The Belgian Army 1940

Unit Organizations

by Carl De Roo

Unit Organizations

Infantry Division, Active and 1st Line Reserve
Troop Quality: Regular, Morale: 7

Divisional Headquarters, with: 1 command stand, 1 car, and 1 staff radio truck
Divisional Towed Antitank Company, with: 3 471-32 AT guns, 3 gun crew stands, 3 carriers
Divisional SP Antitank Company, with: 3 T-13 "armored cars"
Divisional AA Company, with: 2 AAMG light trucks
Divisional Recon Company, with: 1 bicycle command infantry stand, 2 bicycle recon infantry stands, 1 MMG stand, 1 light truck

3 Infantry Regiments, each with:

    Regimental Headquarters Company, with:
      1 command stand
      1 car
      1 staff radio truck
      1 bicycle recon infantry stand

    Weapons Battalion, with:

      Machine Gun Company, with: 3 MMG stands
      Mortar Company, with: 2 76mm FRC mortar stands (ds)
      Antitank Company, with: 3 471-32 AT guns, 3 gun crew stands, 3 carriers

    3 Infantry Battalions, each with:

      Headquarters, with: 1 command stand
      3 Infantry Companies, each with: 1 command infantry stand, 2 infantry stands
      Machine Gun Company, with: 1 MMG stand

Artillery Regiment, with:

    Regimental Headquarters Company, with: 1 command stand, 1 car
    3 Light Artillery Battalions, each with:
      Headquarters Battery, with: 1 command stand, l spotter stand, 2 cars, 1 staff telephone wagon, 1 ammo wagon
      3 Firing Batteries, each with: 1 mountcd command stand, 1 gun crew stand (ds), 1 75L37 field aun, 1 limber, 1 support stand, 1 arnmo wagon

    Field Howitzer Battalion, with:

      Headquarters Battery, with: 1 command stand, 1 spotter stand, 2 cars, 1 staff telephone wagon, 1 ammo wagon
      3 Firing Batteries, each with: 1 mounted command stand, 1 gun crew stand (ds), 1 105L22 howitzer, 1 limber, 1 support stand, 1 ammo wagon

Engineer Battalion, with:

    Headquarters Company, with: 1 command stand, 1 car
    2 Engineer Companies, each with: 1 command engineer stand, 2 engineer stands, 2 medium trucks


1. In the six active divisions, the infantry regiments were numbered as follows:

    1st Infantry Division: 3rd, 4th, and 24th Infantry Regiments
    2nd Infantry Division: 5th, 6th, and 28th Infantry Regiments
    3rd Infantry Division: 1st, 12th, and 25th Infantry Regiments
    4th Infantry Division: 7th, 11th, and 15th Infantry Regiments
    5th Infantry Division: 1st, 2nd, and 4th Rifles
    6th Infantry Division: 1st Grenadiers, 1st Carabineers, 9th Infantry Regiments

2. In the six 1st line reserve infantry divisions, the infantry regiments were numbered as follows:

    7th Infantry Division: 2nd Grenadiers, 2nd Carabineers, 18th Infantry Regiments
    8th Infantry Division: 13th, 19th, and 21st Infantry Regiments
    9th Infantry Division: 18th, 16th, and 17th Infantry Regiments
    10th Infantry Division: 3rd, 5th, and 6th Rifles
    11th Infantry Division: 14th, 20th, and 29th Infantry Regiments
    12th Infantry Division: 2nd, 22nd and 23rd Infantry Regiments

3. The 76mm mortar is the FRC model in the active divisions, and the WWI German minnenwerfer model in the 1st line divisions.

4. The 5th and 6th Infantry Divisions lacked the T-13 Company. They had instead a second towed AT Gun Company, with light trucks instead of carriers. The 12th Infantry Division had one T-13 stand instead of three.

Infantry Division, 2nd Line Reserve
Troop Quality: Trained, Morale: 6

Divisional Headquarters, with: 1 command stand, 1 car, 1 staff telephone wagon

Bicycle Recon Battalion, with:

    Headquarters, with: 1 bicycle command stand
    2 Bicycle Recon Companies, each with: 1 bicycle command infantry stand, 2 bicycle recon infantry stands
    Machine Gun Company, with: 2 MMG stands, 2 light trucks

3 Infantry Regiments, each with:

    Regimental Headquarters Company, with: 1 command stand, 1 car, 1 staff radio stand, 1 bicycle recon infantry stand
    3 Infantry Battalions, each with:
      Headquarters, with: 1 command stand
      3 Infantry Companies, each with: 1 command infantry stand, 2 infantry stands
      Machine Gun Company, with: 1 MMG stand

Artillery Regiment, with:

    Regimental Headquarters Company, with: 1 command stand, 1 car
    2 Light Artillery Battalion, each with:
      Headquarters Battery, with: 1 mounted command stand, 1 mounted spotter stand, 1 staff telephone wagon. 1 ammo wagon
      3 Firing Batteries, each with: 1 gun crew stand (ds), 1 75L30 or 75L37 field gun, 1 limber

Engineer Battalion, with:

    Headquarters Company, with: 1 command stand, 1 car
    2 Engineer Companies, each with: 1 command engineer stand, 2 engineer stands, 1 engineer supply wagon


1. In the six 2nd line reserve divisions, the infantry regiments were numbered as follows:

    13th Infantry Division: 32nd, 33rd, and 34th Infantry Regiments
    14th Infantry Division: 35th, 36th, and 38th Infantry Regiments
    15th Infantry Division: 31st, 42nd, and 43rd Infantry Regiments
    16th Infantry Division: 37th, 41 st, and 44th Infantry Regiments
    17th Infantry Division: 7th, 8th, and 9th Rifles
    18th Infantry Division: 3rd Grenadiers, 3rd Carabineers, 39th Infantry Regiments

Ardennes Rifle Division
Troop Quality: Experienced, Morale: 9

Divisional Headquarters, with: 1 command stand, 1 car, 1 staff radio truck
Divisional AA Company, with: 2 AAMG light trucks
Divisional Engineer Company, with: 1 command engineer stand, 2 engineer stands, 2 medium trucks

3 Ardennes Rifle Regiments, each with:

    Regimental Headquarters Company, with: 1 command stand, 1 car, 1 staff radio truck
    Regimental Recon Company, with: 1 command motorcycle stand, 2 recon infantry motorcycle stands, 1 T-15 "armored car"
    Regimental Antitank Company, with: 3 T-13 "armored cars"
    3 Infantry Battalions, each with:
      Headquarters, with: 1 command motorcycle stand
      3 Bicycle Infantry Companies, each with: 1 command bicycle infantry stand, 2 bicycle infantry stands, 1 bicycle MMG stand

Artillery Regiment, with:

    Regimental Headquarters Company, with: 1 command stand, 1 car
    1 Light Artillery Battalion, with:
      Headquarters Battery, with: 1 command stand, 1 spotter stand, 2 cars, 1 staff radio truck, 1medium ammo truck
      2 Firing Batteries, each with: 1 command stand, 1 car, 1 gun crew stand (ds), 1 75L24 mountain gun, 1 medium truck, 1 support stand, 1 medium ammo truck

    Field Howitzer Battalion, with:

      Headquarters Battery, with: 1 command stand, 1 spotter stand, 2 cars, 1 staff radio truck, 1 medium ammo truck
      3 Firing Batteries, each with: 1 command stand, 1 car, 1 gun crew stand (ds), 1 105L22 howitzer, 1 medium truck, 1 support stand, 1 medium ammo truck


1. In the two Ardennes Rifle Divisions, the rifle regiments were numbered as follows:

    1st Ardennes Rifle Division: 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Ardennes Rifle Regiments
    2nd Ardennes Rifle Division> 4th, 5th, and 6th Ardennes Rifle Regiments

Cavalry Division
Troop Quality: Regular, Morale: 8

Divisional Headquarters, with: 1 command stand, 1 car, 1 staff radio truck
Divisional AA Company, with: 2 AAMG light trucks
Divisional SP Antitank Company, with: 2 T-13 "armored cars"

3 Cavalry Regiments, each with:

    Regimental Headquarters Company, with: 1 command stand, 1 car, 1 staff radio truck
    1 "Armored Car Squadron," with: 2 T-15 "armored cars", 1 T-13 "armored car"
    2 Cavalry Squadrons, each with:
      Headquarters, with: 1 command motorcycle stand
      3 Cavalry Troops, each with 1 command motorcycle cavalry stand, 2 motorcycle cavalry stands
      Weapons Troop, with: 2 motorcycle MMG stands, 1 47L32 AT gun, 1 gun crew stand, 1 light truck

2 Bicycle Regiments, each with:

    Regimental Headquarters Company, with: 1 command stand, 1 car, 1 staff radio truck
    1 Antitank Company, with: 2 47L32 AT guns, 2 gun crew stands, 2 carriers
    2 Bicycle Battalions, each with:
      Headquarters, with: 1 command motorcycle stand
      2 Bicycle Companies, each with: 1 command bicycle infantry stand, 2 bicycle infantry stands
      Weapons Troop, with: 2 MMG stands, 2 light trucks

Artillery Regiment, with:

    Regimental Headquarters Company, with: 1 command stand, 1 car
    2 Light Artillery Battalions, each with:
      Headquarters Battery, with: 1 command stand, 1 spotter stand, 2 cars, 1 staff radio truck, 1 medium ammo truck
      3 Firing Batteries, each with: 1 command stand, 1 car, 1 gun crew stand (ds) 175L37 field gun, 1 medium truck, 1 support stand, 1 medium ammo truck

Engineer Battalion, with:

    Headquarters Company, with: 1 command stand, 1 car
    2 Engineer Companies, each with: 1 command engineer stand, 2 engineer stands, 2 medium trucks


1. In the two cavalry divisions, the regiments were numbered as follows:

    1st Cavalry Division:
      1st Guides Cavalry
      2nd and 3rd Lancers
      1st and 3rd Cyclist

    2nd Cavalry Division

      1st Lancers
      1st and 2nd mounted Rifles
      2nd and 4th Cyclist

2. In the 1st Cavalry Division, the towed AT guns used Ford Marmon­Herrington light trucks instead of carriers within the Cavalry Regiments.

3. The 1st Guides, 2nd Mounted Rifles, and 2nd Lancers have two T-13 "armored cars" instead of the normal one. One squadron had the French ACG1 tanks (AMC-35s)

Cavalry Brigade
Troop Quality: Regular, Morale: 8

Brigade Headquarters, with: 1 command stand, 1 car, 1 staff radio truck
Brigade SP Antitank Company, with: 2 47L32 AT guns, 2 gun crew stands, 2 light trucks

2 Cavalry Regiments, each with:

    Regimental Headquarters Company, with: 1 command stand, 1 car
    1 Recon Squadron, with: 1 command motorcycle cavalry stand, 2 motorcycle cavalry stands
    2 Cavalry Squadrons, each with:
      Headquarters, with: 1 command stand, 1 car
      2 Cavalry Troops, each with: 1 command cavalry stand, 2 cavalry stands, 2 medium trucks
      Machinegun Troop, with: 2 MMG stands, 1 medium truck


1. In the cavalry brigade, the regiments were numbered as follows: 2nd Guides Cavalry and 4th Lancers

The Belgian Army 1940

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