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Wargames, Box 278, Triadelphia, WV 26059 has announced the availability of a new book by Duncan Head for ancient fans called The Achamendid Persian Army ($19.99) with color plates by Richard Scollins. Also listed in the new catalog sheets are two additional WRG books: D.B.M. and Volume Two Army List (both for $13.99). Wargames offers an army building service to newcomers who want to buy an ancients army in one order and will put together starter packs "comprising 8 packs of figs and dice". New versions (March 1993) of their impressive 15mm and 25mm catalogs are available showing their Dixon, Essex, rulebooks and other fine lines. ![]() Soldier World U.S.A.. (a Division of "Dad's Day Off Hobbies") 1057 Norwood St., P0 Box 547, Radford, VA 24141 has released a good sized catalog of figure lines including the English firm, Garrison. This venerable old 25mm line includes ancients, medieval, Seven Years War, Napoleonics and ACW and despite rumors of their demise are still in business. Also listed is Frie Korps 15mm including ancient, E.C.W/3OYW, Moghul India (1630-1840), Seven Years War, French and Indian War, American War of Independence, Napoleonic, Mexican War, Maximillian Expedition, Seminole War, Yellow Ribbon range (pony wars), American Civil War, 19th Century European Wars (1848-71) and Spanish American War. Next is the large Heroic and Ross 1/300 scale range with their large listing of WWII infantry, vehicles and planes plus ancient, medieval, renaissance, ECW, SYW, Malburian, Napoleonic, Franco-Prussan War, ACW, Colonial and modem figures. Hinchliffe 15mm Napoleonic figures are shown as well as the 20mm WWII range. Hichicliffe's 25mm listings are not neglected as the large Napoleonic, ACW, ECW, AWI, SYW, ancient, medieval. Robin Hood, renaissance, one-piece casting, equipment and personalities ranges are listed. Naismith 15mm is next with British, Russian, French and Austrian Napoleonic figures shown and Warsaw and Brunswick figures "available soon". Naismith 25mm castings are shown with Aztecs/Conquistadors, samurai, Romans, Hellenistic, Maccabean Jewish, medieval and late medieval (War of the Roses) listings. PeterLaing 15mm figures are shown covering "a wide range of [ancient] armies" and some "dual use items." Other Laing 15mm ranges shown are medieval/dark ages, renaissance, samurai, ECW/3OYW, Malburian, AWI, Napoleonic, Crimean, Indian Mutiny, Franco-Prussian and 19th Century European Wars, ACW, Colonial, late Victorian parade figures, WWI and Russian Civil War, WWII and "wheels" (accessories for wheeled vehicles). Roundway 15mm figures are listed including medieval/renaissance, Napoleonic and Jacobite rebellion. Table Top/TTG 15mm is next with ancients, dark ages, medieval, colonial, Pony Wars, Napoleonic, ACW, old West gunfighters, the Harem Set (Sultan with palace guards/eunuchs and slave girls, etc.) and others. Finally, Soldier World lists the enourmous line of Navwar 1/3000 scale modern and transitional steam to WWII ships. A long list of rule books completes the catalog that provides the miniature gamer with many opportunities to find those desired items for that ever-incomplete army. ![]() Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. 5938 Carthage Court, Cincinnati, OH 45212-1197 1-800 543-0272 or 1 513 631-0028 (Fax) has released a flyer announcing that they are changing their alloy in reaction to the New York lead ban situation (NY is hoping to ban lead miniature sales by April 1, 1993). Prices are going up 25% - 50% on Ral Partha products and the sheet shows a listing of RP products at the old prices (it may be too late by the time you read this to get the old prices). The listing is primarily fantasy items but the 1200 A.D. range, the Aztecs, and the Incas are listed. The 1993 Ral Partha picture catalog is available for $4.00 direct from the company. Warbirds Collectible Hobbies 14461 5. 31st St., Vicksburg, MI 49097 has sent their new catalog of unbuilt plastic model kits. The bulk of the listing shows kits larger than most wargamers use but several items are shown in the 1/72-1/76 scale range including ESCI M3 armored scout car, 3/4 ton weapons carrier, Bishop self-propelled gun Churchill tank and many others. Also listed is a large selection of 1/72 scale planes from Frog like the Sea Fury, Macci MC 202, the P47D, Hawker Tempest, Sea Venom and many more. A selection of Matchbox planes and tanks is listed along with varied other companies. Miniature Service Center 1525 Bridge #163, Yuba City, CA 95993 has sent their monthly update sheet showing an exciting new model for 25mm Sudan freaks from The kit is a "model of a Nile river paddle steamer, based on the type used during the wars is the Sudan, 1883-98. This is an impresive kit, with two decks, boiler, cabin and wheelhouse, overall fourteen inches long and four inches wide, made of resin and white metal...