by Chris Grice
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Turlough O'Brien of Dunbrennan has declared himself rebel against the crown and has begun to raise troops. The English have sent a force to put down the rebellion before it gains too much impetus. Siege guns are being transported by sea to a convenient beach near O'Brien's castle, but there are insufficient ships to carry the rest of the force, which must therefore travel overland. The English must make their way to the landing beach, rendezvous with the guns, then destroy the castle and drive away the cattle O'Brien has collected at his creaght to pay and feed his troops. The English force consists of: 3 companies of infantry, each:
Lieutenant Ancient 8 pike 12 Caliver 4 musket 1 band of cavalry:
Cornet 12 demi-lancers 1 band of enlisted kern:
12 kern.
4 cards should list relatively strong Irish forces, such as: Spanish-trained Infantry company, 8 pike and 16 shot or 12 Galloglaich with axe and 20 kern with javelin or bow. 4 cards should have average numbers, e.g. 12 buannacht with caliver or 20 kern with javelin or bow 4 cards should have light forces, e.g. 6 Irish cavalry or 9 kern. Shuffle each group and place one of each at each of A,B,C & D on the map. Then shuffle the piles. The player can decide whether to split the English force to attack the river crossing. The terrain around the fords should be close enough to prevent either side being able to support its comrades at another ford. When a ford is reached, the player can throw a D6 to see what defences the rebels may have thrown up:
Once the English forces are in sight of the ford(s) to be attacked, the defenders may be reinforced by 1 card, or, on a throw of 5 or 6,2 cards, chosen at random from Irish forces which are not being attacked. Dice for how many moves it takes before these reinforcements arrive. When (or if) the English reach the beach, two demi-culverins may be landed to batter the castle. AVAILABILITY OF FIGURESFrei Korps 15 do an excellent range of figures, tailor-made for this period. Essex and Minifigs also have useful items in their ranges. I have to admit I don't know what the situation is like as far as 25mm figures are concerned. I hope this may have whetted a few appetites and tempted them to have a go at what really is an excellent period for the solo gamer. The campaign possibilities, given the combatants lack of knowledge of the country, the supply problems and the existence of small isolated garrisons are endless. The military dress of the period is colourful, and so are many of the characters. Recommended reading:
Celtic Warfare 1595-1763, J M Hill. Celtic Warriors 400BC- AD1600 by Tim Newark. ISBN 0-7137-1690-8 P.S. I have just read Richard Barbuto's article in Lone Warrior 118 on generating terrain. This idea would convert VERY nicely to this period. Back to Table of Contents -- Lone Warrior #119 Back to Lone Warrior List of Issues Back to MagWeb Magazine List © Copyright 1997 by Solo Wargamers Association. This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other military history articles and gaming articles are available at |