by Mark Hannam
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An air of war-weariness hung over the gamers at Sheffield this year. In fact several traders including Ian Dickie and Andy Copestake commented as much. I think that I can see why this is, as by the end of the two days I was suffering from a form of shell-shock myself. Perhaps there are too many shows now, with gamers getting to see the same "new" releases, the same traders with the same figures, rules and books every few weeks. There was a lot of confusion at the show too, Allegedly the University had double booked one of the function rooms squeezing display and participation wargames out into the annexes and lecture rooms. Space was found in the main hall to double up the dislocated traders which made it busier than ever. Looking forward to Claymore now. . . . . . REVIEWS25mm WW2 has landed in a big way courtesy of Kitney & Company (alias Battle Honours), who had dozens of new figures, vehicles and guns on display. To begin, there`s a large range of British and Polish Paras in both Camo helmet and beret (XBE1-27) which include everything you should need for up to a company sized action - Brens, Piats, Mortars, Vickers and command packs. Late War German Infantry (XGE1-10, helmet / XGE20-29 Field Cap) come in puttees or loose trousers and have the same mix of weapons. The quality is variable. Some are excellent - the packs of Shutzen armed with MP40`s, MG42 and Panzerschreck ; indeed the 81mm mortar team in helmets (XGE9), is destined to be a small diorama in my study. Others are workmanlike, though the Panzerfausts (XGE3) are too tiny. All packs have four different figures or equivalents for £ 2.50. Amongst the new guns and AFV`s are an M10 Tank Destroyer, a big fuck-off Wirbelwind, a quad 20mm AA on ground mount with crew and a Panther. The problem I noted in Gauntlet 10 about fixing the gun barrels to the turret has been rectified, as the gun and mantlet are now one casting. Ok, I couldn`t resist, I purchased the KV-1 (£ 19.00), for playing PANZERJAGER, and found it a hefty, well turned out representation of the original. Guns are £ 5.00 including crew, whilst the AFV`s range between £ 12 - £ 20. Still in WW2 25mm, I bought a reduced platoon of US Infantry from BattleGroup Miniatures (by Village Green). Though respectable, the standard of design puts them in the second or more likely third rank of 25mm manufacturers. Compared against the Battle Honours figures, they are slim with slightly oversize and on occasion undersized heads. The only figure worth any note is the BAR gunner, loping forward with BAR to the ready. I`ll paint them and with one eye out for a Bring & Buy, once Battle Honour release 1944 GI`s. A visit to Old Glory produced a long chat with Andy Copestake, who was kind enough to show me samples of this summer`s new releases, timed for HISTORICON in July. Matching Foundry`s move into the Italian Wars, Old Glory are replying with 15 packs of 25mm Swiss and Burgundians. Some of the Swiss light pikemen in berets are breathtaking in their design and vigour and certainly rank amongst the finest seen so far from their stable. Scheduled for release around the same time, Old Glory have Republican Romans, Late Romans, Franks, Huns, Ancient Greeks and Thracians. All the samples looked very good and styled more in the Foundry mould. I aim to increase my Foundry Late Roman Empire armies with the Old Glory releases now I`ve seen them and am sure I will find the Republican Romans a temptation hard to resist. News direct from America suggests that Old Glory is scheduled to release Zulu War, Boer War, Northwest Frontier, Sudan and Indian Mutiny ranges sometime in mid-1998, but view this as gossip for now. Whilst at the Old Glory stand I took a look at the new Wars of the Roses range, which admittedly looked good painted in the display cabinet, so I bought a pack of WOR8 billmen in livery coats and 2 packs of WOR22 Scottish spearmen, each 30 figures for £ 15.00. WOR8 had eight different figures in various bits of dress, armour and martial poses. The figures are a 'small' and slight 25mm, suitable for mixing with the early Foundry (ex Citadel) Wars of the Roses figures. I should warn you now that WOR22 the Scots pikemen, are certainly NOT suitable for the Wars of the Roses, representing instead Scots from the Wars of Independence fought by Bruce and Wallace. When questioning this, the remark "The Americans don`t know any better" firmly put me in my place. However, they suited me fine to flesh out three early - mid fourteenth century Schiltrons. Overall though the quality of the casting - slipped mouldings, etc left me feeling disappointed with my Old Glory purchases. Rob Baker of 1st Corps talked to me at length about his new 25mm Victorian CAPE WARS figures. He was full of praise for the Perry Twins who have recently given him some instruction on figure