From Rus’ to Russia Series
translated by Craig Martelle
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Page 100-101. Armaments and equipment of the Knights from Kievan Rus’ X-XI Centuries. Page 100. Left to right-Prince’s knight, Governor of the X Century, Hungarian in the Russian service X Century, eminent Knight-spearman XI Century. Inset-Russian helmets X-XI Century. 1-3. helmets from the X Century, 4-5. helmets from the XI Century, 6-7. helmet finials. Page 101. Top left to right-light wall, simple knight XI Century, Varangian in Russian service X Century, eminent knight (Boyar) XI Century, foot militia X-XI Century. Bottom left to right-eminent knight-spearman X Century. Inset-knife and sword pommels. 1. sword from the X Century, 2-3. swords from the XI Century, 4-5. pommels from the X Century, 6-7. pommels from the XI Century. Page 102-103. Armaments and equipment of the Knights from civil population of Kievan Rus’ X-XI Century. Page 102. Top left to right-Carellian (wealthy) knight XI Century and Izhorsk simple knight from the X Century. Bottom-Muromsk eminent knight XI Century. Inset-armaments of Carellia and Izhorsk. 1-2. spear tips, 3-4. axe heads, 5. quiver with arrows, 6-7. arrowheads, 8. knife & scabbard. Page 103. Upper-Mariya eminent knight XI Century. Lower-Mordova eminent knight XII Century. Upper inset-Mariya armaments. 1. spear tip, 2. javelin, 3-5. swords, 6-7. axe heads, 8. knife. Lower inset-Murom and Mordova armaments. 1-2. spear tips, 3-javelin, 4. broadsword, 5-8. axe heads, 9-10. arrowheads, 11. knife. Page 104-105. Armaments and equipment of the allies (Vassal) nomads of Kievan Rus’ XI-XIII Centuries. Page 104. Left to right-mounted knight-spearman XII Century, black hood (banner) of Kievan Poros’, Prince XIII Century. Left inset-offensive weapons for close combat. 1-5. spearheads, 6-7. spear caps, 8. mace, 9. club, 10. Iron ball (fastened to a strap). Right inset-helmets (1-4) and face mask for a helmet (5). Page 105. Top left to right-Eminent warrior-knight XIII Century. Pereyaslavskiy long spear. Bottom left to right-Chernigov bowman-spearman XII Century, simple knight XI Century. Inset-offensive weapons for ranged combat. 1-12. arrowheads, 13-14. bone addition (ornament) from a quiver, 15-16. bone addition from a bow quiver. Page 106-107. Armaments and equipment of the Polovtsi XI-XIII Centuries. Page 106. Left to right-covered wagon, Polovtsi tent (on a wagon). Bottom-Polovets mounted bowman, XII Century. Upper inset-Polovtsi helmets. 1. XII Century, 2. (2A) helmet with facemask XII-XIII Century, 3. XIII Century, 4-7. helmets XII Century. Lower inset-Polovtsi weapons and horse tack. 1-4. speartips, 5. spear cap, 6. sceptre (symbol of the Khan’s authority), 7-10. stirrups and the view of them from the side. Page 107. Left to right-(first soldier’s caption is on page 106, but points to the far left mounted knight) Polovtsi simple knight-bowman XI Century, Polovets eminent knight-spearman, Polovets Khan XIII Century (pointing), Polovets standard bearer XII Century, Polovets mounted bowman XIII Century. Inset-Polovtsi Sabers XI-XIII Centuries. 1. XI Century, 2-3. XII Century, 4. XIII Century. Page 108-109. Armaments and equipment of Russian knights XII Century. Page 108. Left to right-Infantryman in campaign equipment, desyatnik (squad member) of the foot militia, Great Bulgar (the fortress in the background). Upper left inset-saddle. Upper right inset-armament of the knight. 1. finial, 2. speartip, 3. knife-sword pommel, 4. mace, 5. clubhead, 6. mace head, 7. knife, 8. kinjal (curved knife). Lower inset-armaments & equipment of the knights. 