by Mike Huskey
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Using some concepts eagerly borrowed from Matthew Sparkes' Russian Civil War rules in Gauntlet magazine, these are a basic set of tactical rules presenting warfare among the many warlord armies of 1920's China. SEQUENCE OF PLAY 1. Each side rolls 2d6 for initiative. Add Army Commander rating to roll and highest total has choice to move first or second. 2. First side moves any or all units, then second side does the same. Most units contact by opponent's movement are pinned in place except for armored cars, tanks and railroad trains. 3. Firing can be done by anyone at anytime with stationary fire coming before moving fire. HQ/Army Commander Stands 1. An HQ stand represents command staffs. Their appearance is mostly for flavor to show where the army commander is located. If stand is killed or captured, then all units under it's command must add +5 to movement roll for rest of battle. 2. HQ stands boost morale by subtracting 2 from movement roll for the infantry battalions and I from cavalry units if within 6". 3. HQ stands move 1D6 X 2. Halved in rough going. Tripled on road. 4. While they have no fire capability, they can take fire. Any hits on HQ stand must be confirmed by rolling a D6. If a 1 occurs, then hit counts. HQ stands can take two hits before being destroyed. 5. If contacted in melee, roll 1D6.
3-4 Over run and captured 5-6 Escape, immediate move. WEAPON RANGES
Light Mountain Gun 40" Mortars 36" Tank Gun 34" Heavy MG's 30" (8" Pointblank) Rifles 12" (2" Pointblank) Cavalry Carbines 8" (2" Pointblank) INFANTRY
Roll 2D6 and subtract total from number of figures left in unit. That is amount of movement in inches. If it is negative, unit must retreat that far. If unit officer leads heroically, then he counts as one more figure but is at risk (see officer rules).
Approach To Contact: Just prior to contacting enemy unit during movement, Attacker must roll 2d6: If dice higher than figures left in unit, attackers stop short. If attackers succeed, defender rolls 2d6 and if total higher than surviving figures, then immediately retreat that many inches. Melee Roll one die per figure; any "1's" are kills. Side with most losses must roll 2d6 to see if they stay or retreat as usual. CAVALRY Movement: Roll 1D6 and subtract result from number of figures left in unit. If positive, move that
many inches +4". If negative, retreat those inches +4".
Approach To Contact: Same as infantry. Melee: Each cavalry figure gets 1D6 vs other cavalry or 2d6 when meleeing infantry or gun crews. Any "1s" are kills. Side with most losses rolls 2d6 to see if they retreat. ARTILLERY Movement: Most field guns were oxen/horse drawn. Roll 1D6 for movement in normal going. Add +2 on a
road. Roll 1D6 in rough going: 5-6 = no movement; 1-4 = that many inches.
Once hit is scored, roll 1D6:
3-4 = 2 hits 5-6 = 3 hits Advance to Contact: Artillery never attacks this way, but if defender and they are about to be contacted, roll 1d6. If roll is greater than crew left, guns are abandoned. Melee:
Crew Hits:
ARMORED CARS AND TANKS AC's: Roll 2D6 in normal movement; +4 on road; can not enter rough going.
Firing: Machine Gun crews always get a 4, 5, 6 Saving Throw besides any cover saves. Saves allowed because they are such a small target. Close to Contact: AIRPLANES Movement:
Attacking: Spotting: Before an attack can be launched, the plane must spot the target. To spot target, must fly within 12 " of it, then roll 1d6.
6 anything else LOW: Automatic to spot town/bridge/RR train Damage: MG's as normal. Bombs cause same damage as Artillery hits. As far as plane taking damage, it can take six small arms/MG hits. Infantry stands get one roll per stand to inflict a hit on "1" if within range. Ground MG's same rules as usual. Morale: To stay around and continue the fight, the airplane pilot must roll 1 D6 and get higher than the number of damage hits it has sustained. ARMORED RAILROAD TRAINS Movement: Train rolls as many dice as it's Steam Level. As hits damage train, it's steam will go down. No Steam: Dead on tracks!
Damage Roll
2- Armor protects it.. 3- Paint chipped. 4- Lose 1 steam. 5- Lose 1 steam. 6- Critical Hit* *Critical Hit
3- Lose 3 steam level 4- Lose 3 steam, 1 crew 5- Lose 3 steam, 2 crew 6- Disaster Hit** Disaster**
2. One turret explodes; fire starts. Surviving artillery crew rolls I D6: Even - put out fire but can not fire next turn Odd - panics and abandons turret! 3. Roll 1D6 and that is how many steam levels lost. 4. Engineer Crew panics! Roll for each one - they desert train on odd level. 5. Engineer Crew has had enough of this battle and for the rest of the game will use all allotted steam movement to retreat off board by safest way. 6. Boiler explodes! Train KO'd and dead on track. Odd - rest of cars derail and topple sideways Even - no further disaster. Anytime train reaches 0 crew or 9 steam, it is finished as a weapon in game; turret crews or MG's integral to train unit abandon the train and flee. MORTARS Movement:
Firing: Roll 1D6 and: 1-2 = hit stationary targets, 1 = hit moving targets Damage Results: Personnel 1-3 = 1 hit, 4-6 = 2 hits Losses:
OFFICERS Can lead normally but not added to troop strength; however, not risked as casualty either.
UNRELIABLE TROOPS For movement or morale anytime as "12" is rolled:
FLANKING MOVES OFF TABLE Certain units are eligible for flanking moves off table: 1) Armored cars and 2) Cavalry Each turn flanking player rolls 1D6 and 4-6 flanking unit moves 12" up table edge on turn they wish to move then toward table. Inform enemy if he has units within 16" of table edge. Next turn, they can move onto the table. More Chinese Warlords
Manchu Gold: Battle Reports Warlord Wars of China 20th Century Rules: Warlord Wars of China 20th Century Back to MWAN #98 Table of Contents Back to MWAN List of Issues Back to MagWeb Magazine List © Copyright 1999 Hal Thinglum This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other military history articles and gaming articles are available at |