by Frank E. Watson
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This is a blow-by-blow account of the invasion of Crete in the terms of Europa. All the special and optional rules from the Battle Scenario "Airdrop on Crete" are in effect. Particularly note the use of the airborne capture rule and the Second Front air and naval systems. In the interest of space, naval operations and naval patrol bombing missions are summarized. This recreation attempts to mirror the actual events as nearly as possible without sacrificing common sense that players would use in an actual game of Europa. The PlayersAxis Student. Lt. General Kurt Student is commander of Fliegerkorps XI and the top expert on airborne operations in the Luftwaffe. Fliegerkorps XI controls 7th Fliegerdivision, Sturm Regiment, the Ju52 transports, gliders, and, in practice, the attached units of 12th Army. Ultimately, Student will rise to command lst Parachute Army in the Netherlands. Richthofen. Lt. General Wolfram von Richthofen is commander of VIII Fliegerkorps, which consists of 228 bombers, 205 dive bombers, 119 single-engined and 114 twin-engined fighters. Ldhr. General Alexander Lohr is Student's superior, commander of Luftflotte 4. Although he maintains an appropriate hands-off attitude to conduct of the battle itself, Lohr makes the final decision to drop on four separate targets instead of concentrating the entire landing force on one airfield. AlliesWavell. General Archibald P. Wavell, C-in-C Middle East, has won notable victories against the Italians in East Africa and the Western Desert. Now, however, a harried Wavell is beset on all fronts. The arrival of German forces in Libya has reversed his fortunes in that theater. Tobruk is besieged and one relief attempt, "Operation Brevity," has just failed. Wavell is hurriedly preparing a larger effort, "Battleaxe." In Iraq, the revolt of Rashid Ali has yet to be completely crushed. German air units are staging through Syria, and that Vichy possession is leaning more and more towards the Axis. The Greek campaign has proven a near fiasco, with the remains of the expeditionary force in Greece now regrouped on Crete. Wavell must depend on his CREFORCE commander Freyberg and support from the Royal Navy to win the upcoming battle. Freyberg. Normally the commander of 2nd New Zealand Division, WWI hero Maj. Gen. Bernard Freyberg is now, at the suggestion of Churchill himself, the actual field commander of CREFORCE. He is the first commander to face an actual full- scale airborne attack. Although he is worried about sea landings, Freyberg is confident he can deal with an attack from the air. Cunningham. Admiral Andrew Cunningham is the most seasoned fleet commander the British have. He has bested the Italians wherever he has drawn them into combat. For this battle, however, his adversary will be not the Italian navy, but the German air force. Historical SetupThis setup gives the approximate positions of all units directly involved in the battle. It does not show units not actively participating, such as Axis AA on the mainland. Place all airfields as designated in the "Airdrop on Crete" Order of Battle. For historical reference, the place names that do not appear on the Europa maps are added below in brackets following the setup hex. Allies Khania (15B:2114).
Hex 15B:2113 [Suda].
Rethymnon (15B:2212).
Erakleion (1511:2310).
Hex 15B:2415.
Axis Levadia (15B:0612)
Hex 15B:0711 [Tanagra].
Hex 15B:0813 [Megara].
Korinthos (15B:0814).
Athenai (15B:0912) [Eleusis and
Nauplion (15B:0915) [Argos and
Hex 15B:1316
Scarpanto (15B:2503).
Rhodes Holding Box (all
May I 41 Axis Player TurnInitial Phase The Axis player plans his airborne assaults for the May II turn. Arguments rage between Student and Richthofen over the best way to attack the island. Richthofen favors concentrating all the paratroops against one airfield to ensure success there. Student proposes spreading the force out over multiple targets. He argues that four separate attacks will be more likely to find a point of weakness, and will prevent the defenders from reinforcing one landing zone from another. Lohr steps in and, after conferring with Goring, sides with Student; plans are made for four separate airborne operations (against 15B:2113, 15B:2114, 15B:2212, and 15B:2310) and three amphibious operations (a 3- 8 Mtn to 15B:2114 and a 2-6 Eng each to 15B:2113 and 15B:23 10). After the capture of the airfields, one mountain regiment is to fly into Meleme (15B:2114) and two regiments into Erakleion. These transport missions, of course, require no formal Europa planning. May II 41 Axis Player TurnInitial Phase All units are in supply. The Axis plan an amphibious operation for Jun I to hex 15B:2507 using the Italian 2-6 Inf III. The following units are placed on naval patrol:
