Napoleonic Calendar:

Wellington Congress

The second International Congress on the Duke of Wellington will be held at the University of Southampton 13-17 July, 1998. The Special Collections Division of the Hartley Library at the University holds the principal collection of the public papers of the first Duke of Wellington, as well as other extensive holdings relating to British political, military, official and diplomatic history in the first half of the 19th Century. The Division is dedicated to promoting wider access to the Wellington archive, and a project to catalog the papers in detail and make them accessible over the Internet is well under way. This major international congress is being organized as part of the Division's commitment to encouraging scholarship in all aspects of Wellington's career.

Proposal are invited for papers on any aspect of the first Duke of Wellington's life and career. Papers should be well grounded in current or recent research. Plenary sessions will be 40-45 minutes in length; there will also be workshop based sessions of a shorter duration for work in progress. The language of the congress will be English. Prospective contributors are invited to send an abstract of up to 200 words to the congress organizer by 28 February, 1997. Proposals can be submitted in hard copy, on 3.5 inch disk WordPerfect 5.1 file, or as an E-mail ASCII file. Decisions on acceptance will be given by late May 1997.

Congress organizer: Dr. C. M. Woolgar, Archivist and Head of Special Collections, Hartley Library, University of South-ampton, Highfield, Southampton SO17 1BJ England. Phone: 01703-592989; fax: 01703-593007; E-mail:

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