Command Decision Tournament System

Force Lists: Axis

by Peter Dickinson
Edited by Greg Novak

German Panzer Division (Kursk) 1943

Battle Group (Troop Quality: Veteran, Morale: 8 (Recon, Morale 9))

Module 1: Panzer Regiment Headquarters, with:

    Headquarters Company, with: 1 command stand 1 kubelwagen 1 Pz IVG 1 recon Pz IIF 1 medium ammo supply truck 1 staff radio Sdkfz 251/1

Module 2: Elements, 1st Panzer Battalion, with:

    Headquarters Company, with: 1 command Pz IVG 1 recon Pz IIF 1 recon motorcycle SMG stand 1 SP 20mm AA
    1st Company, with: 1 command PzIIIM 2 PzIIIs

Module 3: Elements, 1st Panzer Battalion, with:

    2nd Company, with: 1 command PzIIIM 2 PzIIIMs
    3rd Company, with: 1 command PzIVG 2 PzIVGs

Module 4: Elements, 2nd Panzer Battalion, with:

    Headquarters Company, with: 1 command Pz IVG 1 recon Pz IIF 1 recon motorcycle SMG stand 1 SP 20mm AA
    4th Company, with: 1 command PzIIIM 2 PzIIIMs

Module 5: Elements, 2nd Panzer Battalion, with:

    5th Company, with: 1 command PzIIIM 2 PzIIIMs
    6th Company, with: 1 command PzIVG 2 PzIVGs

Module 6: Elements, 3rd Panzer (attached) Battalion, with:

    Headquarters Company, with: 1 command PaVIE (Tiger I)
    1st Company, with: 1 command PzVIE (Tiger I) 1 PzVIE (Tiger I) 2 PzIIINs

Module 7: Elements, 3rd Panzer (attached) Battalion, with:

    2nd Company, with: 1 command PzVIE (Tiger I) 1 PzVIE (Tiger I) 2 PzIIINs

Module 8: Elements, Gepanzert Panzergrenadier Battalion, with:

    Headquarters Company, with: 1 command stand 1 Sdkfz 250/1
    Heavy Company, with: 1 command stand 1 engineer stand 1 engineer flamethrower stand 1 Marder II/III 1 Sdkfz 251/2 2 Sdkfz 251/1s

Module 9: Elements, Gepanzert Panzergrenadier Battalion, with:

    1st and 2nd Companies, each with: 1 command infantry stand 1 weapons stand 2 infantry stands 1 Sdkfz 251/10 3 Sdkfz 251/ls

Module 10: Elements, Gepanzert Panzergrenadier Battalion, with:

    3rd Company:
      1 command infantry stand 1 weapons stand 2 infantry stands 1 Sdkfz 251/10 3 Sdkfz 251/1s

    Gun Company, with: 2 Sdkfz 251/9s

Module 11: Elements, Motorized Panzergrenadier Battalion, with:

    Headquarters Company, with: 1 command stand 1 kubelwagen 1 staff radio truck
    Heavy Company, with: 1 command stand 1 kubelwagen 1 engineer stand 1 engineer flamethrower stand 1 75L72 infantry gun (battalion gun) 1 gun crew stand 1 75L46 AT gun 1 gun crew stand (ds) 1 81mm mortar stand (ds) 2 medium trucks 1 Maultier/medium truck 1 light truck

Module 12: Elements, Motorized Panzergrenadier Battalion, with:

    5th and 6th Companies, each with: 1 command infantry stand 1 weapons stand 2 infantry stands 2 medium trucks

Module 13: Elements, Motorized Panzergrenadier Battalion, with:

    7th Company, with: 1 command infantry stand 1 weapons stand 2 infantry stands 2 medium trucks

Module 14: Infantry Gun Company, Panzergrenadier Regiment, with:

    13th Company, with: 1 command infantry stand 1 Sdkfz 250/1 or Sdkfz 251/1 1 GwII or Gw38t

Module 15: Attached Antiaircraft, with:

    Antiaircraft Company, with: 1 command stand 1 kubelwagen 3 SP 20mm AAs

Module 16: Attached Engineers, with:

    Armored Engineer Company, with: 1 command engineer stand 2 engineer stands 1 flamethrower engineer stand 4 Sdkfz 251/1s

Module 17: Attached Engineers, with:

    Motorized Engineer Company, with: 1 command engineer stand 2 engineer stands 1 flamethrower engineer stand 2 medium trucks with supply trailers 2 tons of engineer supplies

Module 18: Attached Recon, with:

    Scout Car Company, with:
      1 command Sdkfz 223 3 recon Sdfkz 222s

      1 command stand 1 Sdkfz 2510/1 3 recon Sdkfz 250/9s

Module 19: Attached Recon, with:

    Recon Infantry Company, with:
      either 1 command motorcycle stand 3 recon motorcycle infantry stands 1 motorcycle weapons stand


      1 command stand 3 recon infantry stands 1 weapons stand 1 Sdkfz 2510/10 3 recon Sdkfz 2510/1s

Module 20: Attached Panzerjagers, with:

    Panzerjager Company, with: 1 command Marder 2 Marders

Module 21: Panzer Artillery Battalion, with:

    On-Board Elements, with: 1 FO PzBeobWgIII Off-Board Elements, with: 2 SP 105L28s (Wespe) 1 SP 150L30 (Hummel)

Module 22: Light Artillery Battalion, with:

    On-Board Elements, with: 1 FO stand 1 kubelwagen Off-Board Elements, with: 3 105L28 field howitzers


1. The Pz IV G referred to in the rules uses the gun of the Px IVF2 with the armor rating of the Pz IVH.

2. All infantry, engineer and cavalry stands (including both command and recon versions) have integral M SS 41 AT rifles.

German Panzer Grenadier Division, 1943

Battle Group (Troop Quality: Veteran, Morale: 8 (Recon, Morale: 9))

Module 1: Panzer Grenadier Regiment Headquarters, with: Headquarters Company, with: 1 command stand 1 kubelwagen 1 staff radio truck 1 medium ammo supply truck

Module 2: Elements, 1st Panzergrenadier Battalion, with: Headquarters Company, with: 1 command stand 1 kubelwagen 1 staff radio truck
Heavy Company, with: 1 command stand 1 kubelwagen 1 engineer flamethrower stand 1 75L46 AT gun 1 gun crew stand (ds) 1 81mm mortar stand (ds) 2 medium trucks 1 Maultier/medium truck

Module 3: Elements, Motorized Panzergrenadier Battalion, with: 1st and 2nd Companies, each with: 1 command infantry stand 1 weapons stand 2 infantry stands 2 medium trucks

Module 4: Elements, Motorized Panzergrenadier Battalion, with: 3rd Company, with: 1 command infantry stand 1 weapons stand 2 infantry stands 2 medium trucks

Module 5: Elements, 2nd Panzergrenadier Battalion, with: Headquarters Company, with: 1 command stand 1 kubelwagen 1 staff radio truck
Heavy Company, with: 1 command stand 1 kubelwagen 1 engineer flamethrower stand 1 75L46 AT gun 1 gun crew stand (ds) 1 81mm mortar stand (ds) 2 medium trucks 1 Maultier/medium truck
6th Company, with: 1 command infantry stand 1 weapons stand 2 infantry stands 2 medium trucks

Module 6: Elements, 2nd Panzergrenadier Battalion, with: 4th and 5th Companies, each with: 1 command infantry stand 1 weapons stand 2 infantry stands 2 medium trucks

Module 7: 3rd Panzergrenadier Battalion, with: Headquarters Company, with: 1 command stand 1 kubelwagen 1 staff radio truck
Heavy Company, with: 1 command stand 1 kubelwagen 1 engineer flamethrower stand 1 75L46 AT gun 1 gun crew stand (ds) 1 81mm mortar stand (ds) 2 medium trucks 1 Maultier/medium truck
7th, 8th, and 9th Companies, each with: 1 command infantry stand 1 weapons stand 2 infantry stands 2 medium trucks

Module 8: Elements, Sturmgeschatz Battalion, with: Headquarters Company, with: 1 command StuG IIIG 1 recon motorcycle SMG stand 1 engineer stand 1 Sdfkz 251/1 1 SP 20mm AA
1st Company, with: 1 command StuG IIIG 2 StuG IIIGs

Module 9: Elements, Sturmgeschutz Battalion, with: 2nd and 3rd Company, each with: 1 command StuG IIIG 2 StuG IIIGs

Module 10: Infantry Gun Company, Panzergrenadier Regiment, with: 13th Company, with: 1 command stand 1 kubelwagen 2 light tractors 2 gun crew stands (ds) 1 75L12 infantry gun 1 150L11 infantry gun

Module 11: Attached Antiaircraft, with: Antiaircraft Company, with: 1 command stand 1 kubelwagen 3 SP 20mm AAs

Module 12: Attached Engineers, with: Motorized Engineer Company, with: 1 command engineer stand 2 engineer stands 1 flamethrower engineer stand 2 medium trucks with supply trailers 2 tons of engineer supplies

Module 13: Attached Engineers, with: Motorized Engineer Company, with: I command engineer stand 2 engineer stands 1 flamethrower engineer stand 2 medium trucks with supply trailers 2 tons of engineer supplies

Module 14: Attached Recon, with: Scout Car Company, with: 1 command Sdkfz 232 3 recon Sdtkz ???Ss 1 recon Sdkfz 231

Module 15: Attached Recon, with: Recon Infantry Company, with: 1 command motorcycle stand 3 recon motorcycle infantry stands 1 motorcycle weapons stand

Module 16: Attached Panzerjagers, with: Panzerjager Company, with: 1 command Marder 2 Marders

Module 17: Attached Panzerjagers, with: Towed Panzerjager Company, with: 1 command stand 1 kubelwagen 2 gun crew stands (d,) 2 75Ld6 AT guns 2 Maultiers/medium trucks

Module 18: Light Artillery Battalion, with: On-Board Elements, with: l FO stand 1 kubelwaaen Off-Board Elements, with: 3 105L28 field howitzers

Module 19: Medium Artillery Battalion, with: On-Board Elements, with: 1 FO stand 1 kubelwagen Off-Board Elements, with: 2 150L30 field howitzers 1 15cm Nebelwerfer


l. All infantry, engineer and cavalry stands (including both command and recon versions) have integral M SS 41 AT rifles.

German Infantry Division, 1943

Regimental Group (Troop Quality: Experienced, Morale: 8 (Recon, Morale 9))

Module 1: Infantry Regiment Headquarters, with:

    Headquarters Company, with: 1 command stand I kubelwagen 1 staff radio wagon l medium ammo supply truck 1 recon cavalry or bicycle stand 1 engineer stand

Module 2: Elements, 1st Infantry Battalion, with:

    Headquarters Company, with: 1 command stand
    Heavy Company, with: 1 command stand 2 MMG stands 1 81mm mortar stand (ds)

Module 3: Elements, 1st Infantry Battalion, with:

    1st and 2nd Companies, each with: 1 command infantry stand 1 weapons stand 2 infantry stands

Module 4: Elements, 1st Infantry Battalion, with:

    3rd Company, with: 1 command infantry stand 1 weapons stand 2 infantry stands

Module 5: Elements, 2nd Infantry Battalion, with:

    Headquarters Company, with: 1 command stand
    Heavy Company, with: 1 command stand 2 MMG stands 1 81 mm mortar stand (ds)
    6th Company, with: 1 command infantry stand 1 weapons stand 2 infantry stands

Module 6: Elements, 2nd Infantry Battalion, with:

    4th and 5th Companies, each with: 1 command infantry stand 1 weapons stand 2 infantry stands

Module 7: 3rd Infantry Battalion, with:

    Headquarters Company, with: 1 command stand 1 kubelwagen 1 staff radio truck
    Heavy Company, with: 1 command stand 1 kubelwagen 1 engineer flamethrower stand 1 75L46 AT gun 1 gun crew stand (ds) 1 81 mm mortar stand (ds) 2 medium trucks 1 Maultier/medium truck
    7th, 8th, and 9th Companies, each with: 1 command infantry stand 1 weapons stand 2 infantry stands

Module 8: Elements, Sturmgeschutz Battalion, with:

    Headquarters Company, with: 1 command StuG IIIG 1 recon motorcycle SMG stand 1 engineer stand 1 Sdfkz 251/1 1 SP 20mm AA
    1st Company, with: 1 command StuG IIIG 1 StuG IIIG

Module 9: Elements, Sturmgeschutz Battalion, with:

    2nd and 3rd Company, each with: 1 command StuG IIIG 1 StuG IIIG

Module 10: Infantry Gun Company, Infantry Regiment, with:

    13th Company, with: 1 command stand 1 kubelwagen 2 limbers 2 gun crew stands (ds) I 75L12 infantry gun 1 150L11 infantry gun

Module 11: Attached Antiaircraft, with:

    Antiaircraft Company, with: 1 command stand l kubelwagen 3 SP 20mm AAs

Module 12: Attached Engineers, with:

    Engineer Company, with: 1 command engineer stand 1 engineer weapons stand 1 engineer flamethrower stand 1 engineer stand 1 engineer supply wagon 2 tons of engineer supplies

Module 13: Attached Engineers, with:

    Engineer Company, with: 1 command engineer stand 1 engineer weapons stand 1 engineer flamethrower stand 1 engineer stand 1 engineer supply wagon 2 tons of engineer supplies

Module 14: Attached Recon, with:

    Recon Infantry Company, with: 1 bicycle infantry command stand 2 bicycle recon infantry stands 1 bicycle weapons stand

Module 15: Attached Panzerjagers, with:

    Panzerjager Company, with: 1 command Marder 2 Marders

Module 16: Attached Panzerjagers, with:

    Towed Panzerjager Company, with: 1 command stand 1 kubelwagen 2 gun crew stands (ds) 2 75L46 AT guns 2 Maultiers/medium trucks

Module 17: Light Artillery Battalion, with:

    On-Board Elements, with: 1 FO stand 1 kubelwagen Off-Board Elements, with: 3 105L28 field howitzers

Module 18: Light Artillery Battalion, with:

    On-Board Elements, with: 1 FO stand 1 kubelwagen Off-Board Elements, with: 3 105L28 field howitzers

Module 19: Medium Artillery Battalion, with:

    On-Board Elements, with: pre planned missions, or called through FO. Off-Board Elements, with: 3 105L30 field howitzers

Module 20: Attached Antiaircraft, with:

    Luftwaffe Heavy Flak Battery, with: 1 command stand 1 kubelwagen 1 gun crew stand (ds) 1 881-56 AA gun 1 heavy tractor


1. All infantry, engineer and cavalry stands (including both command and recon versions) have integral M SS 41 AT rifles.

Command Decision Tournament System

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