sculpting and tips on how to work the materials to get the best results. The troops come either marching or in 'Firing Line' and were inspired by the work of talented large scale modeller / sculptor Bill Horan. A selection of mix and match wagons will be available shortly. Rob also has a set of rules in development to go with his figures, for which you will need around 50 British figures and a wagon. The rules will utilise the different marching and firing poses. Mark Laverlock is a one man dynamo, who owns a real passion for 20mm WW2. This has been exhibited in the pheonix like rebirth of Drews Militia as BATTLEFIELD MINIATURES . The smaller (true 20mm) is not to everyone`s taste, but I like these figures a lot as to me they breathe life and are superb once painted. Mark`s most exciting recent releases include several packs of 13th SS Handschar (Bosnian Muslims) which make a welcome break from the run of the mill SS PanzerGrenadiers which everyone insists on producing. Some of the poses are truly superb. There are 7 packs including MG42 on tripod and command. In fact, Mark has so many new releases that I can only give an over-awed overview. The GrossDeutchland now have staff officers and a similar one of Soviets (RUS6) including a very corpulent, bald headed Commissar. Three packs of Partisans suitable for France and the Balkans. A pack of 5 ragged British Paras in Camo helmets for Arnhem / Rhine scenarios. The early war "Classic" Germans are being redone and there are two packs of generic tank crews in sidecaps - paint Khaki for British and black for German. There`s a desert war British command pack available in either trousers (Tunisia / Italy) or shorts (Libya / Sicily). You may care for early war Russians or alternatively, and very interestingly, end of war Germans dressed in and armed with the experimental kit that was being developed at that late stage. The Panzerfaust looks like an RPG-7 and the automatic weapons like AK-47`s. Worth buying for the oddity factor. I must, must, must mention IT Figures from Lowestoft. I had a good chat with the two lads who run this company and can say that they are both full of enthusiasm for the hobby, which shows itself in their extensive World War One range. For the first time, a manufacturer has decided to fully support this period in 20mm, and I take my hat off to them for the sheer breadth available. Whilst the British/Commonwealth and Germans are, not too surprisingly, well represented, there are also Americans, Belgians, French, Austrians and Russians. To give you an idea of the scope of the ranges, the British range (TOM) has 52 codes catering for 1914(15) and 1916-18. Additionally, there are 12 Scottish infantry (SCOT) in helmets or glengarrys, and 8 cavalry.
IT`s latest releases cover WW1 Russians for the Eastern Front and Russian Civil War. Of the latter, the Sailors are by far the best. There`s also a choice of Don and Kuban Cossacks. The figures themselves are lovely and well proportioned - seriously, they just look, well, right. Casting is excellent, and of the figures I bought, I didn`t have one single grumble. More WW1 scenarios for Gauntlet methinks ! Finally, IT even do simulated barbed wire coils - 20p per (game scale) metre ; and don`t forget their large range of Napoleonics and World War Two figures. Go and see them at your next local show, they`re worth a closer look ! The surprise of the show was Tom`s Tins. Whilst I could take or leave the 25mm range of US Cavalry and Indians, I have to say that his new range of metal 20mm French WW2 armour and artillery was truly beautiful. Not only did the level of detail surpass that of the usual suspects like Skytrex, but each model was well finished and came with a clear, exploded diagram to show you construction. What took my eye in particular were the Chenillette carriers, (the French equivalent of our Universal Carrier) and a machine-gun armed motorcycle combination with two crew for your Dragons portes (mixed squadrons of motorcyclists and armoured infantry). BANDERA MINIATURES had new a selection of anti-imperial colonialist Cuban infantry. Rolf was also exhibiting a wide range of resin vehicles and AFV`s which used to belong to Archer Models. Included was an SAS 110 Landrover with three crew designed specially for SCUDBUSTERS. The figures I came away happiest with were from Front Rank `s latest War of the Roses range. These are beautifully sculpted and cast figures which are a delight to hold and I`m sure will be great to paint. The figures stand half a head above the Old Glory tin things and are broader to match. My favourite WOR figures up till now were designed by Mark Copplestone and produced by Grenadier in the early nineties, but Front Rank has them beat dead and Foundry hands down ! When Heather saw the bag of goodies disgorged on the tabletop back at home, she cooed with delight and begged to paint them.
