Bathtub Europa
Part II


by Greg Novak

Active Army

    1 Motorized Infantry Regiment
    2 Infantry Regiments
    1 Colonial Infantry Regiment (2 battalions in NW Africa, 1 in the Levant)
    1 Mountain Infantry Regiment (2 bns only)
    2 Fortress Infantry Brigades (HQ, MG Bn, Arty Bn only)
    1 Cavalry Regiment
    1 Light Mechariized Battalion
    1 Foreign Legion Infantry Battalion (in NW Africa)
    2 FF-17 Tank Companies
    3 R-35 Tank Companies
    1 Antitank Battery
    1 Engineer Battalion
    3 75mm gun battalions
    1 105mm gun battalion
    3 155mm howitzer battalions
    1 75mm AA Battery
    6 static 75mm AA guns (1 in North Africa)
    6 static 25mm AA guns (2 in North Africa)

A Reserves

    3 Infantry Regiments
    2 fortress infantry battalions
    1 Mountain Infantry battalion
    3 75mm gun battalions
    1 105mm gun battalion
    3 155mm howitzer battalions
    1 194mm gun battalion
    1 75mm AA battery
    1 antitank battery

B Reserves

    3 Infantry Regiments
    2 fortress infantry battalions
    2 fortress artillery battalions
    3 75mm gun battalions
    2 155mm howitzer battalions
    3 construction battalions

Air Force

    2 N.622
    2 MB.131
    2 Pb.542
    2 MB.200
    2 H75A-1
    2 MB.210
    4 MS.406
    2 Am.143
    1 LeO.257
    1 D.510


    1 Heavy Cruiser (+1 building)
    1 Light Cruiser
    5 Destroyers (+3 building)
    3 Corvettes (+1 building)
    3 Submarines (+1 building)


Infantry Regiment

      1 command stand
      1 recon motorcycle infantry stand
      1 engineer stand

    Weapons Company:

      2 25mm AT guns (1 in A Reserve, 0 in B Reserve)
      2 gun crews (1 in A Reserve, 0 in B Reserve)
      2 limbers (1 in A Reserve, 0 in B Reserve)
      1 81mm mortar
      1 wagon

    3 Infantry Battalions. each with

      Headquarters: 1 command stand
      3 Infantry Companies, each with:
        1 command stand (regulars only; not present in A or B Reserve)
        3 infantry stands

      1 Machine Gun Company with: 2 MMG stands



    1 command stand
    1 car
    1 staff radio truck
    1 engineer stand
    1 light truck

Reconnaissance Squadron

    1 recon motorcycle infantry stand
    2 recon P-178 armored cars

Weapons Company

    2 25mm AT guns
    2 gun crews
    2 light trucks
    1 81mm mortar (ds)
    1 medium truck

3 Infantry Battalions, each with:

      1 command stand
      1 car
      1 recon motorcycle stand

    3 Infantry Companies, each with:

      1 command stand
      3 infantry stands
      2 medium trucks

    1 Machine Gun company with:

      2 MMG stands
      1 medium truck


Headquarters: 1 command stand

2 Infantry Battalions, each with:

      1 command stand
      1 25mm AT gun
      1 gun crew

    3 Infantry Companies, each with:

      2 infantry stands
      1 MMG stand

1 Machine Gun Battalion with:

    Headquarters: 1 command stand
    3 Machine Gun Companies, each with: 3 MMG stands

2 Fortress Artillery Battalions, each with:

    1 command stand
    3 gun crews (ds)


(Battalion Leger Mecanique)

      1 command stand
      1 car

    Light Tank Company: 2 H35

    Medium tank Company: 2 S35 (tanks not yet delivered from factory)

    Mechanized Company

      1 command stand
      3 infantry stands
      1 MMG stand
      4 Halftracks
      2 AMRs

    Motorcycle Company

      1 command motorcycle stand
      1 motorcycle MMG stand
      3 motorcycle infantry stands

    Heavy Company

      1 25mm AT gun
      1 gun crew
      1 engineer stand
      1 81mm mortar
      2 light trucks
      1 medium truck



    1 cavalry command stand
    1 cavalry recon stand
    1 25mm AT gun
    1 gun crew
    1 limber

4 Cavalry Squadrons, each with:

    1 cavalry command stand
    2 cavalry stands

    1 Machine Gun Squadron with:

      3 MMG stands
      3 machine gun carts


    1 cavalry command stand
    1 cavalry FO stand
    3 75mrn guns
    3 gun crews (ds)
    3 limbers
    1 ammo wagon


    1 command stand
    1 FO stand
    2 cars
    3 guns or howitzers
    3 gun crews (ds)
    3 medium trucks
    1 medium ammo truck with trailer



    1 command stand
    1 wagon with 2 tons of engineer supplies

3 Engineer Companies, each with: 3 engineer stands


    1 command stand
    1 car
    1 47mm AT gun
    2 25mm AT guns
    3 gun crews
    3 light trucks


    1 75mm AA gun
    1 gun crew (ds)
    1 medium truck


    2 tanks

NOTE: By June of 1940, they have an additional Motorized Infantry Battalion and have produced the following additional tank units:

    1 company R-35
    1 company H-35
    1 company H-39
    1 company S-35
    1 company B-1

Aircraft Production

11/39: MB.151, MB.152, MS.406, PO.631
1/40: MB.152
3/40: MB.152
5/40: D.520, LeO.451, A-22
7/40: Bre.693, C.714,2 x D.520, MB.152 VG33, DB-7, H75A-2
9/40: 2 x Am354, Bre.693,2 x D.520, LeO.451 LN411, MB.175, VG33, DB-7B, H75A-2
11/40: AM354, Bre.695,2 x D.520, LeO.451 MB.155, VG33, DB-7B
1/41 2 x AM.354, LeO.451, M13.175, VG33, P40A
3/41: 2 x D.526, MB. 155, MB.175
5/41: Am354, Am357, Bre.695, Bre.700, 2 x D.526, Lte.299, LeO.458, MB.175,2 x VG39
7/41: AM357,2 x D.526, LeO.458, MB.175, 2 x VG39, LE-30
9/41: Am357, Bre.700, D.526, LeO.458, MB.175, MB.177, P-400
11/41: Am357, Bre.48Z 2 x Bre.700, D.526, LeO.458 MB.177, VG39

WeaponBuilderDesignation Cal.IF Range
25mmAAHotchkissM25SAU H m3925L58-
25mm ATHotchkissM25SA-Lm3725L77-
47mm ATPuteauxC47a. SA m3747L53-
75mm AASchniederC75CA sr S75L52-
75 gunSchneiderC75 m97[3375L34-
81 mortBrandt---
105 gunSchneiderC105C m13S105L277m (252")
155 howSchneiderC155C m17S155L146m (216")
194 gunC194GPF- 1941.3412m (43T)

Bathtub Europa Part II

More Bathtub Europa

An Introduction to Bathtub Europa: Part I Reduced Armies for Game Play

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© Copyright 1992 by Greg Novak.

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