[comes with]..defensive barricades of sacks and boxes on both decks.. .There is a crew of six including stokers and ratings plus two guns, a Gardner and a seven pound screw gun that can be used ashore, with crews for both. Also included are twelve sailors and soldiers to man the barricades. All parts are made to a high standard by Village Green and Redoubt Enterprises, producers of the highly praised Viking longship and Napoleonic ships boat". Also new 25mm Sudan figures include 3 new Egyptian Cavalry, 15 new listings in the Gordon Relief Expedition range including camel corps, mounted infantrymen/cavalrymen, and 6 new specialty types like "British infantryman carrying ammo box on shoulder", and "British heliograph with four man crew" and more. In the coming attractions department we have the imminent release of the Zulu range, an AWl range and "lots more Sudan stuff" including a booklet on uniforms, info and rules. ![]() Old Glory (to order call Emperor's Headquarters 1-800-59- EAGLE) has released their new catalog sheet of their Age of Reason , Revenge and other figures. The 25mm Last of the Mohicans range has a large variety of Indians and their French/British counterparts for the French and Indian War period. More British, including highlanders with commands and personalities (Wolfe, Montcalm, etc) are planned. Also in 25mm we have the large Revenge line of late medieval figures including hand gunners, Welsh, Scots, Galloglaich, command, looter and bodies and many more including artillery. 25mm American Civil War sets (63 foot figures with command and casualties for $50.00) include marching, advancing, skirmishing, cavalry, artillery and Hood's Texans. The 15mm Age of Reason line kicks off with Seven Years War Prussian foot and horse, Jacobite clansmen for the '45, and Austrian foot and horse. Of course, the listing shown the large OG line of 15mm Napoleonics including Russians, French, Austrians, Mtd Generals, Bavarians, Saxons, Polish and Wurtemburg. Ten 25mm Napoleonic Austrians are also shown. Bargain Books, Edward R. Hamilton, Bookseller, Falls Village, CT 06031-5000 has released a newspaper style catalog of many book titles of interest to us. Some items of note: Jeb Stuart, Custer: Favor the Bold , Custer in Photographs, Brother Against Brother, The 30 Years War, Boadiceas's Chariot, The History of Cavalry, Steel Ships and Iron Men Jane's Military Statistics - 1989, The Battle of Sicely, Female Warriors of Allah Jane's Fighting Ships of WW I, NapoleonIII and His Carnaval Empire, and many more. Anthony Maita 813 Greenwood Rd., Glenview, IL 60025-4055 has released a March supplement to his large listing of good condition used military history books. Some new titles include: The Cruise of the Raider "Wolf", Bushmasters, (jungle WWII), The Secret War of Independence, The Week that France Fell, The History of the Camerons (Scottish rifles 1948- 1968), Ultra in the West, Valley Forge, Illinois in the World War, Baa Baa Black Sheep (Boyington), Robert Rogers of the Rangers, Under the Red Sea Sun (action against Italian navy, WWII), Musketry Regulations of 1898, and many more. Remember, these books are on a first come first serve basis so get your order in fast. ![]() Museum Replicas Limited, 2143 Gees Mill Rd., Box 840, Conyers, GA 30207 800-883-8838 has sent a color catalog of "battle-ready swords daggers, axes, shields and helmets." These are full size replicas and include a European Two-handed sword (1530 AD), a stag handled Scottish Dirk, French Vouge, sugar loaf great helm, mail coif, mail hauberk, gisarme, medieval pommel flail, two-hand Scottish Claymore and targe, Viking and Norman helmets and swords, Sutton Hoo Helmet, studded war club, bronze Illyrian helmet, hoplite sword, Roman scutum and helmets of the Roman Empire, Crusader axe, bows, Hun and Mongol helmets/shields, scimitar, Samurai weapons and much more. (Thanks to fellow MWAN'er Bob Bryant for this and the next two entries). Stanley Kramer Books Mail Order Book Service 11910-U Parkland Dr, Rockville, MD 20852 has released a new catalog of military history books including The Defense of Hill 781, Scipio Africanus, Greater Than Napoleon, the Grand Strategy of the Roman Empire, The Ancient Mariners, Soldiers of Rome, The Anatomy of Error: Ancient Military Disaster and