by Charley Elsden
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1. BLOOD ON THE WATERS The paddlewheel steamboat FIREFLY, fitted out now as the flagship of the squadron, churned up the Chinese river on a hot, muggy summer day in 1862. On her bridge the captain turned to his employer, Frederick Townsend Ward. "Colonel, the channel narrows ahead. Its the best place for the pirates to block us and try boarding actions!" Ward nodded. Dead ahead and sailing toward him were three large pirate warjunks with high, obsolete fighting towers. Each towed a barge behind it. To either side of him was an Imperial Manchu column; behind him his two steam tugs. Both of the allied Manchujunks towed three sampans full of soldiers behind it. Each of the three steam ships under his direct control towed one surfboat full of EVA troops, his Western trained Chinese Ever Victorious Army. His biggest problem might be his Manchu Allies, rather than the pirate fleet before him, or the Tai Ping rebels behind it on the river island. His little flotilla was not really set up for a naval action, but for a landing. But the pirates had clearly decided to fight it out on their native element, rather than cower on the island with their allies. Ward considered signalling them that they could cut and run for it, but even the pirates had some sense of honor, and his allies were watching him carefully, both the Provincial Governor and The Prince, from their own ships. He could not afford to show kindness to foes until after a victory. That was what he was being paid to do. And it was hard enough for a "round eyes Foreign Devil" to be accepted into the Chinese community! FIREFLY was keeping station with the Manchu junks at Half Speed, but suddenly the Prince's junk to starboard (right) veered to port, closing the small distance between them. "What's His Majesty up to, do you think?" asked Ward. "Oh, the Royal Chink is probably trying to get his starboard facing stone cannon to bear--he should have just brought the gun itself about. Look, he'll pass in front of us and cut us off so we can't support him! Well, Fred, don't that just screw up the damn-blasted party to begin with?" The Captain rang the ship's telegraph up to Full Speed Ahead, and the ship shuddered with the engines' extra effort. FIREFLY leapt forward, shooting a thick column of smoke behind from the top of her tall stack. Just aft, the two snubby steam tugs tried bravely to match her graceful speed. Now the two opposing squadrons closed the distance between them in the narrow channel, and the only maneuvering left was to decide which enemy to pass between or board. But before the distance shrank to nothing, FIREFLY's black bow gun, a Parrott rifle, harked sharply several times. Onboard SEA SERPENT, the pirate flagship running bows on with the sleek steamboat, Pirate Admiral Bwa-Ha was amazed. He had expected the infernal barbarian gun to try to sink her, instead shells fell on deck, blasting the pirate crews from the bow castle and amidships, until half his crew was dead or dying. "Ready the Boulder Cannon," he roared. He'd made his own plan to defeat the enemy and discussed it with his two ship captain's. Now if only the misbegotten sons of whores followed his plan. Otherwise he would run down the river and just keep going, and the hell with the rebels who'd taken over his island! That's why he had his part of the treasure right here on board. As the ancient but still huge and terrifying gun was swiveled up from its concealed position in the hold, FIREFLY switched to it as a target and blew it apart. To the "Admiral's" port side, aboard the smaller WHALE, its captain saw the distance close as The Prince's junk crossed just in front. "A big mistake my friend," he muttered, signaling the launching of his own secret weapon from point blank range. It would be interesting to see what happened when the large catapult boat flew out from his bow to contact the enemy! Too bad for his own boat's crew with the explosive Spar Torpedo in it--he'd hoped to use it on FIREFLY itself, but the enemy Prince had crossed between them. So be it! Too late! The boat crashed into the side of the Manchu war junk like a giant arrow, but the speed of the WHALE caused it to ram ahead into the large target anyhow! The tearing sound as both ships took critical damage was followed by a giant explosion, as if a volcano had erupted under the enemy junk! Onboard RED DRAGON, the captain ordered the stone cannon crew to prepare to fire. In seconds he'd be able to bring it to bear and clear the pirate decks. The arrogant young Prince nodded. "To us now falls the honor of first engaging the bandit forces!" Than a massive shock had the entire crew thrown off their feet. As the captain he grabbed a rail nearby, a monstrous explosion blew his Prince high into the air ... and if he ever came down, no one ever knew where! Hopefully the brave young man