by Abram Paradies
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"I do not mean to intrude, but won't the cave flood if the dam is broken?" asked Keri. Rollvag looked at Elkin, who said: "The cave mouth is at a higher elevation than the castle. The flood waters will not be able to reach that height." After Rollvag looked from man to man and no one spoke, he decided that they would rest for seven hours, or about the time that dusk would arrive; before moving to the mushroom caves. "We will set a watch and then we will rest until dusk -- when we will make for the caves. Please tell everyone to keep their voices down." While everyone else found a convenient tree trunk to rest against, Rollvag went about to talk to several of his charges. He was beginning to fall into a routine and like it... First Rollvag stopped where Byc rested. "Byc, good fellow." "Yes, 'vag." "I have a question for you: can you `far see' and tell me of the comings and goings of the scout groups or other Drog forces?" "To see ahead, one must be concentrating on the effort; but yes, basically I can." "I am happy that you are attending my cave assault group. Anyway, try right now, please." Byc closed his eyes for a second, then said "I see a group of happy men drinking some grape juice of some sort around a rock. They are all intent on celebrating their victory. They are intent on telling stories... one says `Well, you group of no-good scoundrels, we will not fly today. Soon we will leave this mountain with our slaves. We will be very happy men...' That is all, 'vag." "Good!" exclaimed Rollvag, "I wonder where they got grape juice and not Drog whiskey?... Oh well, the better for us. See you later, Byc." "Fine and dandy, 'vag." Next, Rollvag went to where Elkin and Tato sat talking in quiet tones. He stopped near them and then asked to interrupt. "Elkin and Tato, can I interrupt you two for a minute?" "Certainly, Rollvag." said Tato. Elkin merely smiled. "Elkin, what exactly did you do when Neetah was trying to slice me to pieces?" Elkin smiled even more broadly and said "There is always and ever present, a field of magnetism that surrounds us. To keep Neetah from doing any serious damage, I altered the field around you in order to protect you -- just in case your abilities did not." "How did you do that?" "Rollvag, dear Elfin karwe, one day you will know this ability and how it works, but right now we have important business to attend to; resting up for the labors ahead." "Oh, very well then. Tato, I have something to say to you also." "Go ahead, 'vag." "Remember well that sometimes actions speak louder than words, and then again, sometimes not. Men are more likely to follow if they know that the leader knows what he is doing. By NOT getting sliced to bits by the master swordswoman, the rest of the Ghosts are likely to treat us as one of them. I wouldn't, however, suggest that you try the same." Tato thought a few seconds and then said: "I accept your concern and am grateful for it. Although I have not fine sword skills as you have, do not forget that I have other abilities that may, in their own way, also play an important part." "Well spoken, both of you!" said Elkin. "Now I have one more person to visit before I rest," spoke Rollvag quietly, "and I will heed your words, Elkin...." ...While working with her effereet saddle bags, she pretended not to see him approach. She rolled her long dark brown hair up beside her neck and frowned as he came to a halt several feet away. He waited patiently for her to finish her task. "You have something to say, Stormwielder?" she asked, her back still towards him. "I have an apology, advice, and a question," Rollvag replied plainly. "Busy, aren't we?" she needled, a trace of contempt in her voice. Rollvag ignored her verbal thrust. This is going to be more difficult than I thought, he noted. I believe I've got her respect as a swordsman, even if most of it was due to Elkin. But I need her trust, and the Drog pendant; he stopped, letting the thought go... "First the apology. Coming out of the woods speaking Vasquentan is rather a shock. I had not thought to hear the language again and in the middle of nowhere, up pops someone talking my home tongue, calling me Stormwielder and claiming to have 100 warriors." "I agree," she prompted, "you had not thought." Rollvag spared her a half smile at the barb. "After the caves of the Drogs, the last thing I'm going to do is let myself be captured again. So I needed to know whether you were for real or you were after the Consair. My theory, incidentally, is that when surprised, as we were, go for the leader." "Good theory, bad execution." "I suppose there were other ways, like asking Elkin. He seems to know everyone in the valley. But one day we will not have Elkin. And, more importantly, I had to know -- and show it in my own way," Rollvag said earnestly. "I hope Elkin sticks around, for your comrades' sake," she replied. Rollvag, the gruff and straightforward, remembering some of the social graces taught him long ago on a continent far away, bowed awkwardly in front of Neetah. In Vasquentan, he stated the formal apology of his people, with as solemn a voice as he ever spoke. "I entreat you to overlook my inadequacy, and so in your forgiveness we can start our days anew." And he held the bow, waiting for a reply. Neetah half turned her head with the sound of Rollvag's movement. From the corner of her eye she saw an ungainly bow. To refuse a formal apology meant a blood feud. This, she fumed inside, is the mover of nature. He can hardly move himself. She stopped checking her equipment and turned to face him. "I can hardly wait for the advice," she said to herself, enjoying the sarcasm; as her mood swung from anger to a pleasant giddiness. She stiffened slightly as the words welled from within: "I entreat you to accept forgiveness, so we may start our days anew." "Yes, m'lady," Rollvag added as he straightened. He looked deeply into her eyes as a smile crept across his face. She looked right back, her glare softening with the passing of each second. Rollvag spoke softly, like the kiss of a snowflake touching a cheek, and Neetah had to lean forward slightly to catch his confession. "Your words comfort me. Although surrounded by friends, I miss Vasquenta." Neetah smiled pleasantly and showed the barest hint of a nod. "And the advice?" she asked kindly. Rollvag drew in a deep breath, breaking the mood of the moment. "I could not help but notice that you drew your sword faster than lightning at the sight of a Drog pendant and a few Drog words." "Perhaps now you know my true feelings about Drog ways," she stated plainly. "Neetah," said Rollvag sternly, "I almost died at your hand--one which, if I had known otherwise, I would have been proud to have fighting beside me..." He let the words trail off. She seemed confused and distraught at this last phrase, but Rollvag saw her turmoil and moved to ease it. "My advice," he said soothingly, "is that sometimes we must become something we are not in order to create the opportunity to remain as we are." Neetah visibly relaxed. "Yes, I understand. Although I did intend to hurt you at first, I am glad that the results were the ones you intended. You are an amazing swordsman, Stormwielder. As for your riddle," she continued, "I am used to being very direct, sometimes to my dismay. Yet, I never stop trusting the True Lord above, who is able to do more without trying than I am with all my might. You Sir, are my earthly general, He is my spiritual one." Rollvag paused a moment to think about her words. He said: "We need to talk. I hope that your True Lord will grant us time to do so. For now, though, tell me how you got here -- half the world away from our home. You obviously have some higher abilities that I have noted..." Elkin and Vilef have asked me not to tell anyone yet -- about my past or my true Sir name; just that I have a promise in Vasquenta above all others here." "Hmm," thought Rollvag out loud, "You were captured?" "Yes, the ship that I was on was captured by the Drog raiders..." "And Elkin says not to tell me?" "I think you'll need to ask him about any more." Then she tried to change the subject. "Please, I mean this kindly -- are we friends?" Rollvag shrugged and then held himself still. "Friends, Neetah. Now and to the hereafter the Eyris are always talking about." She smiled. He respected her silence on this matter, winked at her once, and then turned back to his formalities. "I must attend to some rest. Until later, Neetah." "Until later, my General." Rollvag turned about face and paraded back to the center of the camp, but he made a mental note to speak to Elkin about Neetah's past.... Back to Arveta 4 Table of Contents Back to Arveta List of Issues Back to MagWeb Master Magazine List © Copyright 1999 by Abram Paradies. This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. |