by James Manto
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YOU WILL NEEDFour, Six and Ten sided dice
ORGANIZATIONFigures are grouped into wargame units representing the different elements in play. Each unit or gang should have between 2 to 8 figures. A carload of gangsters or cops (4-5 figures) would be average. Each unit should have a leader figure; a veteran cop, more experienced gangster, Police Captain or Gang Boss would all be unit leaders. A side made up of several units will have one leader as the overall commander, such as the Police Captain or Gang Boss. Some units, such as a Private Eye or a reporter will not be on any side. For each side roll ld6 to determine how many poker chips they get for re-rolls. SEQUENCE OF PLAYOrders Phase. Beside the leader for each unit place a counter giving its action this turn. Possible actions are Move, Run/Charge, Hold and Redeploy.
ORDERSMove figures on foot make a regular move in indicated direction. Vehicles make a slow move. Vehicles may stop and figures dismount. Figures may board stopped vehicles. Charge/Run figures on foot make a running move in indicated direction. Chargers move into base-to-base contact with their target. Vehicles make a fast move. A vehicle must have been moving slowly the previous turn to make a fast move in the current turn. Hold figures may not move more than 1". But they may turn or move up to 1" in order to get a better firing position. Vehicles stop. Slow moving vehicles break at will. Fast moving vehicles must roll for breaking distance and test for loosing control. Redeploy Figures in unit may move around within their leader's Command Radius to get better shooting or defensive positions, tend to wounded comrades etc. COMMAND RADIUSFigures need to stay within a certain distance of the next nearest figure in the unit as determined by their level.
All figures must stay within the command radius of the leader of the unit. So a wise-guy can deploy his gang of goons over a radius of 8", but each goon must be within 4" of another member of the gang. A punk, leading a gang of other punks obviously has to keep everyone within 2". A team of G-Men can spread out 12" apart. LEGSWalking= 6" Running= 6+1d6" Cannot run with Light Wounds, LMG or case of whiskey Crossing obstacles- must stop at obstacle (includes doors and woods). Next turn cross with 1d4" move. In woods roll 1d4" per turn while moving through bush. Exit cars= ld4" Entering cars/climbing stairs= stop at obstacle, next turn climb one flight, or get in car. Serious Wounds 1d4." If assisted by non-wounded comrade in base-to-base contact 6". Civilians and bystanders move in a random direction. Shopkeepers etc. will hide in their place of business. WHEELSCars slow move 12" Fast move 12+2d6" Breaking- Cars doing a slow move can stop at any point. Cars making a Fast move roll may break at any time, but roll 1d6 for how far they skid. If the breaking movement will cause the car to hit something, then the driver may attempt to swerve, but must test for loosing control. Turns- cars can safely turn up to 90 degrees while making a slow move. Cars making a fast move will loose control if they turn more than 30 degrees on a roll of 4,5 or 6. If the car looses control roll another d6; on a 1,2 or 3 it skids or fishtails d3 inches sideways. On a 4,5 or 6 it rolls over. Cars that roll are wrecked. Cars that hit something when skidding, breaking or swerving may attempt to drive away on the next turn. They may drive away on a roll of 5 or 6, otherwise they are wrecked. Occupants of crashed vehicles test for wounds; 1=S, 2,3=LW, 4,5=SW 6=D Vehicles have a limited transport capacity. When dismounting figures cannot all get out of the same door. A figure must get out of each door of the vehicle on each side. GATSShooter must have line of sight to the target by measuring from head to head. If the LOS passes over or through any obstacles then the target gets a cover modifier. If the obstacle is hard and completely obscures the target then no shot is allowed. There must be a 1" wide gap between figures to shoot between them. Automatic weapons and shotguns must choose the closest figure as the target. Add cover and situation modifiers to the basic `to hit' score. Roll 1d10. If die roll is equal to or less than the modified `to hit' number required for the weapon and range then the target is hit. If target is hit then roll for effect. Pistols, rifles and shotguns roll Id10.