Naval Movement Sub-Phase. In the first naval movement step, the 3-8 Mtn Inf III ('B') embarks onto a 1-point NT unit at Athens. In the second naval movement step, 'B' Mtn III sails for 15B:2113, entering the reaction zone of the British TE An Axis danger zone damage roll does no harm. The British reaction roll succeeds. During reaction movement, the Axis successfully attempt naval patrol operations and score 2 hits. The Me109E sinks the cruiser Fiji; the Ju87B sinks the cruiser Gloucester AA fire aborts a Do 17Z. The British TF intercepts the Axis invasion force in 15B:1912 and scores a hit, eliminating the NT unit and the mountain regiment. The Axis decide to cancel their other amphibious operations. (Actually, a second convoy set sail and was also intercepted. It retired behind a smoke screen and the British decided not to pursue. This is better simulated by an 'R' result in the original Balkan Front naval rules.) Ground Movement and Combat Phases. For continuity, the descriptions below are broken out by the target hex of each air assault. They should, of course, follow the correct sequence of play. All transport and GS missions are dedicated missions. Eastern Force - Erakkion. 1st Para Regiment (2-5) conducts an air drop on Erakleion airfield (15B:2310) using 2x Ju52. AA rolls of V and V yield no effect. Disruption. A roll of '3' with modifiers of -1 for nonclear terrain and -1 for landing in an occupied hex leaves 1st Para III disrupted and halved for its attack. There can be no airborne capture attempt. Combat. A Ju87B staging through Melos flies GS. AA fire rolls a 7 for NE. Odds are 5:1.5, or 3:1. The die modifier is -1. A roll of '2' is modified to a '1' for rough terrain and yields an 'AS.' This is treated as an 'AR' and 1st Para III retreats into 15B:2311. Center Force - Rethymnon. 2nd Parachute Regiment (2-5) air drops on Rethymnon airfield (15B:2212) using 2x Ju52. There is no AA Fire. Disruption. A roll of '3' with modifiers of -1 for rough terrain and -1 for landing in an occupied hex disrupts the 2nd Para III and halves its attack strength. There can be no airborne capture attempt. Combat. A Do 17Z flies GS. Odds are 4:1.5 or 2:1. A roll of '1' modifies to a 0 for rough terrain, yielding an 'AH' that eliminates 2nd Para III. Western Force - Suda. 3rd Parachute Regiment (2-5) air drops on Suda (15B:2113) using 2x Ju52. AA fire of 4 factors (with a -1 drm) fires at the two Ju52s, rolling, a '7' for no effect and a '3' for 'A', aborting one and destroying the other because of their dedicated mission status. Disruption Roll. A roll of '4' with -1 for non-clear terrain, -1 for landing in an occupied hex and -3 for the destroyed transport gives a modified roll of -1, leaving 3rd Para III badly disrupted with zero attack strength. Combat. With its attack strength modified to zero, the parachute regiment is automatically eliminated. Western Force - Maleme. 1st Sturm Regiment (3-5) conducts an airborne assault on Meleme airfield (1513:2114) using a Ju52 and the DFS230 glider unit. The 1 point of AA rolls an '8' (-1 drm) for no effect. Disruption. The roll is '3' with mods of -1 for rough terrain, -1 for landing in an occupied hex and +1 for using a glider. The final result is '2;' the unit lands undisrupted. Airborne Capture Attempt. A 6 captures the airfield. Air Movement Continued. An Mel09E from Molai flies CAP to 15B:2114. The Me110D flies CAP to 1513:2113. Two Ju52 units transport 100th Mtn III (A) and 85th Mtn III (A) to 15B:2114. AA fire (with a -2 modifier for close AA fire) rolls are '4' and '2,' destroying both Ju52s after their cargo lands. Combat. Two Ju88As and a Do17Z fly ground support missions. AA rolls (with a -1 drm against B types flying GS) are a 10, 2, and 6, aborting a Ju88A. Odds are 12:3 or 4:1. The mountain units are halved for lack of support, since they did not air drop into the hex. A roll of 6 modifies to a '5' for rough terrain yielding a 'DH' and eliminating 5th NZ Inf X and the Greek 'Khania' X. The 4th NZ X and the pos AA point retreat into hex 15B:2113. Exploitation Phase. Another Ju52 transports in 4 REs of supplies. The CAP Me 109E returns to Melos. The CAP Me 110D returns to Nauplion. May II 41 Allied Player TurnInitial Phase. All units are in supply. The Allies evacuate the Greek government into exile and remove all Greek units from play. Axis air units on naval patrol are:
Scarpanto: 1x Ju87R Nauplion: 1x Me110C Melos: 1x Ju87B Athens: 1x He111H, x Ju88A, 1x Do17Z Naval Movement Sub-Phase. The Allied Carrier Group (representing HMS Formidable) enters at hex 15B:2605 and immediately launches an airbase bombing mission against Scarpanto. There is no damage to either side. The Axis launch a naval patrol bombing operation with the Ju87R at Scarpanto, scoring 1 hit on the CG. The CG and ENTF- 1 move back into the Middle East box. The Blen 4 and Well 1C in the ME holding box fly an airbase bombing mission to 15B:2114, but score no hits. The Allies succeed in landing Layforce at 15B:2313, however, after much debate, decide Crete cannot be held. Evacuation begins. A naval group reaches Erakleion under cover of night. The Hurri 1 in the Middle East holding box flies an extended range CAP mission to Erakleion. Ground Movement Sub-Phase. The British units at Erakleion embark on transports. Layforce moves to 15B:2213 (the White Mountains) and the Australian 19th Brigade stays at Rethymnon. These units will cover the evacuation. The other units (pos AA, 17 Aus, 4 NZ, 6 NZ, and MNBDO) move to the coastal town of Sphakia in 15B:2313 and prepare to evacuate over the beaches there. Exploitation Phase. The naval group at Erakleion departs and the Axis initiate a naval patrol operation, scoring two hits, one on ENTF-2 (sinking the AA cruiser Calcutta) and one on an NT. Random selection eliminates the transport point carrying 14th Inf X. The naval group continues into the ME holding box with no further interference. The Hurricanes return to the ME box. June I 41 Axis Player TurnWith the Allied TFs safely in the Middle East box, there can be no interference with Axis naval movement. Movement Phase. The Italian 2-6 infantry regiment lands in Sitia Bay at 15B:2507. Two German HQ units use naval transport to Khania. The 141st Mtn III (3-8, 'B') uses air transport to fly to Khania. Sturm Regiment and a 3- 8 Mtn III enter 15B:2113, accompanied by one of the HQ units. 1st Para III occupies Erakleion. Combat Phase. The attack on Rethymnon, supported by 6 points of GS, is at 12:1 with a -1 terrain drm. A roll of W yields a 'DE' and all three Axis units advance into the hex. The attack on Layforce by the stack of mountain units in Khania is 12:1 with a -2 modifier for mountains. A roll of W is a 'DE' and the Axis units advance. Exploitation Phase. The 2-1-10 assault gun brigade lands at Khania. June I 41 Allied Player TurnMovement Phase. The remaining Allied units embark over the beaches in hex 15B:2313 onto the NTs of a mixed naval group that moved there during the naval movement sub-phase, and sail to the Middle East holding box. There is no successful Axis air interference. There are no more Allied units on Crete and the game ends. Results. The Axis scores a total of 12 points for a "Marginal Victory."
+3 Rethymnon +6 TF bombing hits +3 CG bombing hits +1 Allied NT point eliminated +8 Eliminating 4 Allied REs (5NZ, 19Aus, 14, Layf) -1 Axis NT point eliminated -3 Axis air units aborted (Do17Z, Ju88A, Ju52) -6 Axis air units eliminated (3x Ju52) -2 Axis mountain regiment eliminated ('X) -12 Two parachute regiments eliminated (7/2, 7/3) Notes. Three Axis convoys sailed for Crete; one was turned back, and one was shot up, but one small convoy from Rhodes made it through to land a small force of Italians on the eastern part of the island on May 28. Most of the mountain troops and various support forces whose transport was sunk eventually made it to shore, but were destroyed on the Europa scale. The seaborne mountain troops came from two different regiments. Elements of both these regiments also air landed on Crete. Landing the surely unhappy Layforce on Crete on the same turn as everybody else starts evacuating doesn't make much game sense. Having the Allied player change his mind during his movement phase somewhat justifies it and is somewhat similar to what happened historically. This Axis player doesn't let you take back moves when you change your mind. About 10,000 Allied troops were left behind on Crete. This included Layforce, the 19th Australian Brigade, some other Australians in the rear guard, and units that just hadn't been picked up at Sphakia by the time the evacuation was called off. We have these units destroyed just before the evacuation instead of just after, but it amounts to the same result. They fight a delaying action so the other units can get away. Should 14th Brigade be destroyed at sea? Most of the brigade actually made it to Egypt, but many were lost when the destroyer Hereward was sunk. Here's what the British official history says:
If the Europa 14th Inf X makes it out successfully, the Allied player certainly wouldn't consider abandoning the main evacuation operation, so I have the 14th depicted as lost at sea. The appropriate game question for the Allied player would be, "Is trying to save these units worth the risk in naval hits?" One turn or two? The entire battle for Crete was over in 12 days-the evacuation ended June 1. The best way to represent this would be to have the entire battle fought in the May II turn. Unfortunately, this would mean it was impossible for the Allied forces to cross the island and evacuate over the beaches on the south coast. In BF, units must use all their available MPs to evacuate over a beach. In SF the naval-land movement sequence accomplishes the same thing (see this issue's "Rules Court"). So why evacuate over the beach anyway? The Allies still control the Suda and Rethymnon ports. I haven't figured that one out except that those north shore ports are one or two hexes closer to Axis air bases. Overall, though, Europa stacks up pretty well on Crete. The new SF naval and air systems worked better than I expected when transferred to a period and region for which they were not explicitly designed. That we can recreate small campaigns such the Crete battle using a rules system refined for the expanses and high intensity fighting of Russia and Western Europe is a tribute to the robustness of the Europa system. Airdrop on Crete: May, 1941 Scenario
Orders of Battle: Axis and Allies Detailed Naval OOB Smile: Pronounciation Guide Europa as History: Step by Step Invasion Improving the Crete Scenario Back to Europa Number 40 Table of Contents Back to Europa List of Issues Back to MagWeb Master Magazine List © Copyright 1995 by GR/D This article appears in (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other articles from military history and related magazines are available at |