was in heaven with his ancestors now. It was unbelieveable! That quickly somehow, RED DRAGON was finished. "Abandon ship," shouted the captain to the survivors of his crew. Aft of the doomed junk, the three sampans carrying the late Prince's troops cast off their towlines and prepared for their own part of the battle! With RED DRAGON now nothing but a dangerous obstacle, FIREFLYs captain heeled the ship desperately over to port. SEA SERPENT ran to its own port, but crashed into GREEN CASTLE. As the outraged Manchu Provincial Governor felt the waters closing in beneath him, his troops in the boats behind him cast off their tow ropes. But SEA SERPENT herself stooped dead in the water. FIREFLY'S bow gun officer fired at SEA SERPENT, killing the Pirate Admiral on his aft deck wheelhouse. Where the smaller pirate vessel WHALE stayed afloat but damaged due to some god rolling the die in her favor, SEA SERPENT plunged quickly down to Davy Jones locker. However, her ship's boat with her surviving crew fired a grapple cannon and hooked closely to the steamboat, while the barge behind the doomed pirate ship, aijcl that which had followed WHALE, both rowed towards FIREFLY. On the two barges, the decks swarmed with pirate boarding parties from the hold. Should all the pirates be able to board the enemy, FIREFLY would be in trouble, as it had only its own small defense company to fight for it at close quarters. Its aft mounted mortar was useless against moving targets; being meant for offshore bombardment only. On came DOLPHIN, the third pirate ship. The bow gun shifted to the forecastle, where crews were preparing some kind of weapon. The huge Parrott fired and cleared whatever the weapons were of its operators. DOLPHIN swung outside, intent on running past and firing upon the helpless troop boats of the Governor's force. But FIREFLY now was busy with its own troubles. Luckily the deadly bow gun fired again, using up much of its precious ammunition, and the barge from SEA SERPENT began to founder, its crew leaping overboard. In moments, the surface of the water was alive with swimming figures ready to surrender! The second barge from WHALE stopped dead in the water and surrendered as well, not liking the now hopeless situation. As FIREFLYs defense party aimed its rifles at the pirates in the grappled ship's boat, they gave in as well. To port of FIREFLY, DOLPHIN remanned its rocket tubes with its last trained gunner. Its port bow tubes fired a salvo at the middle sampan of the three in the Governor's forces, and that craft's occupants panicked even though no one had been hit and no damage taken. It veered away out of line as its troops rowed away in terror. Then DOLPHIN, looking over the situation, passed by the enemy fleet and disappeared downriver. It captain would live to fight another day, with his ship and barge intact. Ah well--time to set up in business for himself. There was now a pause as large numbers of pirate prisoners were transferred to the remaining barge, so that it almost sank from the weight, and then to the damaged but floating WHALE, which now became just another prison ship. Henry Burgevine, Ward's second in command, transferred to steam tug SHANGHAI LIL, from where he would command the landing and The Prince's forces as well for now. The wet but still game Governor transferred to tug ORPHAN ANNIE, from where he would direct his own men in landing. He also had his panicking sampan return to the squadron, and berated the officer in charge for hesitating! Couldn't the idiot see they were winning the battle? As the Allied fleet drew closer, they could see the fortified docks and the two pavillions on the island. Now they waited, reorganizing under cover of darkness. But Ward also sent a small raft out to try and negotiate with the Tai Pings defending the docks, who must be discouraged now by the failure of his pirate allies to hold off the invaders... 2. AN OFFER HE COULDN'T REFUSE The Amerasian "halfcaste" Lieutenant from Ward's EVA came ashore by moonlight on a tiny raft, in order to meet the officer of shore forces, who turned out to be the Tai Ping Colonel. The spy bowed to his opponent of superior rank, who met him at the waterline. "What do you have to say to me?" asked the rebel Colonel. "Sir, you have seen us put the pirates to rout today." "Yes, at some discomfort to yourselves." "Our infantry troops armed with modern rifles are unhurt, and ready to land. If you are willing to bargain with us, we could pass through your positions here at the water's edge, and take on your leaders in the pavillions beyond." "And your offer to me?" "First what the Europeans call 'The Honors of War.' We will transport you back to the mainland unharmed, where you and your troops may live as you wish, or enlist in our own forces. Second, a share of the rebel treasury when we capture it." "Ali? How do I know I can trust you?" "Our leader Colonel