Their Lessons for Modem Strategists, Fire in the Steppe (17th century Poland), Musashi, an Epic Novel of the Samurai Era, Wellington in the Peninsula, By the Orders of the Great White Queen, The War of 1812, a Forgotten Conflict, History of the Second Seminole War: 1815-1842, Archaeological Insights into the Custer Battle, Apache Wars, Into the Wilderness with the Army of the Potomac, Pickett's Charge, A Microhistory of the Final Attack at Gettysburg, July 3, 1863, The 1916 Battle of the Somme, The Roots of Blitzkrieg, The History of South African Forces in France, Bayonets Before Bullets the Imperial Russian Army 1861-1914. G Company's War, The Winter War, the Soviet Attack on Finland 1939-40, and many more. The Scholar's Bookshelf 110 Melrich Rd., Cranbury, NJ 08512 has sent two book catalogs with lots of items of interest to many of us. Some titles: Against All Enemies, Interpretattions of American Military History from Colonial Times to the Present, The Spanish Armada, The Gurkhas, The King's Ships Were at Sea, the War in the North Sea, 1914, The Novels of Patrick O'Bri an, Reference Guide to the U S Military: 1600-1812, The Napoleonic Sourcebook, 100 Days, The Memoirs of Sergeant Bourgogne 1812-13 ("a classic account of Napoleon's 1812 defeat in Russia written by a sergeant on Napoleon's Imperial Guard, containing eye-witness acconts of the burning of Moscow, the retreat, and the terrible conditions"). The Eagle in Splendour: Napoleon I and His Court, The Dutch and Spanish Seaborne Empires, The Vikings: The Settlers, Ships, Swords, and Saga's of the Nordic Age, and much more. Buffalo Books and Services 426 Delaware, Leavenworth, KS 66048 (913) 682-1122 is a new bookstore dealing in new and used books as well as back iSsues of magazines like Strategy and Tactics, Fire and Movement, Moves, Civil War limes Illustrated, After the Battle, Wargames Illustrated, Miniature Wargames, Wargamer 's Digest and others. They also carry wargaming supplies of every ilk including games, figures, rules, models, prints and collectables. The store "has a 4000 square foot commercial level...and a 3500 square foot game room in the basement". They host historical miniatures every Saturday including Tactica, Garde du Korps Napoleonics and Fire and Fury ACW. Sounds like a must-see for anyone in the area. ![]() Figures, Armour. Artillery 17 Oakfield Dr., Upton-By-Chester, Chester DH2 1LG, UK 0244 379 399 has released a new catalog with a nice color sheet showing their 20mm WWII figures including two new lines of German and US troops. 9 items appear under the heading "Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler (1939-43)" and 8 under "United States Army (1942-44)" and are infantrymen in various positions with lots of nice detail like walkie-talkie radios and firing bazooka. Under forthcoming ranges (for '92) we have Soviet, French and classic German infantry. Other lines include British and Dominion infantry, Soviet Sailors, Japanese infantry, French infantry, Fallschrimjager, and "Clandestine Operations". This last includes Gestapo in trench coat, officers and sentries and others. M.A.D. MODELS 40 Lee Croft, Maltby, Rotherham, S. Yorks., S66 7JY, UK has released a catalog of several lines of wargaming merchandice with a 10% discount on all products of Society of Twentieth Century Wargamers members. The listing shows Mainly Military 1:76 modern and WW II, Firefight 20 (20mm modern figures and vehicles), Skytrex micro tanks, Davco 1/3000 scale ships and planes, Heroic and Ros 1:300 scale modern range, a selection of plastic kits and scenic items. Finally, Tabletops rules and army lits are shown. GDW P.O. Box 1646, Bloomington, IL 61702-1646 (309) 452-3632 has released their spring update sheet, GDW at War An interesting item is Phase Line Smash a solitare boardgame of the Gulf War in which the player is "in control of the US VII Corps for its 'left hook' through the desert to destroy the Iraqi Republican Guard." The company assures us that the game is anything but a cakewalk, however, and that it is "intended to be a challenge." Other GDW boardgames listed are Blood and Thunder, Sands of War (and expansion kit), Bloody Kasserine, Race for Tunis, the 1993 revision of Blue Max and, of course, their popular WWII miniatures rules set Command Decision II. ![]() Trux 156, High St., Yeadon, LEEDS LS19 7AB, UK (0532) 502 051 has released a catalog supplement sheet (Nov. 1992) of 1:76 scale polyurethane model kits. WW II vehicles are shown like the Canadian built FWD 511 COE and US built halftracks in British service. Also listed is Trux Factsheets which "are