by Abram Paradies
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It was near the seventeenth hour and getting dark when all rejoined near the road at the edge of the river. The Adventurers had spent the last several hours preparing their packs and weapons. One by one, they looked at Elkin. "Come, let us build a council fire." he said. The adventurers picked up wood and stones and started to lay them out for a small campfire. Tato would have also, had Elkin not approached him. "If you wish, Lord..." "Don't call me that!" interrupted Tato in a hushed manner. "Call me no Lord." he repeated. Elkin was undaunted and said insistently, "One day, Tato, the protocol of the times may dictate that I do so." Tato lowered his head for a moment; it was clear that he struggled to accept his new position in life..."Not until that time, Elkin." This meant the Coronation Day, of course. Elkin relented. "Very well, young Tato. I was about to say that we should talk while the campfire is being built." "That would be good. I have many questions, Elkin." said Tato gravely. "Well you should, well you should. Come, let us move out to the edge of the bridge..." As they walked away from the others, the Patrolmen respectively shifted their guarding positions. Elkin used the few minutes of guarded counsel wisely... Tato: "What can I do with this letter?" Elkin: "The letter is proof of your heritage. Once you have gained the rapport of those who follow you, it will convince them utterly. Second of all, I would not march right into a place--nor wave the letter to proclaim yourself. You would then be taken captive and probably thrown in prison as insane--even though the real culprits in authority would know who you really are. No! Instead, I recommend that you go and gather those you can; who will trust you. Most of the people will repent when they know the truth. Those with good hearts will gladly drop everything and follow you. They are the people you want as your leaders. Many groups of outcasts may be found in the wilderness-- only a few are brigands. These groups believe that the True Lord would not leave them without a Torontair! And they will fight! Be gracious to those who serve you. Listen to them. Try to give them what they request in return for serving you. Many grievances must be addressed." Tato: "What do I look for that will help us?" Elkin: "There are other things we must discover that are related to the unfolding of the Third Age of Arveta. For example, there are those waiting--such as the one that Rollvag discovered--who bear gifts that the Torontair can use; gifts that the Charge Supreme has not ever spoiled!" Tato: "What authority do I have?" Elkin: "Your authority is best learned and earned!" Tato: "What shall I do about the Vasquentans?" Elkin: "These people are from another land. You must decide what powers they will have here, for they are without country." Tato: "What is wrong in Toridar?" Elkin: "The Charge Elect stands in your way." Tato: "Can Toridar City be taken?" Elkin: "Yes." Tato: "What will happen next in Toridar?" Elkin: "After Dingle and Grimheld make their reports, the Council will be disbanded in the last play by the Charge Elect to gather all power. Then the Charge Elect will not send forces to protect the Kanokai..." Tato: "What!! Can I not appeal to Dondor?" Elkin: (pause) "Tato, the Charge Elect is the puppet of the Charge Supreme. Does any man truly cut off his right arm???" Tato: "...then the Ard??..." Elkin: "will join up with the traitors at the Vivar and; ah--I'm not so sure what will happen after that. I suspect that much depends upon us--we shall see..." Tato: "What is wrong with the Crystal Harbor?" Elkin: "The illusions created by the Dorfus infidel warlocks and the realities of their weapons have frightened the sailors on the one hand--while the ordinances of the Charge Elect keep the rest away. One says, `We have no need of a Navy!' Another says, `There is no danger in the bay! Lower our taxes!' NO!!! I say that the Torontair needs a strong Navy! (pause) What he has right now are very many idle sailors... So! Destroy the Dorfus--and then the Port of Crystal Mirror will be free." Tato: "Why are the Toridarian people so ignorant?" Elkin: "Hide the truth from a man, and he will soon stumble." Tato: "Oh! Elkin! What am I to do???" Elkin: "Be not afraid, young man. Hold back your tears. Gvin, Dingle, your friends, and I will help you along the way--though we may be many Kai apart. It is important to build our new society--not only by listening to the wise council of the Dondor ministers, (who are in prison) but by your lawful, loyal, and true friends. Rollvag is one, and yes, he has excellent potential as a general." Tato lowered his head: "I have no more questions at this time... I will ponder these words..." Elkin: "You have listened well to an old elf, and now I have some things for you! (Elkin took out the tear drop pendant, which used to be worn by the osprey riding aviator- scout of the group of Yuccah Archers.) Rollvag was unable to determine its secret. Let us just say that it will make you quite hard to see, should you clasp it in one of your hands...(pause) Remember Tato, that you must be Coronated as Torontair, but Consair of Toridar you may assume immediately. Here is your Royalty Pendant." Tato: "...I am a Consair, too???" Elkin: "Yes, Tato, you are. I must be silent about this, for now." Tato: (Finally, Tato's confidence started to grow. He accepted his place in life...) "Consair has a nice ring to it..." Elkin: "It is a name, I assure you, that Arveta will know. And may the True Lord be willing and guide us...Consair? Come, Your friends await our presence!" When Elkin and Tato came back to the warm fire in the center of the road, they heard the cheerful sounds of storytelling. They saw that Longsilver was just getting ready to sing -- after the encouragement of the others. The countenances of Elkin and Tato softened a bit at the impressive sight of all of them together. There sat Murki, the Healer, who pounded his staff into the ground for emphasis. Tara listened intently to Murki. Kuros and Byc chatted happily about "some wizardry nonsense," as Rollvag puts it. Cher smiled broadly as Rollvag told one of his funny stories. Kip even seemed delighted as he read one of Longsilver's poems. Only Gvin watched for Tato's approach. As soon as Longsilver spied Tato and Elkin, he caught everyone's attention: "Here, here everyone! Now that we are all together and about to launch into the inky black, I thought that a cheerful song would help keep our spirits up in the face of indubitable adversity!" (Cheers and guffaws) "I know that you will be quite surprised with what I will show you next." Longsilver ran to his pack, grabbed something and brought it back to the campfire. It was an Elven lute! He stopped, bowed politely and began to sing and play! Back to Arveta 3 Table of Contents Back to Arveta List of Issues Back to MagWeb Master Magazine List © Copyright 1999 by Abram Paradies. This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. |