Ward is no Manchu! He's a mercenary. He understands these matters as you do yourself Perhaps you did not know that His Majesty The Prince was unfortunately killed in the battle? His share of loot is therefore forfeit, and available" "Perhaps you do not know that you sent that share to the bottom of the river!" "How unfortunate. Still, a quarter of the rest is still quite a fortune." "A third." "Done." "When do you wish to come ashore?" "Just before dawn. A small party of men will meet you on the far dock--starboard from our position, port from yours." "Should you plan treachery, remember that my men will be watching you!" "Should YOU have alternate ideas, dear Colonel, remember that you will be close under our steamship's big guns. Good night.' "Goodnight." 3. SURPRISES ON SHORE Just before dawn, the two Tai Ping regiments garrisoning the two dock stockades could hear steam engines bound for shore, and see the dark shapes of surf boats and sampans approaching. FIREFLY came slowely right up to the port dock, and a party of sailors jumped down to make fast the midships lines. As soon as this was accomplished, they ran back up the now lowered gangplank to the safety of the deck. There had been no movement from behind the low stockade wall at the far end of the dock. On the starboard dock, the assigned meeting place, a man in Colonel's uniform and another stood outside the stockade wall there, waiting. The surf boat LEE ANNE ' rowed up and discharged a company of tough looking Ever Victorious Army soldiers. But Ward's lieutenant was still safe aboard FIREFLY to advise him. The men who walked up the dock to meet the Colonel had never seen him before. Without warning, the two Tai Ping "contacts" dived in the water, and an entire line of Tai Ping musketeers with flintlocks opened fire! As the dawn broke, so did a firefight between the rebel stockade wall's Brown Regiment and the EVA battalion aboard LEE ANNE. As FIREFLY's mortar crew swung it around to pound the stockade, the bow gun covered the stockade directly in front of it. Then there was an explosion from the near corner of the Red Pavillion. The Dragon Cannon had swept FIREFLY's bow and killed all the crew on the bow gun. A second crew ran to take it and was similarly destroyed in a hail of huge stones from the ancient artillery piece! The secret defenses of the island had begun to take their deadly toll! One last time the bow gun was recrewed. This time in one shot the venerable but obsolete Tai Ping artillery gun was dispatched. Perhaps FIREFLY had taken a chance by coming in so close, but it was there to stay! On the other dock, EVA companies jumped from LEE ANNE to run up the dock and reinforce an EVA main battle line. Through the wreckage of the stockade wall, a fanatical rebel charge burst. The EVA line kept drilling the rebels, bw many kept coining until blasted a second or third time! Finally they broke and ran for the Iii~ I behind them, and the shelter of the Green Pavillion. 4. AMASS OF BLUE As the EVA in their blue or gray uniforms and the Manchus in their various gayly colored battalions advanced, it seemed as if the forces arrayed behind the stockade in "ront of FIREFLY must have fled also. But, wait! The Manchu King's officers on the hilltop had been wildly signalling with flags for aid to the Tai Ping General's RED PAVILLION, which stood below and off to the left. That entire half of the island had been strangely quiet as the battle raged before the hill. But a cloud of dust was approaching from that direction. The mercenary officers among the Chinese pointed and swung their flank around as the new threat charged forward. The Tai Ping Blue Regiment now surged into the advancing enemy flank, avoiding the heavily armed FIREFLY and the dock. Instead they came from the left in a ground charge against those opponents who would advance to the hill. Even the EVA bent back and turned about to face this menace. Waves of Chinese rebels surged forward, breaking and reforming. As the EVA and the Manchus formed line together, they fired until their gun barrels were overheated. Finally the Tai Ping Blues had had enough, and pulled back in good order behind RED PAVILLION. The counterattack had bled the invaders, and given the Brown Regiment fugitives time to get up the hill to safety. The European officers gathered in groups to speak among themselves about the bravery of a foe who attacked their men so recklessly. Who charged forward against the longer range and much more accurate fire of their rifled muskets with only a few flintlocks, but mostly tridents, swords, pole arms, and other bizarre and fantastic Chinese martial arts weapons. The government expedition's advanced spearhead would now have to wait for reinforcements before proceeding against the hill. 5. A REBEL COMMANDO RAID The two men who had dove off the dock (the false "Colonel" and his man who had met the First Wave) had