and old men who have answered the Fatherland's call in this hour of need. The rest are veterans, recently pulled off of the East Front for this offensive, Hitler's brilliant but desperate plan to break through the weak allied forces in the Ardennes and race to the coast. These veterans are tired, and, believing that the war will soon be over, wish only to survive and return home to the families they have not seen for many years. However, the mood has brightened in recent days as the attack draws near, despite the bitter cold and heavy snowfall. The presence of tanks bolsters your men's spirits, and the few old hands talk about the heady days of 1940 when the glorious German army broke through this same area of Belgium and conquered France in a lightning advance. Your objective is to clear any enemy forces from the crossroads village of Thiersville so that General Dietrich's heavy panzers behind you can push on to the major road junction at St. Vith. Your commanding officer has opted for a surprise attack (instead of a preliminary bombardment with heavy artillery that some commanders have chosen). The Amis (Americans) have no idea of your strength, and quiet infiltration could lead to an almost bloodless victory. Just remember how noisy your supporting armor is… German Forces:
1 SMG Squad (Regulars) 1 HMG squad 1 81mm mortar team (off-board) with a FO stand on-board 2 companies, each with
1 HMG squad 3 Platoons, each with
2 PzIV H's
MapAmericans start left of the arrow, Germans enter the table from the right-hand edge. Walled Farm - In our game we use special rules for the wall around the farm complex. It is at least shoulder high. Any stand adjacent to the wall is assumed to be firing over it and may be seen by enemy stands with LOS to that part of the wall. Units firing over the wall get the -1 die cover modifier from direct fire (not indirect fire). Stands that are "back" from the wall are assumed to be in the courtyard and the wall blocks line of sight to them (except for units on higher ground [as in sighting into a depression]). The wall blocks all LOS to units on the far side of the complex. ![]() Back to Rebel Yell No. 11 Table of Contents Back to Rebel Yell List of Issues Back to Master Magazine List © Copyright 1998 by HMGS South This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other military history articles and gaming articles are available at |