by Ross Isaacs and Greg Stolze
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Ryoko Owari is a city known for sin. Its merchants are sneakier, its nobles more devious, and its geishas more seductive. In Ryoko Owari,there is one neighborhood where entertainments are licensed - dancing, plays, drinking houses. It's on a Teardrop Island. There the samurai go to set aside - for awhile - the pressures of their station and their duties to their ancestors. It is a place for ninjo - human feelings. There a man can be just a man, not a representative of his family, clan or school. Although everyone agrees that ninjo is to be repressed and ignored, everyone also realizes that indulging on occasion can relieve unbearable pressures in the soul. On Teardrop Island, there is one place where people go too far. House of the Plum BlossomOne of the lesser geisha houses in Ryoko Owari is the House of the Plum Blossom. A low, unassuming structure at the bottom of a dead end street, it is frequented only by those with especially jaded and perverse tastes. The easily overlooked sign out front proclaims this "The House of the Plum Blossom." Passers-by suspect nothing, and indeed stepping inside no one would know anything was wrong - at first. The servants seem especially quiet and downcast, but that could be attributed to fine manners or severe training. Still, even those who stop in simply for sake or tea often find themselves nervous and uneasy. Most people leave the Plum Blossom soon after they arrive. Those who know what they're looking for remain. They are greeted warmly by Auntie Bohaku, the proprietess. A friendly woman of indeterminate age, Bohaku is known for her attention to her clients. Secretly run for the benefit of an Oni, the Plum Blossom clientele require special attention indeed. Not all of them are aware of the Plum Blossom's true purpose. All they know is that they have found a place where their most unacceptable urges can be gratified, for the Oni who stalks the Plum Blossom feeds off of the excesses of those who give in to their basest desires. Those who indulge are rewarded with heightened pleasure - and the only price is the hidden cost to their souls. A ComplicationThere's only one dock on Teardrop Island. To go from there to the Licensed Quarter, a samurai has to pass through a building called "Swords Polished" The proprietor (a ronin called Gate) does not let anyone through unless they leave all weapons with him. Supposedly this is for polishing (because no samurai would give up his sword just to have a good time). In reality, it's to keep weapons out of the hands of drunks in the geisha. HOW THE PCS GET INVOLVEDA GM's first reaction is likely to be "Sounds dreadful. How do I get my characters there?" There are many reasons for people of all types to visit the House of the Plum Blossom. They Wander In If the PCs are in Ryoko Owari and visit the Licensed Quarter, they might ignorantly get lost and wander in looking for a drink. They Hear It's Good The House of the Plum Blossom is infamous among certain select patrons. Players with dark alliances (particularly those of the Soshi, Kuni and Yogo families) might have been told to visit the Plum Blossom by a leering, drunken relative. Or anyone who has a serious Social Disadvantage, or a bad Reputation might get a recommendation from an ally (or would-be ally). They Hear It's Bad. One of Ryoko Owari's less prosperous merchants has an inkling about the Plum Blossom, to his great dismay. Koro the knife sharpener entered the Plum Blossom by accident, and has been trying to forget what he saw ever since. (Sake and opium both help.) He's become something of a joke for his ravings about the "house of evil" but players may listen to what others ignore. It's also possible that people from the Lion or Unicorn clans might hear a rumor about the Plum Blossom from righteous friends or relatives who suspect it's a bad place, but who have no idea how bad. They Hear It's Myderious The captain (Koshih) of the guard on Teardrop Island is named Jitsoyoteki Masato. A polite and genially corrupt man, he's heard disturbing rumors and wants to find out the truth. Since he hasn't time to investigate every geisha house (and because he rightfully suspects any wrongdoing would be hidden from him or his men) he may well ask the characters to look around as a favor. Being a Scorpion, he may make sure the characters want to do him this favor. They're Following Someone The easiest one of all. Did anyone take the "Enemy" disadvantage? Are they looking for a mysterious shugenja/lost relative/rogue bandit? Rumor could place him, her or it at the Plum Blossom lt doesn't even have to be true. WHEN THEY GET THERE Inside one sees low tables, dimly lit by paper lanterns. The mournful sounds of a shimasen are broken up by leering giggles. Every once in a while, a sharp sound from the back room can be heard - a crack or a groan. Everyone ignores it. Characters with unusual sensitivities Motos, Hirumas, possibly Kuni - may simply sense the familiar Shadowlands stink. For others, it takes an Awareness+Shadowlands Lore roll of 25 to sense that something is wrong. When the heroes enter, they're seated and served