disappeared under water. In the midst of the invasion, no one noticed the two Tai Ping commandoes breathing through straws, swimming under the Imperial boats. Now they climbed stealthily aboard the stern of steam tug ORPHAN ANNIE, as she puffs alongshore, moving one surf boat here and one sampan there. Between cargoes, she now rested for a moment offshore. If one or both of the steam tugs could be disabled, the landing would be seriously delayed. The first man kills the crewman operating the towing winch. Then his partner the "Colonel" attacks the wheelhouse, where he takes on three other crewmen and kills them all! Then they capture the Governor, who they had not even known was aboard! A major coup for the rebels! Will the Imperialist victory fall empty from their grasp? Will the battle end a stalemate through negotiation for the hostage Governor? But wait! An extra company of the Governor's naval crew from the GREEN CASTLE is also providentially and almost incidentally aboard! They now rush forward and subdue the commandoes. The situation is saved by the high morale naval crew. Hurrah! 6. AN UPHILL STRUGGLE Time for the second wave to hit the beach! The forces of the Governor passed through the EVA toward the hill. Those of the Prince, led by the naval party of RED DRAGON thirsting for vengeance, landed on the right flank and passed the hill of the Green Pavillion, swinging left to come around on its side wall. However, a second Dragon Gun blasted from the corner, killing the sailors! It also did work against the soldiers in their assault, until silenced by the FIREFLY's bow gun, now running low on ammunition. A deadly battle broke out in the center between the two pavillions, as EVA troops advancing met a fierce counterattack by the blue regiment sortie. Having dropped back from the stockade position after firing its muskets, it now went forward, bending back the EVA line. One EVA company stood up to a melee, defeating the rebels only after several minutes of combat. Than a party of rebel skirmishers with swords and shields charged down the hillside from the left side of Green Pavillion where they had been stationed, and overpowered these heroes.. These Tigermen had shields bearing tiger faces, or the Chinese written character for "tiger," which also means "King," standing for their Leader the Tai Ping Wang and the Heavenly King or leader of the rebellion.. Although the Imperialists were still advancing, their casualties were becoming more heavy than was desirable to continue the battle. As the last wave landed, battle lines advanced and fell on the right hillside. Tai Pings of the Green Regiment bravely stand on the parapets of the right wall, and finally repulse the Prince's troops. The Imperial Allied line swept up to the hill to the very front of the Green Pavillion, as the mortar from FIREFLY destroyed the front barricades there. There was a pause in this furious battle as reinforcing companies relieved the battered ones on both sides. What had happened to contest the landings at the shore? The Tai Ping Colonel's head was now tragically discovered on a pole in the ruin's of the right hand dock stockade . His treachery had been discovered and he had been executed by his superiors! What ill luck for the Imperial forces, after all that diplomacy. 7. BETWEEN THE PAVILLIONS THE KING AND HIS COUSIN THE GENERAL REGROUP The Tai Ping King sends a message to his cousin The General in the Red Pavillion. "I have a secret underground treasury in the mountain! Since we still hold the area between our pavillions, but might not much longer, I invite you to tranfer yourself, your treasury, and the survivors of the dock regiments to my position, before either of us is overwhelmed seperately." The General accepts the invitation and secretly makes the move. But he leaves the Red Regiment behind to defend the pavillion. If the Allies can be confused and strung out among the various rebel positions, they are more likely to incur unacceptable casualties, and be forced to draw off without victory. Since casualties are determined for the Imperialists by individual battalion, all must be engaged and blooded by 'the defense forces in order to break their morale.. 8. BATTLE OF THE RED PAVILLION Then the Governor's Red Regiment (ironically) assaulted the General's Red Pavillion, which was defended by the Tai Ping Regiment of the same color. It was thrown back by a Tai Ping counterattack. The FIREFLY then blasted out almost the last of its ammunition to beat back the attack and knock down the front barricades (the sides of both pavillion are part of the island itself, and cannot be destroyed). Now the great ruins of the Red Pavillion are silent. The Imperial forces are coming to the end of their strength, and are no longer strong enough to attack everywhere. They must reserve their few regiments still able to attack for the Green Pavillion. They do not know that the General has fled, his group's escape route back to the mountain bought with the lives of his troops. He returns to the Green Pavillion unknown to the Imperialists, who still have no line of sight into the Pavillion, and vanishes mysteriously into the small Treasure House under the right hand wall! No one is left inside the Red Pavillion which stands alone, now out of the battle, oddly enough conquered but unoccupied, its rebel slogan posters still standing defiantly on their stands! "Death to the Imperialist Lackeys and Their Barbarian Stooges." 