by Tom Bryant
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November 1, 2001. Ok, it's painting time again, or should I say yet? You've gone to all the big conventions -Little Wars, Drums Along the Maumee, Origins, GenCon, Historicon, Advance the Colors, Fall In, etc. -- not to mention a half a dozen smaller cons and several games days. You have stacks of ancient (not ANCIENTS) miniatures going back to the English Civil War; you may also have miniatures from auctions you've won on E-bay or other Internet sites. All right, enough of the bad jokes. If you're like me, you probably have some boxes for unpainted minis and terrain, as well as some area to store paints, etc., as well as painted minis in travel containers or on shelves. In short, you may want to get organized and put everything in some sort of order. Now how to do this while trying to keep working on your projects? This is my current problem. I've got about 200 ACW miniatures primed and in the initial stages of being painted, not to mention about 100-150 World War Il American infantry just about finished, as well as some vehicles and LOADS of unpainted lead. I also have storage problems, both for transportation and "warehousing" of my miniatures, when not in the field. I also need terrain for several different periods that would be nice to finish or at least get enough for some of my needs. The big need, however, is to get at least two sets of forces for one of my periods. It's nice to have several different periods, but it would be also nice to have both sides in a conflict for running a game when some of my normal opponents aren't able to supply me with minis for a game. A List Sounds like quite a problem. Now, how to solve it? Well, for starters, I figured I needed to come up with a list of things I'd like to accomplish. Therefore, I brainstormed and came up with a list: 1. Paint or finish ALL the primed or in process minis I currently have.
b. What I need to fill out the periods I'm interested in c. What I have completed all ready and... d. What I have left to finish off 5. Develop some sort of transport and warehousing scheme for my miniatures and terrain. 6. Make a record of my activities to both mark my successes and to also learn from my mistakes and errors. Also to write these articles to give me an additional incentive to finish (or to make a valiant attempt to finish) my work. 7. Organize and clean up my work area to improve my ability to get work out. This was the result of my brainstorming. In order of need, I reorganized the list. I put items 3,4,7 and 1 at the tops of my list. Once I had the list of stuff I've gotten painted, to do, and in the "other" pile, I set to work developing a rough schedule for my work. As of today, Nov. 1, I would like to finish off the primed and "in process" historical minis (I have a couple dozen Sci-fi minis that can wait for a while) that I've got by the time Little Wars rolls around in mid March. That's the minimum. Ideally. I'd like to get two forces in one period as well. The next big project is to get my painting area organized for the best workflow as well as finish my inventory system. Now that I'd gotten a good start on my inventory list, the next thing I need to do is organize my work area a little better. More of that in the next installment. I've got some primed 1/6000th Hallmark minis I'm going to finish off in the next week or two (with luck) and hopefully I can get the hundred or so 15mm World War II U.S. infantry that are painted off their paint stands and onto their new bases and get them finished. After that, I will attack the primed Civil War troopers out and done. Now, why am I writing this series of articles? Well, for one thing, I know I'm not alone in this sort of problem. How many of you have large piles o'minis gathering dust? Every winter you plan on finishing period "X," or getting this or that unit finished. Sometimes, it happens, sometimes it doesn't. Often, aside from the "real world" challenges of home, work, family, etc., that intrude on our hobby, we have hobby issues as well. The club just started Napoleonics and you need to do an army for the battle, Joe is really geared up for the Seven Years Way period and you need an army to be ready. You just saw "Pearl Harbor" with your girlfriend or wife and decided to paint up some naval miniatures for the Pacific in 1941-42, etc. Whatever the reason is, the minis you had on the top of your list last year at this time, or heck, even last month, get shoved to the back of the pile. The other reason is that I need a little extra incentive myself. I want to clear out some of the minis that I have primed and sitting on my shelves for about four years now and I'd like to get them done so new minis can gather dust (well not really I hope I can improve my turn around time). Also, I'm hoping to excite some new ideas on how to take care of our piles o'lead problem. Good luck and good Gaming. More Piles O'Lead
Clearing Your Piles O'Lead, Part 2 (Herald 45) Clearing Your Piles O'Lead, Part 3 (Herald 46) Back to The Herald 44 Table of Contents Back to The Herald List of Issues Back to MagWeb Master Magazine List © Copyright 2001 by HMGS-GL. This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other military history articles and gaming articles are available at |