in a perfunctory fashion. Characters with Honor scores of 0 or 1 may be asked "Would you like fresh pomegranate service?" by a servant with a raised eyebrow. Those who say yes will be escorted to the back room. If they say no, they are allowed to finish their drinks unmolested, neither are their bottles replaced. The activities taking place in the back are left to the tastes and discretion of the individual gamemaster. The patrons of the Plum Blossom tend to be depraved, seeking out forbidden delights. The less said the better, leaving things to the imagination. Just remember, it's bad. When the PCs enter the inner rooms, a geisha servant appears to tend to the visitor's desires. Decadence and DisgustIf PCs discover their mistake and immediately try to leave, several geisha arrive to dissuade them in their own, unique fashion. Starting with temptation, it quickly moves to intimidation as the geisha attempt to protect the Plum Blossom's secrets. "If you say what you saw here, they'll ask why you came here. Assuming they believe you." The PCs have three options: they can participate in the degradation, fight, or flee. THE PROBLEM WITH FIGHTING The Geisha actively try to detain the PCs. The Players' initial reaction may be to fight it out. If so, then the various patrons in surrounding rooms jump into the fray. Auntie Bohaku will (after a few rounds) come in to try to "settle things down." Although she's an unimpressive woman, the patrons look at Auntie Bohaku with respect bordering on fear. She will point out to the PCs that they're unarmed and outnumbered, and will offer them a chance to leave quietly. At this point, be sure to tell each PC that it looks like Bohaku is looking straight at him - no matter where she is in relation to the other heroes. If they try to fight, you can introduce more patrons until they get the hint. If they leave peacefully, she takes care to remind them that any accusation will call their own character into question. TRY, TRY AGATN Players being what they are, they're unlikely to just throw up their hands in despair. Assuming they decide to eradicate this den of debauchery, there are several ways to regroup and try again. MAKESHTFT WEAPONS Since they don't have swords, they can improvise - bo staves, wooden clubs, chopsticks... If they have the requisite skill, they can simply go nuts. If they use makeshift swords, they can use the kenjutsu skill - but the damage for a club is lkl. Carrying their frying pans and sake bottles, they can proceed directly to "Frontal Assault." PERSUADING GATE Gate the ronin has their swords and could, if persuaded, arm them. This would take a lot of persuasion. He can't be bribed, but appeals to honor, or to the safety of the Licensed Quarter may do the trick. (Make your players work for this; Gate gets approached by many people who want to carry swords into "his" Quarter, and he hasn't said yes yet.) Why should he make an exception for them? He'll be more inclined to agree if they can show proof of infernal involvement. BRINGING WEAPONS ALONG It's possible to smuggle small weapons onto Teardrop Island, but not easy. A tanto can be concealed up a sleeve or hakama leg, but players who want their no-dachi will have to be much more creative. Again, make them work for this; furthermore, even if they succeed, their could be future repercussions if they're seen armed in the Licensed Quarter... RESEARCH Learned characters may decide to study their opponent before attacking. Various fields of knowledge can offer different advantages. At the Temples. Players who travel to the Temple Quarter (or those who make a Theology roll at TN 30) can gain insight into the abstract nature of such a creature at such prominent shrines as the Temple of Daikoku or the Temple to Amaterasu. No monk would know the name Fuhinko, but would theorize that a demon of vice would be susceptible to demonstrations of virtue. Donations would be cheerfully accepted. At the Bushido Schools. The most prominent bushido school in Ryoko Owari is where the city guards train. The Scorpions there (whose geisha houses have occasionally been infested in the past) are familiar with these oni will only say that "she has a face for each attacker, and all are dangerous" This can also be "recalled" by players who make a Shadowlands Lore roll at TN 25 or an Oni Lore roll at TN 20. Word On The Street. Characters who make inquiries on the subject of unwholesome geisha houses are directed to drunk old Koro the knife sharpener. In his run-down stall, littered with empty bottles and reeking of opium smoke, they can learn that the demon feeds off its servants' suffering; attacking the servants only makes the creature stronger. A Moment of TruthNow that the samurai better sense of what they're up against, what do they do? Attacking an oni in its lair is never a simple proposition. There are several choices they could make... DO NOTHING Unlikely, but simple. If left unchallenged, the House of the Plum Blossom prospers. Eventually Auntie Bohaku begins acquiring nearby buildings in order to accommodate her increased "business." However, deliberately ignoring an oni in the city costs 5 honor points to a samurai from any clan.
