Battle of Mtensk

German Briefing

by Frank Chadwick

4th Panzer Division, 9 October, 1941
Operations Section, 0800 hours
Distribution: 4th Panzer Brigade (Brigade Eberbach)

General Situation: Our forces launched a general offensive on September 30 and have enjoyed uniform success. The Soviet front has been torn open; most of their Bryansk Army Group is encircled; and Orel has fallen. The division is currently the spearhead for 24th Panzer Corps of 2nd Panzer Group, and for several days has been fighting mounting resistance on the approaches to Mtsensk. To overcome this resistance, the division has concentrated the most battle-worthy offensive elements of the division in your brigade. Early this morning your brigade seized a bridgehead across the Lisiza and is now poised to resume its advance.

Opposing Forces: The division has been in contact with an NKVD border guard regiment and a tank battalion of the 4th Tank Brigade since October 6. The NKVD D regiment has suffered severe losses, but was reinforced by at least an additional battalion of light tanks on October 6. These troops now have scattered outposts along the Lisiza River, the last water barrier before the town of Mtsensk.

Friendly Troops: Much of the corps is still involved in the encirclement battle west of Orel. Elements of the 4th Panzer Division are moving forward, but will not be available to reinforce your brigade before October 10.

Mission: The brigade is to break through to the north, defeating enemy resistance in the Voin area, while securing the crossing site for follow-on elements of the division.

Execution: Move out of the bridgehead at 0830 hours.

German Order of Battle

4th Panzer Brigade (Brigade Eberbach)

    Brigade Headquarters Company
      1 command PzBeflVg III
      1 staff radio SdKfz 251/1)

    Attached Heavy Flak Battery

      1 gun crew (ds) 1 88L56 AA gun 1 heavy tractor

    I Battalion, 35th Panzer Regiment

      Headquarters Company
        1 command Pz III E 1 recon PzKw IIF 1 staff radio SdKfz 251/1

      Supply Column, with: 1 medium ammo truck with trailer 1 heavy recovery tractor
      2 Light Companies (1st & 2nd), each with: l command PzKw III F/G 1 PzKw III F/G 1 PzKw IIF
      2 Light Companies (5th & 6th, attached from II Battalion), each with: 1 command PzKw III F/G 1 PzKw III F/G 1 PzKw IIF
      Heavy (4th) Company, with: 1 command PzKw IVE 1 PzKw IVE 1 PzKw IIF

    34th Kradschutzen Battalion

      Headquarters, with: 1 motorcycle command stand
      3 motorcycle companies, each with: 1 motorcycle command infantry stand 1 motorcycle MMG stand 2 motorcycle infantry stands
      1 motorcycle machinegun company, with: 2 motorcycle MMG stands 1 81mm mortar stand (ds) 1 medium truck
      1 heavy company, with: 1 motorcycle command stand 1 engineer stand 1 351-45 AT gun 1 75L12 infantry gun (battalion gun) 2 gun crew stands 3 light trucks

    II Battalion, 103rd Panzer Artillery Regiment (reinforced)

      Headquarters & Headquarters Battery
        1 command stand 1 FO stand 2 kubelwagens 1 staff telephone truck

      3 light batteries, each with
        1 command stand 1 kubelwagen 1 gun crew (ds) 1 105L28 howitzer 1 light tractor 1 light truck with ammo trailer 1 support stand

      1 medium gun battery (attached),
        1 command stand 1 kubelwagen 1 gun crew (ds) 1 105L52 gun 1 heavy tractor 1 medium truck with ammo trailer 1 support stand

Battle of Mtensk CDII Scenario: October 9, 1941

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