by Greg Novak
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US Plan The plan for Satellite/Starlite was as follows: Headquarters, 7th Marines along with elements of the 3rd Battalion, 3rd Marines (3rd/3rd), would board the transports in Chu Lai that hadjust brought the 1st Battalion, 7th Marines (1st/ 7th) there. This force would sail south, hoping to rendezvous with the 7th Fleets Special Landing Force, on which the 3rd Battalion, 7th Marines (3rd/7th) was embarked. (The Special Landing Force was off station at the moment, and was on a high speed run back to Vietnam from Subic Bay. It remained to be seen if they would arrive in time.) The 3rd/3rd Marines would arrive off An Cuong I on the morning of the l8th, and land on the beach there at 0630 and drive inland. The 2nd Battalion, 4th Marines (2nd/4th), would be lifted by the helicopters of Marine Squadrons 161, 261 and 361 into the LZs Red, White and Blue at the same time. The 2nd/4th would drive for the coast, linking up with the main body of the 3rd/3rd. To the north, Company M, of the 3rd/3rd would move south to secure the Tra Bong River. (Company M had been left behind at Chu Lai, operating to the south of the enclave there in the normal Marine area of operations.) The total forces involved were: 7th MARINE REGIMENT Recon and Anglico stands, Veteran; Morale: 10
Headquarters, with:
1 jeep 1 staff radio light truck 2 support stands Attached units: 1st Air and Naval Gunfire Liaison Company, with:
1 jeep 3rd Battalion, 3rd Marines
1 jeep 1 staff radio light truck Headquarters Cmnpany, with:
1 jeep 2 81mm mortar stands (ds), each with ROF 2, HE 4, 1"x1", Range 72" (10 rounds) 1 jeep with 106mm RR 1 engineer stand with flamethrower 3 Rifle Companies (J, K, L), each with:
3 infantry stands 1 weapons stand Attached Units
3rd Engineer Banalion, with 1 engineer stand Company B, 3rd Reconnaissance Battalion, with 1 recon infantry stand Company C, 3rd Tank Battalion, with
1 M-48 tank 1 M-67 Flame tank Company C, 3rd AT Battalion, with
4 LCM, each with 1vehicle/2 jeeps and 1 stand 2nd Battalion, 4th Marines
1 jeep 1 staff radio light truck Headquarters Company, with:
1 jeep 2 81 mm mortar stands (ds), each with ROF 2, BE 4, 1"1", Range 72" (10 rounds) 1 jeep with 106mm RR 1 engineer stand with flamethrower 4 Rifle Companies (E, F, G, H), each with:
3 infantry stands 1 weapons stand Attached Units
3rd Engineer Battalion, with 1 engineer stand Company B, 3rd Reconnaissance Battalion, with 1 recon infantry stand 1st Force Reconnaissance Company, with 1 command recon. infantry stand and 1 recon infantry stand 3rd Battalion, 7th Marines (Special Landing Force)
1 jeep 1 staff radio light truck Headquarters Company, with
1 jeep 2 81 mm mortar stands (ds) 1 jeep with 106mm RR 1 engineer stand with flamethrower 4 Rifle Companies (J, K, L, M), each with:
3 infantry stands 1 weapons stand Attached Units
1st Engineer Battalion, with 1 engineer stand Company C, 1st Reconnaissance Battalion, with 1 recon infantry stand 1st Force Reconnaissance Company, with 1 recon infantry stand Company B, 1st Tank Battalion, with 1 M-48 tank Company C, Ist AT Battalion, with 2 Ontos Howtar Battery, 1st Battalion, 11th Marines, with:
1 gun crew stand (ds) 1 howtar, with VL, ROF 1, HE 6, 2"x2", Range 96" (8 rounds) 1 support stand 1 jeep 1 light truck 1 light truck with trailer HMM-163, with 4 UH-34, each with
Company A, 1st Amphibious Tractor Battalion, with:
8 LVTP-5 Naval Units, each with:
4 LCM, each with 1 vehicle/2 jeeps and 1 stand Separate Commands
3 infantry stands 1 weapons stand Attached Units
1st Air and Naval Gunfire Liaison Company 1 Anglico stand and 1 jeep Howtar Battery, 3rd Battalion, 12th Marines
1 gun crew stand (ds) 1 howtar, with VL, ROF 1, HE 6,2"x2", Range 96" (8 rounds) 1 support stand Artillery Support (off board), with:
Battery K, 4th Battalion, 12th Marines, with 1 M109 SP 155 Howitzer, with ROF 1, HE 7, 2"x2", Range 288" 3rd 155mm SP Gun Battery, with 1 155 gun, with ROF 1*, HE 7, 2"x2", Range 448" USS Galveston (CLG 3), with
2 127 guns, each with ROF 1, HE 5, 2"x2" USS Orleck (DD 886), with 1 127 gun, each with ROF 1 HE 5, 2"x2" 16th Marine Air Group (All elements, Experienced; Morale. 9)
HMM-161, with 4 UH-34-Def 3 stands/tons 1 or Class I external load HMM-261, with 4 UH-34-Def 3 stands/tons 1 or Class I external load HMM-361, with 4 UH-34-Def 3 stands/tons 1 of Class I external load 12th Marine Air Group (All elements, Experienced; Morale: 9)
VMA-22S, with 3 A-4-Def 6, Ordnance 5, Strafe 1 VMA-231, with 3 A-4-Def 6, Ordnance 5, Strafe 1 11th Marine Air Group (All elements, Experienced, Morale 9)
VMA-S42, with 3 F-4B 11-Def 7, Ordnance 7, Strafe 1 Notes1. Anglico stands may spot as FOs for any Marine artillery unit, any offshore warship, or any air elements. They issue a call fire order during the Command Phase, and indicate the unit that they will be controlling. On a 1D10 roll of a 1-5, the unit that they are controlling is on target this turn. If the die roll fails, the controlled unit will be on target next turn. Aircraft or artillery which was announced to be under the control of an Anglico stand at the start of the turn, and which was not successfully given a target point this tum, may not carry out any attacks during that turn. 2. Marine command stands may act as spotters for any Marine artillery. The ordnance number for aircraft is the number of weapons they can carry. Aircraft can carry any mix of weapons they wish as long as that load is announced either prior to the start of the game, or prior to their being refueled and rearmed. Aircraft that use up their ordnance will return to base, and be rearmed and refueled 1D6+4 turns later. Planes which are rearmed may be held off the board unfil a prearranged time. Thus to ensure that some aircraft are always overhead, the Marine players could order a squadron home at a given time, and arrange to have it return ten turns later, even though the rearming/refueling time might be less. Aircraft that are damaged will not return to the game. Weapons types are as follows:
Napalm: Each bomb covers an area 3"x6", and has a HE value of 7.