Crane: It's the honorable thing to do. Dragon: If they don't need a reason, neither do you. Be enigmatic - he is. Lion: Is an oni more frightening than the knowledge you ran? Phoenix: It's a stain on the elements. Scorpion: It's our city. Unicorn: It's the right thing to do. ARSON What if the players decide to stand back and burn the place down? The answer is that the fire fighters of the Licensed District are well trained and numerous. Furthermore, Masato takes a dim view of arson. FRONTAL ASSAULT By far the most likely outcome. The can players grab their smuggled or improvised weapons, kick in the door and go berserk. The first thing they face are the Geisha and Patrons, just like before. Auntie Bohaku will probably stay back and enjoy the suffering of her minions for a while (after all, that's their function) but will attempt to flee if seriously threatened. She's not particularly fast, but it can be hard to chase someone when you don't know which way she's facing. In addition to the challenges of the oni, her minions and her clients, a noisy assault may alert the city guard - who are armed with naginatas. ONT NO FUHTNKO The characters' enemy is Oni no Fuhinko, a demon that feeds on and enhances dark desires. One of Fu Leng's subtler creations, Fuhinko appears in an innocuous form - that of Auntie Bohaku. It's difficult to discern an oni of this type from a normal person. The tell-tale sign is that everyone who looks at the Oni will think the Oni is looking right at him; and it is. lt is impossible to see the back of a Fuhinko's head. Anyone who gives in to a warped expression of human desire - greed, lust, urges to violence when Fuhinko is nearby finds the sensation more gratifying. THE ONI ESCAPES If Fuhinko isn't killed in the first six or seven rounds of combat, assume the city guards show up and start trying to sort things out. Fuhinko is likely to escape in the confusion (which could be a clean getaway or result in a chase scene), but she drops her fan as she flees. HONOR VICTORY The characters may have been told that Fuhinko can be overcome through honor, but it's probably not entirely dear what that means In practice, almost anything they try (other than an attack) is likely to work Meditation trying to use Willpower to overcome anger, praying to the Fortunes or reciting the Tao of Shinsei all work. If her last Wound Point is taken by such an Honor attack Fuhinko dissolves into a puddle of blackish slime, wailing all the while. The geisha drop to the floor, comatose, and all her loyal patrons feel a chill as her death touches them as well. Defeating Oni No Fuhinko results in a gain of 3 Honor points, less the character's current Honor Rank. If proof can be shown that the House of the Plum Blossom was indeed an Oni's lair, it results in an audience with Shosuro Hyobu - the Governor of Ryoko Owari. She personally expresses her gratitude to the characters for removing a stain from her city and presents them with a poem composed in their honor. This results in a gain of 3 Glory for each character involved. Finally, the entire adventure is worth 3 Experience Points if successfully completed. THE HAND OF FUHINKO Through long proximity to Fuhinko, her fan has become a nemurani. Anyone who opens the fan appears to be facing all directions just as Fukinko does) and can dimly sense if anyone is looking at him. This means that the fan's user is attacked from behind or ambushed, the TN to hit is still Reflexes x5 (instead of the usual base TN of 5 to hit an immobile target). There's a price for this ability, however; opening the fan gives its bearer a point of Shadowlands taint An additional point is given for each hour the fan is deliberately kept open. The fan has five rods, each of which is made of ivory and shaped like a fingerbone. Each is tipped with a large mirrored talon and white silk with a spiderweb pattern is strung between them. If used as an emergency weapon its mirrored blades have a damage rating of 1k2. VULNERABILITY True honor is painful to her when focused in her direction. Anyone who chooses to forgo an attack on Fuhinko and who concentrates on pure thoughts of duty, honor and giri will roll and keep a number of damage dice equal to their honor rank. There is no To Hit roll for this effect; someone with Honor 3 can automatically do three dice of damage to Fuhinko each turn (her armor still reduces this damage). Back to Imperial Herald Issue #8 Table of Contents Back to Imperial Herald List of Issues Back to MagWeb Master List of Magazines © Copyright 1996 by Alderac Entertainment Group This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. |