Battle of Chinese Farm 1973


by Tom Harris

The following scenario was put together by Frank Chadwick as an introductory game for his local refight of the Suez 73 Campaign on the Southern Front. ( Frank is using his board game BAR-LEV as the basis of the game, and operates as the high command for both sides. Players are given orders from him, decide what they are going to do, and then send copies of the orders to Frank, who plots out what happens, and sets up the game to fight things out.) We have played it 4 times, with the Israeli's winning twice, and the Arabs winning twice. The side that played best in each game won, which says a lot for play balance.

What was known as "The Chinese Farm" was in reality an Agricultural Experimental Station in the Sinai at which the Israeli's in 1967 has discovered some machinery marked in Japanese. Hence, in keeping with logic, the place was marked on Israeli maps as "The Chinese Farms", by which title it gained fame in the 1973 War.

To best run this game, consider concentrating the most aggressive players as Israeli's, and place your better defensive players as Egyptians - as if things work out the other way there really isn't much of a game.


Frank runs this game with COMMAND DECISION, using the weapons chart included with the briefing sheets, as well as the following additional rules.

    1. All Israeli Infantry and Recon Infantry stands are equipped with the 3.5" Bazookas, which they may fire in any phase in addition to their small arms fire. There are no limitations on ammunition supply for the 3.5" bazooka's.

    2. The irrigation ditches about the Farm itself reduce movement in that area by tracked vehicles to half speed, and wheeled vehicles in that area to quarter of their off road speed. In addition, any infantry stands placed in the ditches are to be considered as being in entrenchments.

    3. All Egyptian Infantry, Engineer, Gun Crews and Weapons Stands are equipped with RPG-7s. These may only fired three times in a game, and resupply is not possible. This fire is In addition to any small arms fire conducted by the stand.

    4. Once SWAGGER ATGW Stands are spotted, on all of the following fire phases these stands indicate their targets at the start of each Fire Phase, but do not roll for results until the end of all other fire. Thus a spotted SWAGGER Stand which is hit and either forced back or destroyed does not get to fire in that phase. Stands that fire SWAGGERS may not move during their turn, and may not conduct any other type of fire, either small arms or RPG-7, during that fire phase during which the SWAGGERS are used.

    5. All recoilless rifles are automatically spotted when they open fire. Recoilless rifles may not be fired from bunkers.


The map below is for a 5' by 9' area, with contour lines markered for 5 meter increments of height. There are three bunkers present on the map (marked with a B), each of which may hold one double or two single stands, as well as several sets of entrenchments. The locations of the bunkers and entrenchments are known to the Israeli players, but it is not known if in fact they are occupied.

The area should be covered in scrub, but the effects of cover will only apply to infantry stands on foot. Vehicles not in cover, ie woods, built up areas, or hull down do not that any chance to hit them halved even if they are In scrub. Note that there are two sets of woods near Khansa Station.

It is suggested that the entrenchments and irrigation ditches be numbered at one Inch intervals along them to aid in the ease of placing Egyptian stands in those areas (as well as for controlling Israeli fire against those positions).

The following sets of Briefing Sheets should be given to the indicated players. It is important that players do NOT read the other players briefing sheets, as the information given to the players, even those on the same side, is not always the same. If more than one player is present in a command, give the briefing sets to that groups overall commander, and allow him to pass the information on to his sub commanders.

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