GM Background and Notes
by Bob Giglio
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GM Background and NotesThis scenario is based on historical incidents, but since no exact numbers of Zulus engaged are known, these have been added from regiments that may have been massing in the area to form another impi for an attack on Fort Eshowe. The scenario will require the British to take the offensive quickly, beforc the rest of the Zulu regiments arrive from off-board and subsequently start to surrond the British positons. It is great to finally have a Zulu scenario where the British must be aggressive instead of sitting back and waiting for the Zulu hordes to throw themselves against the superior firepower of the British, which unfortunately happens in most Zulu games. Naturally, as in both of the playtest games, the British can elect to take a defensive posture once the Zulus start to appear, which will lead to a British defeat due to the fact that they will probably be forced to withdraw without being able to destroy the kraal. This would then do nothing for the low morale at Fort Eshowe! For example: at Cold Wars '96 the British commander advanced halfway to the kraal, was unable to stop the Zulu figure running to warn the kraal, and once the Zulus spilled out from the kraal like "a swarm of angry bees" as one of the players put it, he ordered a complete withdrawal back to his initial position on the hill to await the Zulus. Even after I urged him that he only had 24 turns to accomplish his mission, so that his forces did not have to retreat at night, he was confident that "once the Zulus come to us we can finish them off and still have time to advance and burn the kraals unhindered." He was wrong, as the Zulus waited to fully develop their horns, totally surrounding the British, and it was a very messy affair, where only the mounted troops escaped. The one good result was that the British commander stated that "well, I now leartned something for next time." Therefore, it wasn't a total loss.... By the way, for those interested, I will be running a North-West Frontier scenario at Histoncon '96 on Friday evening titled "Frontier in Flames! " (or young Winston and the Malakand Field Force). This will involve my usual large 8'x24' platform table with excellent terrain! Notes: 1) The kraal gives medium cover to any just inside (i.e. behind outer wall), and gives soft cover to any inside the huts in the kraal or fighting amongst the kraal. The smaller umizi give soft cover to any inside the huts/area. 2) Areas of bmsh are thick shrub, and the long wet mealie grass is at least waist height. Both can easily hide figures/units, except mounted, and give soft cover. 3) Rocky outcroppings give medium cover, as well as using the edge of the ravine, which is really a donga. The donga is a barrier to cross (i.e. takes half of original movement to cross), and a unit may not charge across the donga, but may charge out of it if the unit started the turn already in the donga. The ravine is covered with brush for most of its length, especially on the plain proper. 4) At start of game have each Zulu player roll 1D6 for those ibuthos which are not on the board yet. This is the Zulu Offensive Turn in which the ibutho arrives, but this is not to be known to the other Zulu players. 5) Zulu ibuthos enter at random points on the board, as follows: (roll 2D6 for each ibutho) 2-4 = NW corner, 5-6 = From N just below hill thru brush/grass, 78 = On hill NE corner, 9-10 = On E side of hill, 8D6" from the NE corner, 1112 = n hill SE corner. Note that ibuthos entering from off-board may not be hidden unless there has been some firing AND the off-board ibuthos have heard the firing (Zulu rolls 1D6; 1-5 = hear firing if artillery or 1-2 hear firing if small arms). If firing has been heard then ibuthos may enter board hidden (player's option) if concealing terrain is within 12" of their entry point. 6) British Commander (Col. Pearson) is a + 1 Commander (+ 1 to initiative roll), and British get +1 to iniative roll since they are facing irregulars. Total this means British have +2 to iniative roll each turn, and when they do not have initiative, they can move l unit a half move or half charge (declare charge after any Zulu charges are declared). Adjutant Commander (Lt-Col. Walker) is also + l Commander, if he assumes command British initiative will remain the same. 7) Dabulamanzi is a popular Chief induna, and +2 Commander (+2 to initiative roll). When Zulus do not have initiative, they can move 2 units a half move or half charge (declare charges after British charges are declared). All adjutant commanders are + 1 Commanders, so if one assumes command, Zulus will have + 1 to initiative roll, and can only move 1 unit a half move or half charge when they do not have the initiative. 8) Army Morale: British = 7 (out of 10 units; they are tired and hungry) Zulus without reinforcements = 13 (out of 18 units; defending homeland and fighting hated enemy) Zulus with amaNtuli ibutho (6 units) reinforcements = +0 Zulus with umHlanga ibutho (8 units) reinforcements = +4 Zulus with Nsugamgeni ibutho (8 units) reinforcements = +6 Zulus with uMzinyati ibutho (4 units) reinforcements = +5 When number of units stated above are either Demoralized or Broken/Routed, the Army Commander must roll 1D6 to keep his forces from dispersing, as follows:
2-6 = All British rout from field
3-6 = All Zulus rout from field Once Army Commander is required to check Army Morale, and if successful, another check will be required whenever an additional unit or War Bandis demoralized or Broken/Routed. This Army Morale check reflects an Army Commander's presense to inspire his troops to fight on no matte. 9) The British mission is simple. Capture and burn all Zulu dwellings, especially the kraal, after dealing with whatever resistance is encountered, then retire off-board from same edge (Southeast) entered from. If British lose 50% or more casualties, then it is a loss. 10) Zulu mission is also simple. Protect the kraal, umizi and cattlc, while destroying as many white pigs as possible! Scenario
GM Background and Notes British Background and Notes Zulu Background and Notes Scenario Map Raid Addendums and Clarifications (in issue 98) Back to The Heliograph #94 Table of Contents © Copyright 1996 by Richard Brooks. This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. |