1. image in the icons, 2-11. images in print, 12-15. on iconic slates. Page 109. Left to right-Prince, flagbearer, mounted bowman (knight). A Russian camp (lager) is in the background. Lower figure (with the face-mask) is a mounted spearman (senior knight). Page 110-111. Armaments and equipment of the Russians and Polovtsi during the time of “Words of Igorev’s Regiment” XII Century. Page 110. A Russian mounted heavy spearman (senior knight). Left graphic-Igor’s knights seize Polovets covered wagons. Upper inset-Weapons of Russian knights. 1. spearhead, 2. sword, 3. saber, 4. axe (cavalry), 5. Mace ball with spikes, 6. iron ball (at the end of a leather strap), 7. knife. Map-the path of Igor from the north to the Polovtsi Steppe in 1185 A.D. The solid line is Igor, the dashed line is Vsevolod. Page 111. Eminent Polovets knight-spearman. Upper left inset-Polovtsi weapons. 1. bow, 2. quiver with arrows, 3. spearhead, 4. saber, 5. whip. Page 112-113. Armaments and equipment of the Poles X-XIII Centuries. Page 112. Left to right-the top two foot are Polish knights from the X Century, specifically, they are –foot knight-spearman, foot militia bowman. A military governor is mounted. Inset-Polish helmets. 1. X Century, 2. XII Century, 3. XII, 4. XIII. Page 113. Top to bottom-foot crossbowman (weapons carrier), foot spearman (weapons carrier), eminent Polish Knight (mounted). Inset-Polish offensive ranged weapons. 1-3. spear (throwing) X Century, 4. boar spear, 5. sword XI Century, 6-7. swords XII Century, 8. axe X Century, 9. Axe XI Century. Page 114-115. Armaments and equipment of the Hungarians IX-XIII Centuries. Page 114. Left to right-foot militia, foot spearman (weapons carrier), standard bearer, mounted spearman (weapons bearer), Cuman (Polovets) in Hungarian service. Inset-Hungarian helmets. 1-3. IX-X Centuries, 4-5. XIII Century. Page 115. Left to right-Hungarian chivalrous knight (with the white helm and yellow-padded horse), Hungarian knight IX Century, Hungarian knight X Century. Inset-Hungarian weapons IX-X Centuries. 1. Saber X Century, 2. sword X Century, 3. mace X Century, 4. spike axe (?) IX Century, 5. musical horn. Page 116-117. Armaments and equipment of the Mongols XIII Century. Page 116. Mongols before an attack (during a campaign). Upper left inset-Genghis Khan. Upper right inset-Mongol helms and their images (from artwork of the period). Page 117. Upper inset-Mongol attack (this miniature is from the Chronicles of Rashid-Ad-Dina). Center left inset-Mongol armaments. 1-5. spearheads, 6. palm (?), 7. javelin, 8. spear cap (at the base of the spear), 9. broadsword, 10-11. Sabers, 12-13. axes, 14. quiver with arrows, 15. mace, 16. knife (kinjal). Lower right inset-Khan Batiy. Page 118-119. Armaments and equipment of the Russian Knights from the XIII Century. Page 118. Left to right-Middle horse knight-spearman, standard bearer as a knight, mounted bowman (young knight). In the background is a military field camp. Inset-Russian helmets XIII Century. 1-7. helmets, 8. half-mask for a helmet, 9. facemask from a helmet, 10-14. helmets from miniatures (artwork). Page 119. Top left to right-Prince (red tassle on helm), mounted heavy spearman (senior knight). Bottom left to right-Sotnik (company-sized formation) member of the Novgorod foot militia, foot spearman militia. Upper right inset-Russian offensive close-combat weapons. 1-5. spears, 6. parade horn, 7. type of javelin (?), 8. javelin, 9. spear cap (from the base of a spear). Lower right inset-offensive weapons for ranged combat. 