9. FINAL BATTLE OF THE GREEN PAVILLION Aboard tug ORPHAN ANNIE, Henry Burgevine is not happy. He is in charge of the landing. Most of The Prince's forces no longer wish to advance. The EVA is chewed up. The Governor barely escaped capture, and his troops are tired also. There is no more reserve; together they can barely hold a continuous perimeter line, and that only by not taking the entire island. In uncontrolled areas, their own prisoner are being tortured, and who knows what deviltry is afoot! He takes a swig of Chinese rice wine. "Its not from Louisiana, or even Kentucky, but its not bad." Back home, his country is ripped apart, as is this one. Even his booze has no discernable homeland! (Burgevine will later himself join the Tai Pings with some of the other officers, until repatriated by British General 'Chinese' Gordon, who takes over the EVA after Ward is killed in a later battle, and who they hate). On the front line by Green Pavillion, the last Green Regiment defenders pull back, out of sight. Many hundreds of isolated groups have been taken prisoner, and are now down in the sampans offshore. Where are all the survivors? Green Pavillion will have to be taken building by building, if the troops will stand it! With tentative steps, the Manchu Bannerman in their blue uniform vests with white sleeves move up to the left hillside between the pavillion. No rebels in sight! They attack the large building, and a rank of rebels fight back hand to hand until overwhelmed. The building is occupied, but the battalion will go forward no further. In the center, the Purple Regiment of the Governor advances into the open courtyard of the Green Pavillion. A line of rebel musketeers opens fire from the last large building in the rear, by the ornamental fish pond. All the fish have died from one concussion or another, and float belly up. The invaders return fire. Now musketeers wish to come out and surrender. They come out but are sent back by the Imperialist officer. "Tell your fellows to come out as well, if you wish to have your surrender accepted!" But the musketeers are disconsolate. "There is no one else in the building." "Where are they all?" "We do not know." They enemy musketeers go back to their position and take up their muskets, wondering if they will have to shoot again and del'end themselves to the last man. The Purple Regiment is the last Allied force in decent shape; the others have all been reduced. A few are even at the shoreline, hardly fit for even defensive duty. A Purple patrol entered the Treasure House. After searching, they report a huge hidden door leading underground! The rebels have retreated to a secret fortress underneath the mountain, and the Allies are no longer strong enough to dig them out! 10. AN UNDERGROUND MOVEMENT Aboard FIREFLY, a final conference takes place. Ward, Burgevine, the Governor, and others are there. It is estimated that most of the enemy Blue Regiment has escaped, along with a few Red and Greens. But the messenger for negotiation from the enemy is dressed in the uniform of a Yellow Regiment, which is an entirely new force never contacted! Fighting cavern to cavern, more melee fighting will be necessary than can be now supported. "We'll have to talk them out," says Ward. "If they had another tunnel out somewhere they'd be long gone. They'll have to negotiate. We can starve them othem ise. 11. EVER VICTORIOUS? So victory is proclaimed for Ward, and the Governor NN ill take over the island. The Tai Pings will give up their Treasury and disband. The memory of The Prince will be honored, but conveniently his forces will be added to the EVA or the Governor's Guard. Achieving a substantive but not decisive victory, the Allies must be satisfied for now. As for The Great Rebellion, its legend will keep its own heroic status and continue. The Tai Pings will have to be fought and defeated time and time again. The European trading community of Shanghai can breath more easily, knowing that one army of the rebels is broken up and will not threaten them again. Ward and his EVA are heroes. But the dynasty and the Europeans are using them, and they will be tamed so as not to threaten the status quo, as will the rebels eventually. Who has won? Who has lost? Who can say, in the end'? Life in China goes on... 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