by Larry W. Bertel, Jr.
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This scenario assumes that General Meade took a more direct approach to the problem General Sickles was having in posting 3 Corps. After the withdrawal of Buford's troopers and Battery A, 2nd US Artillery, from the Peach Orchard area, the 1st US Sharpshooters and the 3rd Maine Infantry moved forward to Pitzer's Woods to scout for enemy positions reported to be in Spangler's Woods. The Union force encountered Wilcox's Confederates and immediately engaged in a sharp fight. The Union force was driven out of Pitzer's Woods and returned to the area of the Peach Orchard. This skirmish gave Sickles, who did not like the original position of his corps, the impetus to advance a short distance ahead to the Plum Run Line. Meade, upon finding out about the fight in Pitzer's Woods and that Sickles's corps was out of position, immediately went to Sickles's headquarters near the Trostle House. On the way, Meade ordered Sykes to have 5 Corps moved to the Union left. One division of 5 Corps was to occupy Little Round Top and the other two divisions were to support 3 Corps. Upon his arrival at 3 Corps headquarters, Meade informed Sickles that his corps was too far forward of the position assigned to his unit. It was impossible to realign the corps because the Union forces, in the Peach Orchard area, were just then being driven back to the Plum Run Line by advancing Confederates. The enemy troops advancing on the Peach Orchard were from Kershaw's brigade. After clearing out the Union outpost, Kershaw ordered his brigade to turn to its left. The line formed ran east along the Wheatfield Road, with its left near the Emmitsburg Road. Barksdale's brigade formed on Kershaw's left. Hood's division formed behind McLaws's division, while the 1 Corps artillery raced forward to the Peach Orchard area to support the advance up the Emmitsburg Road. The assault would bring the 1 Corps up to the Union 2 Corps position, on Cemetery Ridge, the supposed left flank of the Union army. However, the information that led to the assault was hours old. What happened next was best described by General McLaws: He stated that General Longstreet was to blame for not reconnoitering the ground and for persisting in ordering the assault after his errors were discovered. General InformationMap Area: Use both maps
Union InformationSet up:
2-1-1, 1b(4): A32.08 1b(2): A31.08 1-2-1: A29.08 2-2-1: A30.07 1-3-1: A30.06 2-3-1: A29.06 3-3-1: A29.07 1 Corps HQ, 1 Corps Supply: A31.07 A Pot HQ, Pleasonton: A28.05 A Pot Supply: A34.03 Cav Corps HQ, Cav Corps Supply: A31.05 3x Rb(5) (limbered): A30.05, A31.06, A32.05 1-1-5 (column): B30.33 2-1-5 (column), 5 Corps HQ: B29.33 3-1-5 (column): B28.32 1-2-5 (column): B32.33 2-2-5 (column): B33.34 3-2-5 (column), 5b(5) (limbered): B33.33 1-Pa-5 (column): B35.34 2-Pa-5 (column): B34.33 5 Corps Supply: B31.33 5b(3) (limbered): B29.32 4x Rb(5) (limbered): B30.31, B30.32, B31.31, B31.32 1-1-2: A26.02 2-1-2: A26.03 3-1-2: A27.04 4-1-2: A26.04 1-2-2: A26.05 2-2-2, 2b(4): A26.06 3-2-2: A27.06 1-3-2: A28.07 2-3-2, 2b(5): A27.07 3-3-2: A27.08 2 Corps HQ, 2 Corps Supply: A28.06 1-1-11: A29.09 2-1-11, 11b(3): A29.10 1-2-11: A27.10 2-2-11: A27.09 1-3-11: A28.09 2-3-11, 11b(3): A28.10 11 Corps HQ, 11 Corps Supply: A28.08 1-1-12, 12b(2): A34.07 3-1-12: A35.07 Ind-12: A35.06 1-2-12, 12 Corps HQ: A33.08 2-2-12: A34.08 3-2-12: A34.09 12 Corps Supply: A33.06 1-1-3: B23.30 2-1-3, Db(2)(limbered): B23.28 3-1-3: B23.31 1-2-3: B23.34 2-2-3: B23.33 3-2-3: B23.32 3b(3), 3 Corps HQ, Sickles, Meade: B23.31 3b(5)(limbered), 3 Corps Supply: B24.31 1-2-Cav (mounted): A56.10 3-2-Cav (mounted), Cav b(2): A55.11 All Union Corps commanders are stacked with their HQs unless otherwise noted. Newton has replaced Doubleday as 1 Corps commander. Rule 2.9, Sickles the Incredible, is not used in this scenario. Orders: 1, 2, 3, 11, and 12 Corps are to defend in place, except as noted below. 