1-11. arrowheads, 12. arrow quills, 13. bone arrow stopper (the part that marries up with the bowstring), 14-16. bone details on a quiver, 17. quiver hook. Page 120-121. Armaments and equipment of the Pre-Baltic peoples XII-XIII Centuries. Page 120. Prussian knights in Russian service. Inset. 1-2. axes, 3. sword, 4. knife, 5, knife scabbard, 6. spearhead, 7. javelin. Page 121. Left to right-Chudin militia, Livonian militia (long rectangular wood shield), Lithuanian eminent warrior, Lithuanian knight (mounted with round shield). Inset-armaments of the pre-Baltics and details of horse equipment. 1. spearhead, 2-3. javelins, 4. pommel of a knife-sword, 5-8. maces, 9. whip pommel, 10-11. horse bits, 12-13. stirrups, 14-15. metal fasteners/connectors, 16. buckle. Page 122-123. Armaments and equipment, flags of the pre-Baltic warriors and Knights of the Order XIII Century. Page 122. Left to right-Swedish knight, Swedish foot militia, Swedish Knight of the Order of Swordsmen (mounted), Sergeant (weapons bearer) of the Order of Swordsmen. Flags top left to right-Denmark, Teutonic Order. Flags bottom left to right-Sweden, Order of Swordsmen. Page 123. Top left to right-Knight (Comture) of the Teutonic Order, Dutch Infantryman, Dutch Knight. Bottom-Sergeant of the Teutonic Order. Inset-Sword and shield of the Grossmeister of the Teutonic Order of Conrad, Teurengen Landgraf, and Hesse. I.Early Russia
2.Slavophile Theory: Society & State built by Slavs 3.Recent Work: Omeljan Pritsak's Origin of Rus B.Geography: River Systems
b.Smolensk c.Novgorod 2.Rapid Develpment of Urban Culture: "land of towns"
b.Towns become centers of manufacture c.Towns become centers of habitation d.Towns become sources of law & society C.Trade with Western Europe, Byzantium, Caliphate
2.Rus State Taxes Trade 3.Rus State has a steady budget D.Culture (after conversion to Christianity, 988)
2.Ruling aristocracy warlike, yet concerned with
b.Religion c.Foreign Affairs E.Historical Outline
b.Even stronger Byzantine ties develop 2.A.D. 1036-1054, Jaroslav the Wise
b.Divides land among his sons c.Foreign Relations with Byzantium, Khazaria, the Caliphate, Western Europe 3.Decline into smaller states under sons & grandsons of Jaroslav the Wise
b.Smolensk c.Kiev d.Republic of Novgorod II.Mongol Conquest, 1237-1241
B.Kiev burned, people massacred, 1240 C.1242, Golden Horde organized
2.Tent capital at Old Sarai D.Central & Western Russia dominated 200 years by Mongols
2.Russian Princes travel to Karakorum, where they confirm their allegiance to the Great Khan 3.Russians forced to send troops to Mongol army E.Rise of Novgorod, 1240-1320
2.1240's German/Swedish invasion of northern Russia
3.1240, Alexander Nevskii of Novgorod defeats the Swedes 4.1242, Alexander Nevskii defeats the Germans
b.Russian people rally to Alexander 5.1245, Alexander Nevskii defeats the Lithuanians 6.1250, Alexander Nevskii confirmed by the Mongols as Prince of Vladimir 7.Alexander Nevskii gets his son installed as chief tax-collector for Mongols,
b.Moscow becomes center of Tax Collection c.Moscow eventually becomes center or Russian resistance to Mongols
d.By 1340 Novgorod is controlled by Moscow F.1251, Russian allegiance confirmed at Sarai
2.Russia supplies Golden Horde taxes, soldiers G.1450's, Golden Horde disintegrates
2.Eventually becomes tributary to Russia More Kievan Rus' Excerpts from a New Book Back to The Gauntlet No. 22 Table of Contents Back to The Gauntlet List of Issues Back to Master Magazine List © Copyright 2001 by Craig Martelle Publications This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other military history articles and gaming articles are available at |