Villers Bretonneux
Amiens: April 24, 1918

German Set-Up

by Greg Novak


1. Troop Quality and Morale: The German forces engaged here were an interesting mixture as each division had a different establishment and background. See the Order of Battle for further details.

2. Artillery Information: All off-board artillery has two tons of ammunition per gun. All on board weapons have one ton per weapon. All artillery may be preregistered per the rules, with up to six points per artillery brigade or mortar battery picked before the start of the game. Off-board guns were about 40" north of the southern board edge. As the German observers were in position for two weeks before the attack, they may pre-plot their fire on those points that they could have seen. Smoke rounds may be used if so wished.

Each German division may have a 77mm field gun battalion start the game on the board if so wished by the player.

3. Fortifications: The front line of the German Army counts as a second class trench, it gives a -3 benefit against artillery fire, and -2 to small arms fire.

4. German Setup: The German units setup subject to the following restrictions:

    77th Reserve Division: In or behind the front German line on the left flank.
    4th Guard's Division: In or behind the front German line in the center sector.
    228th Infantry Division: In or behind the front German line on the right flank.

5. German Victory Conditions: To capture the Cachy Switch Line and the village of Villers Bretonneux.

6. German Order of Battle:

77th Reserve Division (All elements Regular; Morale: 8)

    Divisional Headquarters, with:
      1 command stand
      1 staff stand
      1 A7V tank (Veteran; Morale: 10)

    332nd, 257th, and 419th Infantry Regiments

      Regimental Headquarters, with 1 command stand

      3 Infantry Battalion, each with

        Battalion Headquarters, with 1 command stand
        4 Infantry Companies, each with
          1 command infantry stand
          2 infantry stands

        1 Machinegun Company, with 1 machinegun stand (DS, 3 dice)

    59th Field Artillery Regiment, with:

      Regimental Headquarters, with 1 command stand
      1 Abeteilung, with
        1 command stand
        1 FO stand
        3 gun crews
        3 light limbers
        3 77mm field guns model 1896
        2 supply wagons

      1 Abeteilung, with

        1 command stand
        1 FO stand
        3 gun crews
        3 light limbers
        3 77mm field guns model 1916
        2 supply wagons

      1 Abeteilung, with

        1 command stand
        1 FO stand
        3 gun crews
        3 light limbers
        3 105mm howitzers
        2 supply wagons

    4th Squadron, 2nd Mounted Jaeger Regiment, with

      1 command cavalry stand
      1 cavalry recon stand
      2 cavalry stands

    403rd Pioneer Battalion, with

      Battalion Headquarters, with 1 command stand
      2 Field Companies, each with
        1 command engineer stand
        1 engineer flamethrower stand
        2 engineer stands

      1 Trench Mortar Company, with: 3 76mm Minenwerfer stands

228th Reserve Division (All elements Experienced, Morale: 8)

    Divisional Headquarters, with
      1 command stand
      1 staff stand
      1 A7V tank (Veteran; Morale: 10)

    35th, 48th, and 207th Infantry Regiments, each with

      Regimental Headquarters, with 1 command stand
      Regimental Assault Company (Veteran; Morale: 9)
        1 command Strosstruppe stand
        2 Strosstruppe stands

      3 Infantry Battalion, each with:

        Battalion Headquarters of 1 command stand and 1 76mm Minenwerfer stand
        2 Infantry Companies, each with 1 command infantry stand and 1 infantry stand
        2 Infantry Companies, each with 2 infantry stands
        1 Machinegun Company, with 1 machinegun stand (DS, 3 Dice)

    39th Field Artillery Regiment, with:

      Regimental Headquarters, with 1 command stand
      1 Abeteilung, with:
        1 command stand
        1 FO stand
        3 gun crews
        3 light limbers
        3 77mm field guns Model 1896
        2 supply wagons

      1 Abeteilung, with:

        1 command stand
        1 FO stand
        3 gun crews
        3 light limbers
        3 77mm field guns Model 1916
        2 supply wagons

      1 Abeteilung, with:

        1 command stand
        1 FO stand
        3 gun crews
        3 light limbers
        3 105mm howitzers
        2 supply wagons

    92nd Foot Artillery Regiment, with:

      1st Abeteilung, with:
        1 command stand
        1 FO stand
        3 gun crews
        3 light limbers
        3 150mm howitzers Model 1913
        2 supply wagons

    228th Pioneer Battalion, with:

      Battalion Headquarters, with 1 command stand
      389th, 395th Field Companies, each with:
        1 command engineer stand
        1 engineer flamethrower stand
        2 Engineer stands

      1 Trench Mortar Company, with 3 76mm Minenwerfer stands

4th Guard Division (Experienced, Morale: 9)

    Divisional Headquarters, with
      1 command stand
      1 staff stand
      1 command A7V Link (Veteran; Morale: 10)

    5th Foot, 5th Grenadier, & 93rd Reserve Regiments each with:

      Regimental Headquarters, with 1 command stand
      Regimental Assault Company (Veteran; Morale: 11)
        1 command Strosstruppe stand
        2 Strosstruppe stands

      3 Infantry Battalion, each with

        Battalion Headquarters, with:
          1 command stand
          1 76mm Minenwerfer stand

        4 Infantry Companies, each with:

          1 command infantry stand
          1 infantry stand

        1 Machinegun Company, with 1 machinegun stand (DS, 3 Dice)

    4th Guard Field Artillery Regiment, with

      Regimental Headquarters, with: 1 command stand

      1 Abeteilung, with:

        1 command stand
        1 FO stand
        3 gun crews
        3 light limbers
        3 77mm field guns Model 1896
        2 supply wagons

      1 Abeteilung, with:

        1 command stand
        1 FO stand
        3 gun crews
        3 light limbers
        3 77mm field guns model 1916
        2 supply wagons

      1 Abeteilung, with:

        1 command stand
        1 FO stand
        3 gun crews
        3 light limbers
        3 105mm howitzers
        2 supply wagons

    1st Guard Foot Artillery Regiment, with:

      3rd Abeteilung, with:
        1 command stand 1 FO stand
        3 gun crews
        3 light limbers
        3 150mm howitzers Model 1913
        2 supply wagons

    106th Pioneer Battalion, with:

      Battalion Headquarters, with 1 command stand
      261st, 269th Field Companies, each with:
        1 command Strosstruppen stand
        1 engineer flamethrower stand
        2 Strosstruppen stands

      1 Trench Mortar Company, with 3 76mm Minenwerfer stands

More Amiens: April 24, 1918: Villers Bretonneux

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