BARs roll 4d10. (Browning Automatic Rifles are treated as LMGs but have a slower rate of fire) SMGs roll 6d10. Other LMGs (Lewis guns or Browning HMGs) roll 8d10. The shooter designates a primary target. All dice can be allocated to that primary target, or the shooter can spread his fire by allocating some of the dice to other figures within a 45 degree arc. Dice should be assigned to the closest figures first. Dice are assigned before rolling to hit. All cover and situation modifiers apply. The shooter can designate anyone of the front figures as his primary target. The figure in back can only be targeted if a die has been first assigned to the closer figures. HMGs only make it in because of their appearance in Miller's Crossing. I also have a silly idea to pit my PI against some of Pulp Figures new Japanese infantry in Jack Malory Defies the Rising Sun!
(-) = no shot possible.
`S'= Suppressed or Stunned MULTIPLE WOUNDS
If a figure is wounded multiple times then take the most serious wound. If a figure receives multiples of the same wound then roll a d6. On a 4,5 or 6 the wound is upgraded to the next level.
Motorcycles and side cars are small targets so shooting at them suffers a -2 modifier. If a vehicle is hit, roll a d10 to determine the location of the hit.
Driver/passenger/Back seat left/Back seat right/Back of truck- figure occupying that position is hit, roll on effects chart for type of weapon fired. Occupants of back of truck are diced for randomly. If the driver is S or LW test for wrecking each move. Driver is SW car skids to a halt in 2d6". Driver is SW car skids to a halt in 2d6". Driver D then car wrecks. All occupants test for wounds.
Tire- car loses d6" movement per turn. Does not accumulate.
A figure can throw a bomb (pipe bomb/stick of dynamite/hand grenade) up to 8". Place blast marker. Any figure touching blast marker rolls on the shotgun column for effect. Any figure within 3" rolls on the pistol column for effect.
Blasts are blocked by hard cover. Soft cover reduces effect roll by 1. Cars are wrecked if hit by bombs.
If attempting to throw bomb through a window or other small space and more than 2" away, then roll ld6. Miss on 1-3, bomb hits the wall and bounces back ld3 inches.
Figures must be in base to base contact. Each figure rolls ld6. High roll wins. Loser rolls on effect chart for weapon used by opponent.
Sailors/longshoremen/Tong gangsters +1 If police roll double their opponent then the loser is handcuffed and placed in custody. Next turn cop must take prisoner to the paddy wagon. If other figures roll double their opponent then they get a +1 on the Effects roll.
Each turn a group of figures is shot at it must test for guts. Roll 2d6 and roll Guts Rating or less to pass. If they fail then they will retreat to nearest cover and try again next turn. Use rating of highest living and not seriously wounded figure in group:
Civilians 4
Figures in base to base contact with wounded comrades can bind up their wounds. On a 5
or 6 a Serious Wound can be reduced to a Light Wound, or a Light Wound can be reduced
to a Suppressed.
Any figure with a Suppressed/Stunned marker can try to remove it with a roll of 4,5 or 6. Any figures with S, LW or SW on them must retreat to cover in the next movement phase. A unit that is cheesing it can attempt to rally by making a Guts test. Players can spend their poker chips in several ways:
To attempt a daring stunt (leaping over an alley or from a speeding car etc.) 4,5 or 6 to succeed. Failure results in rolling on the Shotgun effects column.
Some monopoly money should be in use during the game. This can be VPs for gangsters who are robbing a bank or jewelry store, and it can be used to bribe cops to facilitate a getaway! G-men cannot be bribed. City cops you've got a 50% chance of the bribe being accepted unless the GM/scenario/campaign determines otherwise.
"Mad Machinegunner" with two Tommy guns: -1 Gats modifier. Must fire both guns in same arc. -1 on Effects rolls when wounded (you gotta be pretty tough to fire two tommy guns at the same time). With SW can only fire one gun.
Two pistols: Can shoot both at same target or can engage two targets with a -1 Gats modifier to each shot.
Hard-boiled P.I.: -1 on Effects roll when wounded.
Gangster Project Pulp-Era Wargaming