65p each with a whole heap of discounts available once you start spending over £ 75.00. It`s been a long time since I`ve dabbled in Napoleonics, but Front Rank`s latest 25mm Spanish Guerrillas are terrific. I especially recommend SN78 Guerrilla Officer, short jacket, top hat. For once, give Foundry a miss. See them. Buy them !!! Wargames Foundry alias Guernsey Foundry, alias Uncle Tom Foundry, all have been working hard. From now on their figures are going to be sold in packs of 8 foot for £ 5.50, unless the figures require separate spears and shields in which case they come as 7 to a pack but the spears and shields are I`m told "free" - EXCUSE ME ? Please, run that by me again . . . Landesknechts also come 8 to a pack except of course the command pack. The blister packs are to aid the sales through making the ranges 'retailer friendly'. I notice also that the new 'Warhammer Historical' has units in multiples of 8, "Surely some mistake" (in best Sean Connery accent). I heard a choice comment this week whilst I was in Games Workshop picking up some medieval stuff in their factory clearance. A guy in his 30`s came in and asked if they stocked Warhammer Historical. The guy in the red T-shirt said "Nothing to do with us mate. It`s a rip-off of Workshop stuff". Mmmm. The Napoleonic range is being increased / resculpted. I`m reliably informed that last year Foundry sold 3.5 million 25mm Napoleonics world wide. The UK being one of the smallest markets. By now you`ll have seen the first of the 25mm Renaissance range. Some 2,000 figures are planned over the coming years. The first release covers Landesknecht / Swiss (?) pike / halberdiers of the later Italian Wars up to about 1530. By the the you read this, command groups, arquebusiers and swordsmen should be on the scene. Apparently Foundry have had so many phone calls regarding a desire for a later C16th range that plans are afoot to redo their French Wars of Religion / Elizabethan figures before the end of the year. Just out is a new African Colonial / Darkest Africa range - Yes, Victorian explorers, African slave traders, cannibals, porters etc. The first part will cover "the European expeditions and Zanzibari ( or Arab) caravans which penetrated the heart of Africa. These could be small affairs of a few dozen bearers with a handful of askaris, led by an under-funded geographer, pillaging armies of slavers or huge, almost military columns with the latest weapons and hampers of the finest foods. all of them would face harsh terrain, disease, starvation and hostile tribes. Leading them were characters like Karl Peters, the Doctor of Metaphysics turned Imperial zealot, Mtagamoyo, the brutal Zanzibari general, and Henry Morton Stanley, ace journalist and discoverer of Livingstone. The second group of Darkest Africa releases will be the Belgian "Force Publique", German colonial troops and Zande and Masai tribesmen. Later releases will cover the French in the Western Sudan and Dahomey, the Ashanti Wars, the British and Egyptians in the Sudan and WW1 in Africa. And I haven't forgotten North Africa - what about Abd El Krim and the Riffs or the death-cult of the Spanish Foreign Legion?" To quote the Foundry fan website. Also on the way are : Tombstone characters, both foot & mounted ;
I`ve seen some of the latter figures - very Jules Verne / H G Wells. You may remember that GDW tried this with SPACE 1899 - which I personally enjoyed. I wonder how it will take off this time. I`ve seen some of the Brits - "Ahum Yes. . ." Red tunics, pith helmets, and dirty great blasters. You can now hold Rorkes Drift with 4 men ! Still in the Foundry melting pot are : SYW Russian Army of Observation figures, with the Russian 'secret' howitzer. Old West artillery & equipment, including a gatling gun and a 'mule' gun. Long range plans, well at least within 2 years or so (I am told) they will re-do/add to all the colonial lines, as well as add German South-West Africa, Americans (Philippines, Moros, etc.), plus other colonials, including the Sudan. Lastly and most definitely least - Zombie Gunfighters - I kid you not. Yes, the sun in the Channel Islands has most definitely got to everyone`s heads ! BAD LANDS AHA ! So Foundry`s Zombie gunfighters aren`t simply rejects from the casting machine - they are jumpimg on the band wagon of a new game from the US called DEADLANDS. It`s sort of "FLINTLOQUE goes West" . The 176 page rule bookby Shane Hendry comes with 6 figures and is yours for $25 (US). The original 25mm figures to match this range are designed by much underestimated British sculptor Bob Naismith, under the title of WIERD WEST. The figures are a mix of human and 'evil dead' types (skeletons, zombies etc). They come singly or in a pack of 5 (retail £ 9.99 in UK). Most eyecatching are the skeleton cowhands in riding coats and large 10 gallon stetsons, and the Scouts blister which has a mix of whitemen and Apaches. I`m actually quite taken by these - shock, horror ! Has Mark finally succumb through overwork - gives TOMBstone and the "DEADwood Stage a whole new perspective doesn`t it ! (See review of Frontline Wargaming on page 52 for most excellent Wild West accessories).
