by David Keith van Hoose
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How did we get to this point in the narrative campaign? Well, I wanted to create an interesting background for the skirmishes I planned on playing using for Pkowboys. I'm also a closet novelist so I first sat down and wrote the background information using a dialog style, as this is a skirmish campaign. This dialog and background story makes up Chapters 1 to 3. Once I had the background story, I talked two of the guys traveling with me into fighting out the brawl that is detailed in Chapter 4. The brawl is written using a battle replay style of writing that tries to capture the table top game and continue with the background story. Starting with the next issue, I've decided to give you the reader of The Herald only an abridged version of the narrative campaign and more battle replay (the big shoot out on the train is coming up). If you would like to read the unabridged version of the campaign please just email me and I would be happy to send it only to you. Okay lets get on with the action that we have been building up to, with this street brawl using the Wild West skirmishes rules from Piquet Inc.'s by Jeff Grossman, "Pkowboys". Chapter 4: Dakota Street After stepping outside and walking down the boardwalk a short distance, Fritz turns, taking the cigarette that Zeke offers him, and waits for a light. "So, you are going on this trail ride, too, eh? Those other two guys," Fritz gestures toward the window at James and Pete, "have you met them? I did just a bit ago." I'm moving to the tabletop for a short game of Pkowboys, as a brawl is about to start. This battle was played out in Salt Lake City between two of the guys I've been traveling with. To start, each player has three cards in their hand. They each now roll a D20 for initiative. Richard (Zeke) wins the initiative. In his hand is a Foot Move In Open, Fast Pistol Reload and a Brawl Card. Richard's figure starts just 1" from Bob's (Fritz) figure. Richard plays the Brawl card, which costs him 10 pips. Cooly and methodically, Zeke lashes out with a right hook to the side of Fritz's head. His anger is evident, but the smile on his face is chilling -- this is a man who enjoys a good rough and tumble! Fritz is totally surprised, since one minute Zeke is acting friendly, even rolling him a smoke. Having gotten the initiative and starting the turn with a brawl card, Richard/Zeke gets a +1 to his brawling roll. As it happens, he doesn't roll high enough, so doesn't cause a wound. Bob/Fritz is only stunned. Fritz stumbles into the side of the nearest doorframe, smashing his face against it. Richard does not want to play the other cards in his hand, so draws one from the deck -- a Brilliant Leader. He chooses to use it as a Brawl card and plays it as 11 pips (a Brilliant Leader card can be played as either one or 11 pips). In this case, playing it as an 11 gives Richard a 21 or "Blackjack," and another turn of initiative. Richard continues his next turn with the initiative by refilling his hand. He draws a Brawl card and plays it for 10 pips. Zeke steps in towards a stunned, disbelieving Fritz. Zeke ducks low and swoops upwards, delivering a nasty uppercut to the chin, cutting off Fritz's stammer, "What the...?" Fritz then stands erect, using the wall to lean on. He begins screaming at the top of his lungs, "You dirty bushwhacking, yellow, back-stabbing coward! I'll kill ya!" Everyone in Erin's Restaurant is now watching the fight thru the big window. Pete and James look at each other, then rush outside just in time to see Zeke deliver a crushing haymaker to Fritz's abdomen. Zeeks belches out air with an audible, "Oof!," and doubles over, holding himself. Zeke is none too merciful, as he continues to attack while the man is bent over. Whump! Another uppercut into Fritz's face. With no card to play, Richard again draws from the deck, this time a Handy Cover card, for a total of 13 pips. He then draws a Giddeyap card, for a total of 23, ending his initiative. Bob now finally has the initiative. He holds a Dodge, Layin' Low and Action card in his hand. Bob plays the Action card for 4 pips and then draws a Brawl card, playing it for 10 pips for a total of 14 pips. Fritz, realizing he is defenseless, straightens up in a hurry. James and Pete arrive in the street, but are too far to do anything, at least right now. Fritz makes a Bold Attack -- a wild swing at Zeke -- who jerks his head back quickly, but takes a glancing blow to the nose. Unfortunately, this is enough to stun Zeke for a split second, letting Fritz jab him in the ribs. Not wanting to take the chance to "bust," Bob ends his turn. Richard and Bob continue in this matter until the end of the brawl. Fritz's face is covered in blood. He jumps back as Zeke swings his fist mightily, and it misses wide. Zeke almost gets in another blow, but Fritz's blocks it. Zeke launches another attack, which is effective. Fritz takes a glancing blow as he spins to avoid the attack. This sends Fritz twirling into the dust, and finally, to "never-never land." A few men in the crowd run over to Fritz, others to Zeke. One of the men by Fritz hold up a black leather pouch, "Hey! This guy was going for a blackjack." Zeke straightens his clothing and dusts off his jacket. As he wipes his mouth and nose with a handkerchief, the smile leaves his face and his eyes are left oddly calm. He makes eye contact with Pete and James, then walks over to where Fritz lays in the street. "My apologies for upsetting the town on this fine morning," he says in a firm clear voice. "Dogs need to be taught how to behave when in the house. Some need a firmer hand than others." With that, he turns and walks down the street towards the the Blacksmith's, keeping an eye out for him or anyone else looking for vengeance. If there's to be retribution, he wants it here and now. The folks on the street give Zeke a wide birth. No one seems to champion Fritz, although several citizens do their civic duty and tend to his wounds. Many women stare at Zeke wide-eyed, and one stranger -- a gunfighter by his looks -- tips his hat and says "Mighty fine." Zeke soon hears rhythmic clanging on the forge, but the smithy, Bryan, seems totally unaware of what has transpired. Back by the restaurant, James and Pete watch a few men pick Fritz up and put him on the back of a buckboard wagon to take to the doctor. Mary, Helen, and Joan burst out the door, Helen asking, "What happened?" Pete replies, "I think that Zeke just clobbered ole' Fritz -- not really sure why, but it sounded like it had something to do with Fritz's manners." Looking over at James, he adds, "Well, I reckon the coffee is getting cold, I'm going to finish my breakfast." James smiles and nods, "You go right ahead. I'm gonna go collect my gear and I'll meet up with you at Murphy's later this evening." He passes some money to Helen. "Again, thank you for the mighty fine meal, and it'll be a pleasure to have your company again." Looking back at Pete, he adds, "Well, at least we know where Zeke stands." James smiles, again. "Man! With that kind of conviction and decisiveness, he can be good to have around in a scrap!" Quick Draw Western Campaign Back to The Herald 58 Table of Contents Back to The Herald List of Issues Back to MagWeb Master Magazine List © Copyright 2004 by HMGS-GL. This article appears in (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other articles from military history and related magazines are available at |