by Mike Demana
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Across the Mediterranean, barbarian nations flowed into Roman territory like rivers swollen by Spring's thaw. Germans crossed the Alps into Italy, while Gauls swarmed Narbonensis. Far to the East, the Parthians continued to besiege Jerusalem while the wild Blemmye tribes of the Upper Nile rode south towards Roman Egypt. In camps across the Republic, legionaries shook off the rust of Winter's inactivity, and hurried towards the borders...
Incitare As the Germans poured south through the newly-thawed Alpine passes towards Cisalpine Gaul, Incitare quickly consolidated three detachments into three full strength legions. The Germans gaped at the sight of Incitare's forces, which outnumbered the tribesmen by 25%. After a hurried debate among the chieftains, the Germans fled back towards the north. Incitare was wary of ambush in the mountains, and did not pursue immediately. He knew where the way to their homelands, having been there before. As far as he was concerned, he had the Germans cornered. Tauruscrania As Rome's Eastern legions met by easy marches on the parade grounds in the Levant, the men of the different cohorts traded rumors about where this year's campaign would take them. "Parthia," was on most lips, with others suggesting campaigns against the Galatians or Arabs. A pair of passing tribunes chuckled as they happened upon one particularly lively debate. One tribune's comments silenced the crowd, until well after the pair had strolled off. Then a buzz started, "What did he mean, 'I hope you don't get sea sick'?" Gracchus The soldiers were well rested after wintering in Libya, and eager to face the Moors, who had spent the season despoiling Carthage. They cheered Gracchus when he returned from Rome via a fast galley. Gracchus quickly broke camp and marched two overstrength legions against the slightly smaller tribal force of Moors (9 Roman SPs vs. 8 Moorish SPs). The battle was fought on the Moors' favorite terrain -- wide open spaces with occasional patches of scrub for their light infantry to utilize. Losses piled up on both sides, and the battle wavered back and forth, until the easy escape into the desert proved too much temptation for the Moorish tribesmen. They dispersed to their homeland, satisfied they'd defied Rome enough for one raid. Gracchus knew the battle had been a close one (9-7, +2 prestige points), and cursed the casualties the desert raiders had inflicted (1 SP). Drusus Haste had been Drusus' worst enemy last year, when he'd chosen the quick sea route from Italy to Macedonia and suffered the disastrous storm. This year, he'd be more circumspect. He pulled in his detachments guarding the Illyrian and Thracian borders, and consolidated them in the hills of Epirus. Another detachment was sent ahead to Achaea to obtain adequate shipping and THOROUGHLY inspect it, making sure it was seaworthy for a crossing to Egypt not likely to take place till Summer. His rival Gracchus had already surpassed him with influence in the Senate. Another ill stroke and the presumptuous puppies, the Proconsuls Incitare and the lunatic Tauruscrania would surpass him, too! Early Spring was a slow turn, with only one battle. More loomed on the horizon with the Incitare facing both Germans and Gauls, and Tauruscrania mustering for invasion somewhere. Gracchus (Jason) increased his lead in prestige points with 53, to Drusus' 44, Incitare's 37 and Tauruscrania's 31. More 1st Century BC Campaign
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