sheets containing detailed organisation of units with special attention to the precise vehicles used". Some examples: 21st Army Group in NW Europe 1944/45, British troops in Italy 43/44, BEF in 1940 and more. Greg Nichols 2442 N.W. Windwood Dr., Lee's Summit, MO 64081 is selling the Heart of America chapter of the Historical Miniatures Gaming Society Wargame Video. "Others have talked about it but [they] have done it." This features a video record of the "Call to Arms '92" convention as well as Don Featherstone and Duke Siegfried. When ordering this limited printing make checks out to "Heart of America HMGS" for $15.00 including postage. The Nafziger Collection, 8801 Tammy Dr., West Chester, OH 45069 513-777-5437 has released Volume II of the Armies of Germany and the Confederation of the Rhine, covering the states of Baden, Lippe, Reuss, Schwarzburg and Waldeck. Other books by the author are available including Lutzen and Bautzen, Poles and Saxons, and Napoleon's Invasion of Russia. The company also offers an excellent Order of Battle service which "is expanding heavily into the WWII period using captured German documents". A Spanish Civil War Ob catalog is planned for the near future. Frei Korps 15 25 Princetown Rd., Bangor, Co. Down, BT2O 3TA, Northern Ireland has sent their latest catalog of their vast 15mm collection (described earlier in this column under Soldier World USA). The company also lists a large number of military books and rules plus some interesting buildings for wargames. Some new things in the wind include the German States for 1866, Danes for 1864 and new Republican Romans and Carthaginians. The Society of Twentieth Century Wargamers 25, Buttermere, White Court, Black Notley, Essex, CM&. 8UY, UK has released their second "occasional" newsletter (not to be confused with their "Journal"). The Society reports that they now have a book co-ordination service "very similar to that now being run for kits etc." to find those hard to find volumes. Upcoming publishing projects include A Wargamers Guide to the Vietnam War 1960-1975 and possibly a piece on the period 1945-1959. The newsletter also mentions an upcoming 20mm range from Drews Militia on the Battle for Berlin "containing late war Russians and Hitler Youth". Also described is a new 20mm Vietnam range from SHQ Miniatures that maybe "the range to watch in '93". Pass of the North Wargames 1060 Esplanada, El Paso, Texas 79932 has announced the availability of a new book on SW history called Bloody Border: Riots, Battles and Adventures Along the Turblulent U.S. - Mexican Borderlands by Douglas V. Meed. The book details the "Indian raids, cavalry battles, bordello shootouts and bandido attacks" that have been associated with the border and the transitional period "as the old western town of legend like Tombstone and Deadwood faded into legend" and "the old west was giving way to a new barbarism as Mexico exploded in a 20 year orgy of revolution". The volume sells for $23.95 plus $3.00 S & H. (make checks to Jeff Caruso). Musket Miniatures P.O. Box 335575, Denver, CO 80233 have released a new catalog sheet detailing their new alloy which will be "high-quality lead-free pewter". All of their products will now be cast with the new metal and "the figures are strong and have exceptionally fine detail, yet they have a degree of flexibility that allows some bending of the limbs, weapons, etc." Because of the increased strength of the alloy they will be casting flagstaffs instead of including wire ones. Prices have gone up due to the increased price of the pewter and the sheet lists the new pricing. Get used to it fellow gamers, this looks like the wave of the (near) future. By the time you read this, I suspect, many companies will be following suit. On Military Matters 55 Taylor Terrace, Hopewell, NJ 08525 has sent a new catalog listing their vast number of used books on military history and model soldiers/wargaming. Some items of interest: Headdresses of the British Army - Yeomanry and Cavalry, Records and Badges of the British Army, Make Your Own Forts and Castles, The World Encyclopedia of Model Soldiers, Tank Battles in Miniature (Featherstone), How to Play Wargames in Miniature, The Battle of Salamis Napoleonic Wargaming (Airfix magazine Guide), Saratoga 1777, and more. Who sponsored "Maverick"?: Willys Jeeps Back to MWAN #63 Table of Contents Back to MWAN List of Issues Back to MagWeb Magazine List © Copyright 1993 Hal Thinglum This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other military history articles and gaming articles are available at http://www.magweb.com |