GRIPPING BEAST. There are 8 new cavalry and 12 very wooden infantry in the Byzantine range Also 6 cavalry and 12 foot in the Crusader range representing the warriors that would have taken part in the successful First Crusade, whilst the Byzantine range covers c1040 to the early 1100's. Complementing the existing Moors and Spanish Christian ranges. PETER PIG. Martin`s WW1 range is being expanded to about 61 packs with the addition of Imperial Czarist and Russian Civil War types. The following codes are in the Czarist peaked hat and shoulder boards type uniform, and are intended to cover the Russian Imperial army of 1914-17 and also form the basis for the Russian Civil War armies up to 1922 (use the WW2 Soviet Cossacks). 41. Gun crew
The following packs are designed for the Civil War ; R=Red only, W=White only and R/W means that the figures can be used for either side.
51. Red guard ( R/W)
Now a look at Spanish Civil War additions ; 30. Mounted officers
Also new are Range 17 African Modern Wars code 48. Professional bareheaded with M16 (SAS) - just right for The Gauntlet`s very own SCUDBUSTERS and Range 1, Vietnam code 3. US Special Forces / LRRP`s suitable for The Gauntlet`s soon to be released new rules L.R.R.P. The new ACW rules "Lincoln's War" are out now. They divide the board into a grid and allow the game to last about an hour and a half. There is also provision for off table movements too. The basic tactical unit is the brigade. Each brigade consists of regiments of 16 figures (4 x bases of 4). Because of the grided system it means that no one has to rebase their troops from other rules sets ! Finally . . . More Foundry news straight off the grapevine - expect the first 25mm Trojan War figures soon and a price increase from £ 5.50 to £ 6.00 on August 1st. I must admit that I have found motivation to write about figures this time round somewhat lacking, but I can Old Glory is certainly challenging Foundry for the top dog spot in 25mm.. . .err, sorry, 28mm. Whatever ! Regardless of what you (or I) think of the poor casting etc, for every figure that Foundry releases, OG bring out a pack of figures with up to 8 variants. Not only that, but OG also have more dynamic poses than Foundry. Take a look at Foundry`s ACW and Swiss/Landsknecht ranges - too many guys just standing about or marching - I don`t know about you but I want Swiss Halberdiers wielding great cleaving things not marching or standing at ease, that`s what Italian allies are for. . . Whatever next ? Viking Beserkers having a kip, Highlanders reading - "Hello Foundry. Get A Grip!". Between now and the end of the year there will be an explosion of new ranges from Old Glory in 25mm, most are due for release at Fall-In in the States (6-8 November). Interestingly enough, they are being touted as 28mm "compatible with Foundry". So, if you already have Ral Partha Colonials (true 25mm) - tough. I`ll list the OG Colonials in full as they are the most exciting (to me at least), especially the Boer War. I must congratulate OG as I`m sure thses FULL ranges will create a resurgence of interest in these periods and maybe get some more blood pumping through the body of the hobby. 25mm COLONIALS Note: Each pack/bag contains 30 foot or 10 horse, command contain less figures. 25mm Zulu War 10 packs of Zulus including dead and wounded & 16 packs of Brits so far including: CZB-14 British Last Stand at Isandlwana. 25mm Boer War One of my favourites so no excuses for listing the range in full ! CBB-01 Inf. Command
Boer War - Boers CBX-01 Boers Skirmishing CBX-02 Boers Advancing
Boer War - Artillery CBG-01 75mm Creusot Gun
25mm Indian Mutiny Bloody hordes of the things ! 25mm ECW
29 packs, the Cavalry come with separate sword & pistol hands. Artillery to follow. 25mm Biblicals
Assyrians 10 packs, Hittites 6 packs, New Kingdom Egyptians 12 packs. 25mm Imperial Romans
Romans (Lorica Segmenta or mail) 9 packs, Sarmatians 6 packs, Parthians 5 packs, Datians 3 packs. 25mm Late Roman ROMAN
Late Romans 11packs, Sassanid Persians 8 packs, Carolignians 3 packs, Franks 2 packs, Goths 3 packs, Huns 3 packs, Lombards 3 packs, Palmyrians 4 packs.
25mm Early Renaissance Landsknechts plus early Imperials including Spanish - 13 packs, Swiss and Italians 10 packs, artillery 5 packs. Phew ! I don`t know about you but I was very disappointed that Foundry didn`t follow up their Late Romans with Huns and Sassanid Persians - I will certainly be buying these OG types over the next year. FOUNDRY. Is it just me or did any of you feel that the the Foundry Swiss and Landsknechts were a bit reluctant to leave the sunshine of Guernsey ? Do you feel that their Renaissance range lacks animated figures ? Well, The Gauntlet has the answer. All the best of the Perry`s work has gone to Games Workshop for a new range called "Dogs of War". First release is a box of 16 plastic Landsknecht (ok, Imperial halberdiers - yawn) halberdiers. These figures are multipose like the old Airfix 54mm figures with separate heads, weapons and accoutrements. You even get your own berets and plumes to put on heads with scull caps etc at your whim - excellent stuff.
Dixons - yes shock, horror Mark finally acknowledges the existence of DIXONS new American War of Independence range. 20MM One of the hardest working one man bands in the hobby is Rolf Hedges of BANDERA MINIATURES : 32 Linnet Mews, Balham SW12 8JE. I`ll let Rolf tell you what he`s up to himself : "I have done a set of SAS types in full kit for Bosnia which would suffice for Gulf War. The Soviet UAZ 469 jeep (used by Iraquis) will be ready for sale in about 6 weeks - Iraqi infantry to follow. "To go along with the modern Africans I produce, I have begun SADF & Rhodesians with vehicles. I have finished the Buffalo and will do the Ratel troop carrier next. "I do the Ferret a/c now , and have a Rhodesian conversion with 50 cal turret out soon. I have modelled the SADF LandCruiser which is a toyota conversion not a Landrover as thought with twin 50 cal's , but have yet to get it cast . Also have a toyota pick-up truck out now. "For the Gulf War, I should have a SCUD available at some point - but it will be the scudA - a JS 111 conversion. "I am working on Indo-China 1950's at the moment - will be sponsoring a big game at SELWG in October. The VietMinh are ready - basic inf, assault pack, gun crew, LMG teams, but won`t launch until the French are ready at SELWG". Finally. Rolf has just informed me that he has purchased the Heroes Range of late C20th 20mm figures. He plans to re-model the heads and weapons before re-releasing them. BRITANNIA have just released some really nice Soviet WW2 cavalry. SHQ bring us British Paras in helmet and Arnhem 'personalities' in beret and light order. Just don`t cut the mustard for me I`m afraid, or sdhould that be "Ham And Jam". However, there`s also early Russians in the M1936 helmet, who are suitable for the 1939-41 period. More figures in the M1940 helmet are promised. BATTLEFIELD MINIATURES : Ceratinly a first in any scale - a female FLAK crew & more GrossDeutchland. FAA, well, the boy has been busy - An Italian Army 1939-1944 range kicks off with ITA1-9 giving you enough packs to build a rifle company. There are lots of new artillery / support weapons and for the Norwegian campaign of 1940 there are Germans in Greatcoats - 8 packs, and Royal Norwegian Army in helmets and ski caps - 6 packs. 15mm This month`s pork scratchings from PETER PIG. Ha Ha ! Pestering a manufacturer can pay dividends. Sometimes they will produce the figures you`re begging for just to shut you up ! Martin Goddard has at last done a pack of some very tasty SCW Spanish Foreign Legion (range 13 pack 34). Here`s what Graham Minshaw of Cumbria says about them : In case you haven't seen them the two SCW packs are quite good. Troops in French helmets will fit in well with his other Republicans or the Nationalist infantry and the Tercio figures are great and usable as almost anybody at all so its just as well because I gambled and bought 6 packs unseen. The only very slight moan about them is that none have fixed bayonets and charging forwards is how I imagine the Tercio and the Republic's Russian supplied rifles had permanently fixed bayonets I think, although maybe not those that arrived via Mexico..Some of his other recent releases can be used for the SCW too. RCW Red guards inf and MG's are in semi-civilian dress so have been promoted (eh ?) into the Red Militia and his pack of WW2 German tank mechanics are in overalls and sidecap and therefore can be slotted in easily once given some weapons. I detailed the RCW range last time. Well I sent for some samples and they are simply cracking ! Must be Martin`s best stuff yet. The range will be extended by the time you read this with buildings, a tchanka (cart mounted machine-gun). officer`s coach, Russian types in greatcoat w. fur hat and Reds in pointy shlems - Huzzah ! WW1 British tanks in resin and metal will be available before the end of the year. In WW2 Martin is also doing some Eastern Front Germans with Russian weapons for Gauntlet`s very own Cross of Iron rules. Then there`s German Paras with MP44`s (nice) and Late War British in advancing and firing packs. ESSEX have dipped their toes into the 15mm WW2 market with 6 packs of bog standard Germans and 7 packs of Brits. One feature I must mention is that they produce packs of infantry and LMGs advancing or lying/kneeling firing - very useful if like me, you differentiate these things. There`s also some nice Maccabean Jewish and Scythians - but rumour has it an extensive AWI range is on the way ! 12mm
Meanwhile, MINIFIGS have brought out 12mm WW2 - someone please explain the point ? WARHAMMER ANCIENT BATTLES, the response from Gauntlet subscribers and postings on the internet by those who`ve played it can be simply paraphased as "A load of bovine manure". The first response by Foundry was "Oh ! Of course the Army Lists (at £ 10 a shot) aren`t out yet". More bad feedback led to a statement that "well of course it`s meant to be simple for a fast fun game" (if you like being able to slug it out until you have 1 figure facing your opponent's 20 that is). Still, inside sources tell me that the Foundry C1st-2nd Romans have become the best selling range. A typical extract from the main WAB combat rules is : Poor Rules + Glossy Pictures = £ £ £ +5.00DRM if Foundry figs. The past year has seen an increasing trend by manufacturers hoping to expand their market share by launching new ranges in strange scales. Stalwarts Irregular Miniatures have introduced 42mm semi-flat figures (like the old Prince August home-cast stuff), whilst Battle Honours released 25mm Second World War figures and now AFV`s. Signs are, this trend is going to continue with S&S reputedly going to issue 25mm Modern African Wars, and FAA doing the same in 'Dinky' size 1/48th (?). It will be interesting to see if these plans come to fruition and how well the wargames market will support them. What next I wonder, Action Man sized skirmish figures ? Time perhaps for Ellerburn Armies to re-release those cute Hinchliffe SYSTEM 12, 12mm Napol-eonics and accessories (I`m talking 1974 for the younger gamers out there) ! There are changes afoot in wargames rules too - one foot squares that is. The table is gridded before play with scenic markers - i.e. lone tree, discarded limber wheel, sign post etc, etc denoting the grid corners. All movement, firing and morale simply fits into this - like a boardgame for miniatures. Sytrex did this years ago I remember. I await to see what comes of it with interest. ORCS AND ALL Most of you must have seen the Sharpesque Fantasy Napoleonic game FLINTLOQUE from Wessex Games by now. With it`s Elf Riflemen and Orcish French infantry. Well.....look out for the follow-up, PANZER-FAUST by Matthew Hartley. This time round the Elves are German Panzer Grenadiers and wait for it......the Orcs are British Paratroopers. This might seem anathema to the dyed in the wool historical wargamer, but.....Wessex have proved that their is a market for these figures and that Fantasy Wargamers are prepared to play more 'historical' subjects as long as they can keep an element of the fantastic. Look at Games Workshop`s medieval Brettonians and Renaissance Imperials fors two examples. Is this good for the hobby ? Well, yes in my opinion. Get them interested in Panzer Grenadiers and 95th Riflemen when they`re young and hopefully when they mature a bit they`ll want reach the wargaming Checkpoint Charlie and cross-over. 25mm The Blue-Riband for 25mm figures this time round must surely go to GRIPPING BEAST (19 Woodville Road, Ipswich, Suffolk IP4 1PA Tel. 01473 222272) for their superb El Cid range of Feudal Spanish and Moors. See page 22 for an illustration. I don`t know what it is, but there`s something very Conanish about the Moors in particular, especially the figures in spear-pointed helmets wrapped with turbans. Anyway, these figures are a MUST for my collection and a damned good excuse to buy more Normans to boot. Incidentally, I`ve mapped out a Spanish Conquista campaign which will be launched on an unsuspecting public in the next issue of The Gauntlet. Gripping Beast also give away a free set of Dark Ages / Fantasy 'skirmish' rules. The rules are very involved and at a quick glance seem to come under the description of full, but lacking that certain oompf. BRITANNIA MINIATURES How many of you remember Britannia`s original 25mm Colonial ranges from around 15 years ago, all those wonderfully bewhiskered British infantry in the Sudan , Mahdists and suchlike ? Well, they`ve done it again with some characterful Highlanders and Pathans. Dargai Heights, storming, for the use of, SIR ! Unlike Foundry`s rather antiseptic Highlanders, these boys have been given the breath of life. They are full of animation and sideburns. Hard to resist are the accompanying buildings which include a superb adobe style dwelling with watchtower - a definite MUST HAVE ! FRONT RANK (The Granary, Banbury Road, Lower Boddington, Daventry, Northamptonshire NN11 6XY) ; New Wars of the Roses range are stunning figures, and possibly their best yet. Initially, there are 57 figures grouped into 3 poses for the Archers, 4 of Halberdiers & Billmen and two Men At Arms / officers. The rank and file poses each have six variants in dress and armour. Figures are 65p each, but remember that Front Rank offer substantial discounts for large purchases (10% -£ 75+, 15% - £ 100+, 20% at £ 200+). My only criticism comes in the size of the bow staves which remind me of the olden days of Minifigs "telegraph pole" spears, otherwise an army to be proud of. If you`re thinking of WoR take a look at my "Sunnes of York" rules in Gauntlet 11. David Lanchester, Finance Minister of the Lance & Longbow Society tells me that OLD GLORY`s (Institute House. New Kyo, Stanley, Co.Durham, DH9 7TJ) new 25mm War of the Roses range is equally as good as Front Rank`s and that he`s quite happy to mix and match the offerings from the two companies in with his hundreds of Foundry WoR figures. Response to these figures on the Internet has been good so far. Old Glory have 30 packs of cavalry, horse, personalities etc, plus six different guns and bombards. Even if you are happy with your Foundry WoR figures, you`ll probably want to expand your forces with Welsh spearmen, Flemish and Scots pike, Irish Kern, cavalry and Galloglaich. £ 15 for a mixed bag of 30 foot or 10 mounted. Front Rank again, released some nice (well-fed) Napoleonic Spanish and Portuguese. I have a love for all things Spanish and have to say that these are tempting - but if I have to buy Napoleonics, my first choice will always be Prussians of 1813-14. The first military book I possessed was by Louis Petre (?) about Napoleon`s campaigns in Prussia 1813-14. WARGAMES / GUERNSEY FOUNDRY are big boys and can look after themselves as far as product releases go - but I must say that at long last, the bane of my life - separate weapons and shields are to be no more. I have to wonder whether it is seriously a change of heart on Foundry`s behalf or as in my case - wargamerskeeping their wallets closed - which has dictated that the extra 14p for shield and spear per figure will be waived. Until such a time that all figures come with moulded weapons - Foundry are prepared to give packs of shields and weapons free should the figures you purchase require them. However, a big turn off is the rumour that Foundry will ONLY be supplying figures in multiple packs of 6 or 8. More as I hear it. 25mm World War II KITNEY & COMPANY (Battle Honours), have released a large range of 25mm Soviets and a correspondingly small number of Eastern Front Waffen SS. The Soviets are the best figures and indeed seem almost to be by a different designer, the Germans having flatter faces and smaller in scale - the only exception being the command pack which is worth buying. Why produce so many variants of bog-standard Soviet infantry when this scale cries out for commandos, partisans and raiders - Soviet scouts, partisans & naval infantry would have been more fitting - an opportunity lost to my way of thinking. Overall the figures are nice and hefty, with good human proportions, yes there`s one or two disasters but there you go. Unfortunately, the casting technique leaves a lot to be desired and many of the figures have suffered from mould slippage, i.e. the two halves not aligning correctly. Someone had taken the time to file this down and flatten the bases on the figures I had bought - but it`s not really good enough, is it. Figures come in packs of four assorted troops for £ 2.50. They have also released a range of pewter AFV`s, AT guns and softskins in 25mm, from which I ordered a T34/85 (£ 17), and GAZ jeep (£ 5), for playing Cross of Iron and Panzerknacker scenarios. Both were good workmanlike models - not too pretty, with a bashed been in service look about them. The GAZ was a disappointment being too slender and too small for the figures it was supposed to match - am I being too picky ? No way was one of my hefty Siberians going to get his bum on those seats !
The T34 is a very nice model. However, beware ! The main gun barrel comes as a separate part from the turret and has to be glued into a shallow depression which I can see causing much heartache in games to come as it gets knocked about. I`m going to solder mine. Far better would have been for K&C to do the barrel and gun mantlet as one whole piece. Still, hasn`t put me off saving up for their Hanomags and Stugs. These huge models will also make excellent desk ornaments in the office / study.
BATTLEGROUP FIGURES, 17 Rotunda Road, Eastborne, BN23 6LE Trevor Body, nice bloke, is the man responsible for Battle Group Miniatures which has also taken over VILLAGE GREEN.. His 25mm ranges include German infantry, Panzer Grenadiers / Waffen SS (in smocks), British infantry and Yanks. Figures can be chosen with different heads - Feldmutze, peak cap, plain helmet, camo cover, netting etc. giving greater variety. Each range has about 25 figure codes so far and are well worth a look if you`re into WW2 skirmish games. I`ve been hooked on bigger figure games since 1972 when Wargamers` Newsletter ran a battle report with photographs of 1/32nd scale infantry in action, there was even an Airfix 1/32nd Hanomag ! Trevor tells me that he will be producing resin 25mm vehicles and AFV`s to compliment his figures. These will retail at about half the price of Kitney & Company`s pewter behemoths. 20mm IRREGULAR, now have 114 Spanish Civil War types and new modern African Guerrillas armed with a mix of AK47`s and rifles. BRITANNIA MINIATURES It`s hard to keep up with Britannia Miniatures. They must have the fastest growing WW2 range in the country. 10 "Classic" German infantry for the early war period come fast on top of seriously nice German paratroopers and armoured vehicles including a beautiful U.S. M5 Stuart light tank (1944-45) for only £ 6.50.
Chinese Whispers from Australia tell me that F.A.A. are planning a "Nun`s on The Run" range - no, seriously missus - inspired by the Dad`s Armyish game in Issue no.9, they are doing German paratroopers dressed as nuns, escaped prisoners of war, Dad`s Army, belligerent U-Boat crews et al. However, as F.A.A. was allegedly up for grabs for around £ 12,000 last year who knows ? BATTLEFIELD MINS. (20A Darnley Street, Gravesend, Kent, DA11 OPJ) are the Drews Militia range of 20mm figures reborn. Now I like these figures. I know they aren`t technically as well scuplted as the likes of SHQ but unlike SHQ`s recent mannequins in uniforms, Battlefield Miniatures actually look like human beings in combat poses. They are crouched, hunched , lurching etc and have a flow of movement about their design. The sculpting also gives the impression of equipment which is more realistic and easier to paint and / or convert. Mark Laverlock`s latest releases include two five figure sets of GrossDeutchland in camo smocks, and if you thought you were becoming tired of Mountain Troops, think again, a first - 13th Waffen SS Croatian Mountain Division 'Handschar' - southern European Axis volunteers in Fez`s. 15mm ESSEX MINIATURES 1st release of their new Franco-Prussian War range, comprising 58 packs of French infantry and Marine types. All the popular French troops are represented with a minimum of three packs each - in various kneeling, firing and advancing poses. True 'chunky', who said 'clunky' ? Essex style. PETER PIG, 36 Knightsdale Road, Weymouth, Dorset DT4 OHS. Well you can`t keep a good pig down. Once again Martin Goddard delivers the bacon. The WW1 Russians have expanded to 11 packs in preparation for Martin`s new Russian Civil War range at the end of Feb. - most of the research having being carried out by stalwart wargamer Bernard Ganley - so should be excellent. Plans are afoot for all the usual suspects including I believe a pack of gentlemen in leather coats with Broomhandle Mausers, armoured cars (please, please, please Martin - a Putilov Garford with 9pdr naval gun and the twin turreted Lanchester), armoured trains, sailors etc. Martin aims to redo his early Vietnam stuff, including two packs of Marines (firing & advancing) in T-shirts with flak jackets & bandoliers of kit a la "Full Metal Jacket". Also coming from Peter Pig are Eastern Front tank-hunters (designed to fit in with our Panzer-Knacker rules) and Eastern Front German 'heroes' with PPsh smg`s for Cross of Iron On the cards from Peter Pig are three packs of SAS & Iraqis for Scudbusters. More Forager Back to The Gauntlet No. 14 Table of Contents Back to The Gauntlet List of Issues Back to Master Magazine List © Copyright 1998 by Craig Martelle Publications This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other military history articles and gaming articles are available at |