Construction Engineers.
The most basic engineer type is the "Construction Engineer",
which has as its unit-type icon the crossed pick and shovel. These are
0-1-5 normally the weakest, slowest and hence least productive
engineers that a player has available. They are, none the less,
indispensable. Construction Engineers (sometimes abbreviated
"Cons") have only construction abilities; they have no special effects
upon combat. These units do the bulk of the "grunt" work; repairing
rail lines, airbases and ports, and building new airbases and forts - the
none too glamorous but none the less vital work of supporting the army.
Port Construction Engineers. There is one type of
specialist construction unit, the "Port Construction Engineer", so far
only appearing in Second Front and only for the Allied player. These
units have all of the abilities of normal construction units, but are also
able to re-build ports that have been destroyed by demolition; indeed
they are the only units which may do so. Note that a destroyed port is
different than a damaged port. Any construction unit can repair simple
port damage.
Railroad Engineers. There is also one specialist
engineer that is more properly thought of as a specialist construction
unit, the "Railroad Engineer". While lacking most of the abilities of a
normal construction unit, RR Engineers have the unique ability to
regauge rail lines from one gauge to another. They may also repair rail
Combat Engineers. The really capable engineers are
the "Combat Engineers" (sometimes abbreviated Eng) identified by the
horizontal "E" as their unit-type icon. These units not only have all of
the abilities of simple construction units, but also have special abilities
when attacking into fortifications and major cities. These units are not
only stronger, but usually more mobile than their construction cousins,
making them a regular part of the spearhead of any advance. Some are
even combat motorized (c/m) and others are specialized for particular
terrain types for example, mountain engineers.
Assault Engineers. The specialist version of the
Combat Engineer is the "Assault Engineer" (abbreviated Aslt Eng) with
an upward pointing arrow as its symbol. Assault engineers have no
construction abilities at all, although they more than make up for this
with their increased combat effectiveness when attacking fortresses and
major cities; they are twice as effective as normal combat engineers
when in engaged in attacks involving these terrain types. These Assault
Engineers also appear as c/m occasionally, and the US Navy even
provides a couple of Amphibious Assault Engineers for use in Second Front.
These then are the main types of engineers available in Europa;
now let's look at exactly what they can do.
More Engineers
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