Buildings are set on fire if hit, but woods and thickets are not Rockets: Each pod covers an area 3"x3", and has a HE value of 6.
Aircraft may carry outa maximum of two attacks before their ordnance is expended. Thus, an A-4 could carry two napalm bombs, two HE bombs, and a rocket pod. All of the ordnance carried may be used on a single point during a single pass over the target, or it could be dropped at different times. Only one target point can be attacked during a single pass. 4. Aircraft may either perform a geneml support mission, or a direct support mission. A general support mission is fixed in advance, and attacks a geographic point at a stated time. The aircraft carries out its attack in one pass during the General Fire Phase, and exits the board. A direct support mission arrives on the board, and is then directed to its target point during a subsequent General Fire Phase by an Anglico stand. A direct support stand may remain over the board until either its ordnance is exhausted, or for a maximum of one hour whichever comes first. In this operation which features marines moving inward from several directions at once, the aircraft were not allowed to spot for targets on their own. (It greatly reduces the chance of friendly fire.) 5. For game purposes, Marine aircraft may fly over the board at Low or Very Low altitude. Aircraft flying at Very Low altitude may be subject to enemy fire, aircraft flying at low altitude will not be subject to enemy fire. Aircraft are placed on the board during the movement phase at a stated altitude. During the General Fire Phase they may move to their target point and may climb or drop one altitude level at this time. They then carry out their attack and may either exit the board, or be moved to any point to wait for the next turn. Movement is always in a straight line from point to point. Attacks are made on the forowing table:
Ordnance (not strafing) attacks which fail to hit their target deviate. Roll for direction on the scatter chart, rerolling a 9 or 0. Attacks made at very low deviate 1/2d10, attacks made at low deviate 1D10. Helicopters move in the same manner, that is in a direct line from point to point. They may move from very low attitude to ground level and back up to very low to land troops during their movement. 6. The Marine players need to work out a landing plan commencing at 0600. It is not required that the Marines must land at 0600. They may wish to use some time in a preliminary bombardment Hamlets may not be fired at as part of this bombardment, or any fire support missions until hostile fire is taken from the hamlet. The area about the proposed LZs and beachs may be attacked during the preliminary bombaWment. The plan should include what air assets are over the board at any one time. The following restrictions are in effect on the marine plan:
B. Each UH-34 can carry one stand. Command and Anglico stands-not recon patrols-ride free, but not more than one such stand per helicopter. Stands exiting helicopters lose half of their movement for that turn. It will take each UH-34 squadron of MAG 16 1 D6+1 turns to return to the game with the next wave. The 161st Squadron can be used only for the first wave, afterward it will be assigned to other duties. C. The howtar battery of the 3rd/12th Marines may be brought on to the table by helicopter. It will take two UH-34s to move the gun crew and one-ton ammo, one to move the command and support stand, and one to carry the howtar. D. The LVTP-5s each carry one stand in the same manner as the UH-34s, command and Anglico stands-not recon patrols-ride free, but not more than one such stand per LVTP-5. The LVTP-5s will be placed on the board edge on the turn that they arrive, and they will move from there. It takes half of both stands and the LVTP's movement for the turn to allow the stand to exit. It will take each LVTP-5 group one 1d6+1 turn to return to the game with the next wave. LVTPs can be sent ashore with cargo in lieu of stands. LVTPs may remain on shore as needed. E. The Naval landing craft may start the game preloaded as the players wish. The LCMs move at 25" a turn, and the LCUs move at 30" a turn. It takes half of both a stand/vehicles and the landing crafts' movement for the turn to allow the stand/vehicle to exit. Tanks may only be landed in LCUs. Each tank can be replaced by two light trucks or four jeeps. LCMs can carry a light truck or two jeep. Note that both landing craft can carry stands as well as vehicles. F. The Special Landing Force is not here at the start of the game. It arrives, and may be committed to action in the following order as it arrives: (For a list of actual unit organizations, see above TO&Es.)
1600: USS Talladega (APA 208)
3rd Battalion, 7th Marines (Special Landing Force) Headquarters Headquarters company 2 rifle companies (K, M) BR> Detachments
1st Engineer Battalion Company C, Ist Reconnaissance Battalion 1200: August 20: USS Point Defiance (LSD 31)
3rd Battalion, 7th Marines (Special Landing Force) Detachments
Company B, 1st Tank Battalion Company C, 1st AT Battalion Howtar Battery, 1st Battalion, 11th Marines Company A, 1st Amphibious Tractor Battalion 7. The Marine Corps weapons' data.
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