1-2 has a divisional goal to extend its brigades to the left and to defend Cemetery Ridge. 12 Corps has been ordered to send one or two divisions to support the left of the 2ĘCorps, but at least one brigade is to remain on Culp's Hill. 5 Corps is to move one division to occupy and defend Little Round Top; the other two divisions are to move to the left and help defend 3 Corps. 2 Cav has a divisional goal to defend the Hanover Road. Artillery Ammunition: Unlimited
Confederate InformationSet up:
Swl-J-2: A42.13 ex A41.13 facing southeast S-J-2: A39.13 J-J-2: A36.13 W-J-2: A35.18 2b(5): A36.12 S-E-2: A45.26 G-E-2, Early: A31.14 H-E-2: A30.13 Do-R-2: A27.15 I-R-2: A26.14 R-R-2: A25.15 O-R-2: A27.17 2b(3): A26.18 Db(3): A28.18 2 Corps HQ, 2 Corps Supply, Ewell: A29.17 2b(4): A21.16 2b(5): A21.15 Da-R-2: A20.16 ex A20.15 A NVA HQ, Lee: A19.18 A NVA Supply: B10.32 3b(5): A21.14 L-P-3: A20.13 3b(5): A20.12 P-P-3: A19.13 3 Corps HQ, 3 Corps Supply, A. P. Hill: A15.07 S-P3: A17.11 D-H-3: A11.18 B-H-3: A10.17 P-H-3: A10.16 A-H-3: A9.16 3b(5): A20.10 3b(5): A20.09 T-P-3: A19.10 ex A19.11 M-A-3, R. H. Anderson: A18.10 ex A18.11 P-A-3: A19.08 ex A19.09 3b(5): A19.07 Wt-A-3: A18.06 ex A17.06 L-A-3: A17.04 ex A16.03 Wx-A-3: A14.02 ex A13.02 Both units facing south The entire 1 Corps, Infantry and Artillery, are facing northeast K-M-1: B18.31 B-M-1: B17.32 S-M-1: B17.31 W-M-1: B16.31 L-H-1: B17.30 Tex-H-1: B16.30 B-H-1: B16.29 A-H-1: B15.30 4x 1b(5) (limbered): B15.31, B15.32, B14.30, B14.31 1b(5) (limbered): B16.28 1b(2)(limbered): B15.28 1 Corps HQ, Longstreet: B14.29 1 Corps Supply: B13.30 Orders: 1 Corps is to attack in a northeast direction up the Emmitsburg Road toward the Union 2 Corps position on Cemetery Ridge, drive the enemy from the ridge and capture Cemetery Hill. 1 Corps may not attack any unit of the Union 3rd or 5 Corps unless small arms fire is directed by units of either of these two corps against any unit of 1 Corps. The 1 Corps artillery units are to unlimber on the high ground in the Peach Orchard area and support the infantry attack up the Emmitsburg Road. 2 Corps is to attack Cemetery Hill as a diversionary effort. This order has a status of D1. A-3 has a divisional goal to join in the attack on Cemetery Ridge by moving its brigades "en echelon" with the left of 1 Corps as it moves up the Emmitsburg Road.
Jn-Cav has a divisional Goal to defend the Hanover Road between Benner's Hill and Brinkerhoff Ridge.
Artillery Ammunition: Unlimited
This change affects the units of both sides. On 2 July, units of both armies fought as single brigades (even regiments and companies) after they became engaged. Also, brigades were given orders that made them semi-independent as the rest of the corps marched off and left them. With this in mind, artillery units and brigades can be detached from corps and divisions to act as semi-independent units.
Once detached, they are no longer subject to the command radius rule 10.5a, A and B. These units are still subject to corps orders or divisional goals, and all the intent that pertains to these orders. Any number of brigades or artillery units can operate semi-detached. However, once they receive orders, they will follow them and will not operate on their own except for emergency retreat. This is meant to be a limited operation outside of command radius. These semi-detached units are not to be confused with independent units.
Use the standard victory conditions in 5.0
Levels of Victory: