Prelude to Leipzig:

Order of Battle at Liebertwolkwitz
(14 October 1813)

Note: This is the text version of the Order of Battle. This compact file appears quickly. We also have the Order of Battle graphics version as it appears in Napoleon magazine, but that file is very, very, large and will take a long, long time to appear on your screen if you are using a standard 14.4 or 28.8 modem. We are not discouraging you from seeing the graphics version, but providing a simple warning about loading time.--RL


Elements from Von Kleist's 2nd Corps

From 11th Brigade

    Neumark Dragoons, 4 squadrons, 440 men

From 12th Brigade

    Silesian Uhlans, 4 squadrons, 455 men

Reserve Cavalry Brigade: von Roder

    East Prussian Cuirassiers, 4 squadrons, 490 men
    Silesian Cuirassiers, 4 squadrons, 465 men
    Brandenburg Cuirassiers, 4 squadrons, 535 men

Horse Artilley Battery No. 2

    Six 6-pdr guns and two 7-pdr howitzers

Horse Artilley Battery No. 9

    Six 6-pdr guns and two 7-pdr howitzers

Horse Artilley Battery No. 10

    Six 6-pdr guns and two 7-pdr howitzers


Reserve Corps Cavalry: General Count Pahlen III

From Rudinger's Brigade

    Soum Hussars, 6 squadrons, 640 men
    Rudinger and Grodno Hussar Regts not present

Lissanevich's Brigade

    Tchougouiev Uhlans, 6 squadrons, 730 men
    Loubny Hussars, 4 squadrons, 520 men
    Grekov #8 Cossacks, 5 squadrons, 284 men

From Thielman's Advance Guard

    Olvipol Hussars, 2 squadrons, 225 men

Russian Horse Artilley Battery No. 7

    Six 6-pdr guns and six 9-pdr licornes
    The licorne gun was also known as a 10-pdr. It was a hybrid--a gun that fired an exploding shell, but without the high arc of a howitzer.


From Klenau's 4th Armeeabteilung

The Austrian Armeeabteilung was larger than a corps, but smaller than an army.

Desfours' Brigade

    Kaiser Cuirassiers, 6 squadrons, 614 men
    O'Reilly Chevaulegers, 6 squadrons, 577 men

Elements of Paumgarten's Brigade

    Erzherzog Ferdinand Hussars, 1 squadrons, 104 men
    Hohenzollern Chevaulegers, 2 squadrons, 230 men

Austrian Horse Artilley Battery

    Four 6-pdr guns and two 7-pdr howitzers


V Reserve Cavalry Corps: General Pajol

    9th Light Cavalry Division: General Subervie

    32nd Light Brigade: General Klicki

      3rd Hussars, 3 squadrons, 294 men
      27th Chasseurs, 4 squadrons, 395 men

    33rd Light Brigade: General Vial

      14th Chasseurs, 3 squadrons, 241 men
      26th Chasseurs, 3 squadrons, 190 men

    1st Light Cavalry Division: General Berkheim

    Attached from I Reserve Cavalry Corps

    2nd Light Brigade: General Monmarie

      16th Chasseurs, 2 squadrons, 236 men
      1st Lancers, 2 squadrons, 215 men
      3rd Lancers, 2 squadrons, 154 men

    3rd Light Brigade: General Piquet

      5th Lancers, 2 squadrons, 196 men
      8th Lancers, 2 squadrons, 205 men
      1st Italian Chasseurs, 4 squadrons, 382 men
      The 8th Lancers were also known as the 2nd Lancers of the Vistula Legion

    5th Heavy Cavalry Division: General l'Heritier

    1st Brigade: General Queunot

      2nd Dragoons, 3 squadrons, 350 men
      6th Dragoons, 3 squadrons, 314 men
      11th Dragoons, 4 squadrons, 383 men

    2nd Brigade: General Collaert

      13th Dragoons, 2 squadrons, 240 men
      15th Dragoons, 3 squadrons, 331 men

    6th Heavy Cavalry Division: General Milhaud

    1st Brigade: General Lamotte

      18th Dragoons, 2 squadrons, 220 men
      19th Dragoons, 2 squadrons, 253 men
      20th Dragoons, 2 squadrons, 478 men

    2nd Brigade: General Montelegier

      22th Dragoons, 3 squadrons, 263 men
      25th Dragoons, 3 squadrons, 266 men

    5th Co/3rd Horse Artilley Regt.

      Three 6-pdr guns

    10th Infantry Division Artillery

    3rd and 4th Cos, 7th Foot Artillery Regt.

      Eight 6-pdr guns and two 5.5" howitzers
      The 10th Infantry Division was present, but only the divisional artillery was engaged.

    V Corps Artillery

    15th, 16th, and 17th Cos, 1st Foot Artillery Regt.

      Eleven 12-pdr guns and four 6" howitzers

    2/5th and 7/6th Horse Artillery Regts.

      Six 6-pdr guns and two 5.5" howitzers

Strengths of individual regiments were determined either from strength returns for a particular regiment, or totals from the brigades, divisions, and corps on 10 October, and comparing those figures with the last strength reports for the regiments in August and September, taking into consideration losses from more than two months campaigning.

Sources for Liebertwolkwitz order of battle:

  • Copies of original documents held by George Nafziger
  • Nafziger's book: Napoleon at Dresden: The Battles of 1813 (1994 Emperor's Press)
  • Scott Bowden's book: Napoleon's Grande Armee of 1813 (1990 Emperor's Press)

Data compiled by Dana Lombardy.

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