by Dick Bryant
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Donnington 15mm Miniatures and Newbury Rules SIMTAC, Inc. is pleased to announce that we now offerthe complete line of Donnington Miniatures and Newbury Rules. Donnington has one of the largest selections of 15mm Ancients now available, as well as Dark Ages, English Civil War, Late 17th Century, and American Civil War ranges. These highly detailed and accurate figures are among the best available anywhere! Each range has a wide variety of figure types and postiions, allowing you to build a varied force. Donnington Miniatures are sold in packs of 8 foot or 4 cavalry figures, and over 40 Army Packs are also available. Newbury Rules offer the wargamer a wide range of rules and army lists with an excellent international reputation. This is reinforced by their use in many competitions including the British National Championships. By utilizing similar rule mechanisms, you can easily move to other periods without starting from scratch. Current offerings include rules for Ancients (land and naval), Medieval, Pike & Shot, Colonial, Napoleonics, ACW, Modern (1917-1967) and skirmish (wild west and Medieval). A catalog listing the full range of Donnington Miniatures and Newbury Rules can be obtained by sending $2.00 (refundable on first order of $25.00 or more) to SIMTAC, Inc., 20 Attawan Rd., Niantic, CT 06357. Little Mini Shops is producing a series of 15mm buildings and accessories. These are European style, intended to be suitable for WWII, Napoleonic, Medieval, and Ancient games. SASE for brochure to The Little Mini Shops, 503 Point Breeze Rd., Flemington, NJ 08822. Recent GHQ releases of WWII microarmor include US 75mm pack howitzer with jeep, M16 multiple gun motor carriage, M3 halftrack with tarpaulin cover up, halftrack detail kit with jerry cans, tarps, mike racks, etc. for M2 and M3 tracks, a new M4A1 mortar motor carriage, cargo and tank trailers, White scout car, and a waterline model of the LVT-2, complete with a full load of riflemen; British Staghound armoured car, Churchill AVRE AJ with 290mm mortar, and Marmon Herrington MKII; Canadian Otter armored car and C 15 TA armored truck; German SdKfz 251/C 3 & 11 communications halftracks and SdKfz 251/C 2 & 9 mortar carrier and 75mm howitzer carrier halftracks, both with complete crews. Modern additions include the SA-8 "Gecko" missile launcher vehicle, the Type 69 main battle tank, and the Kahokum attack helicopter. The Micronauts range has been increased by the addition of the CL Jintsu, a destroyer flotilla command ship, and the DV Furious. GHQ, 2634 Bryant Ave. S., Minneapolis, MN 55408. (612) 374-2693. In Service Miniatures has a number of new releases, including the GAZ 66 "7-11 ", GAZ 66 supply truck, BM-28 launcher, ZSU-30X, SA-1 2, STUG 3G, Leo 1 ARV, and Leo 1 A5. Available from Modelers Mart, 1183 Cedar St., Safety Harbor, FL 34695. (813) 725-5168. Minifigs will be producing the Valiant line of sailing ship models under license, which should alleviate recent shortages. They are also in the process of acquiring Greenfield-Garrisons, whose models are currently out of production. In 15mm, Minifigs has recently released the Dromedary Corps of Napoleon's Egyptian adventure in two uniform variants, and provided packs of cavalry with command figures for the Crimean War. These include British Light and Heavy Dragoons, Hussars, Lancers, and Scots Greys; French Chasseurs and Spahis; Russian Heavy and Line Dragoons, Hussars, Caucasian Lancers, and Cossacks, Turkish Cavalry, and Sardinian Light and Heavy Cavalry. Artillerymen and teams have been provided for all these armies. The available guns include British light guns, heavy guns, howitzers, and mortars, and Russian light and heavy cannon. Russian and Allied command packs are also available. SOLDIER WORLD, USA SOLD Soldier World U.S.A. has changed hands. Mike Caum has sold the 18 year hobby institution to Jim Birdseye. Mike was promoted in his work and had less time to devote to the operation and was a little burned out. Jim had just moved to Virginia and was looking for something to keep himself busy. The inventory was moved to Radford, Virginia, just off 181, on December 15th. The lines carried are Peter Liang 15s and SKT Garrison 25s. Soldier World plans to offer a phone order service and expand the inventory. There is also a possibility of a shop in the next year. Soldier World U.S.A. will be at Cold Wars in Harrisburg this March. For those interested in an earlier period, there are New Kingdom Egyptians, including Shardna Gaurd infantry, spearmen, axemen, bowmen, Nubian bowmen, mounted scouts with bows, two-horse chariots with crews, chariot runners with eitherjavelins or bows, and a command pack with 12 foot, Pharoah's chariot, and crew. The new Early Assyrians comprise Asharittu (elite) and Hupshu (peasant) infantry, in packs with half javelins, half bows, levy bowmen, cavalry, again armed with both javelin and bow, 2-horse and 4-horse chariots with crews, and a command pack with 12 foot and a general's chariot with crew. Incas have been added to the Renaissance II line, including Elite Corps warriors with either halberds, spears, or star maces, slingers, Chinchaysuyu warriors with spears, coastal warriors with swords, forest warrior archers, Colla warriors with bolas, and a command pack with a Huaca relic on a litterwith priests and 12 Elite warriors with slings. Minifigs, Box P, Pine Plains, NY 12567. (518) 398-5166. Action 200 has produced a number of their "special sets" for the Vietnam War, including ARVN, US Marine, NVA, and VC infantry squads, villagers M113 with crew on top, M113 with stowed gear, M132 flamethrower, M67A3 flamethrower, M50 Al Ontos 106mm SPG, M48 Vietnamized Mod 1 and Mod 2, M551 Sheridan with turret MG and stowage, Scorpion 90mm SPT and M35 armored truck with quad .50 MG or 2x single.50 MG. They have also added to their modedrn armor line with a Staghound armored car (either MKI OR MKIII), North Korean infantry squad, FV 180 CET, M60 AVLB bridgelayer, bridges for their various bridgelayers, M88 ARV, LVTP5 amphibious APC, SA-8B Gecko missile vehicle, and a WWI I Komsomoyets artillery tractor. Available from Modelers Mart, 1183 Cedar St., Safety Harbor, FL 34695. (813) 725-5168. The Anatomy of Victory, Battle Tactics 1689-1763, by Brent Nosworthy, is a reconstruction of the major tactical doctrines, their actual practice, and their evolution into Frederican warfare. Published by Hippocrene Books, it is some 395 pages long, with 22 diagrams, and priced at $25. It is also available directly from the author, in which case you will get his newsletter as a bonus. Include $2 for postage, and send your order to Brent Nosworthy, 494 Court St., Brooklyn, NY 11231. Two Dragons Productions has been designing 15mm Samurai, Viking, and Maharatt figures sold under the Dixon name. These will now be sold directly by Two Dragons. The Samurais are available in the US through Wargames (Box 278, Route 40 East, Triadelphia, WV 26059). The other lines will be sold mail-order, and now have expanded to include British Napoleonic and Early Colonials (notably the pre-1800 uniform). For a catalog, 5 samples, and a year's listing updates, send $5 in cash and 3 or4 ICR's to Two Dragons Productions, 70 Luck Lane, Marsh, Huddersfield, West Yorkshire, HD1 4QX. Wargames Foundry is now producing the first cavalry in their 25mm French Revolution line; a half dozen Chasseurs and Hussars. The 1812 line is also expanded with militia and officers, both mounted and foot. Pendragon Miniatures, 1549 Marview Dr., Westlake, OH 44145. (216) 871-4587. Uniformes has also had a change of editors, although Phillipe Lamarque has started under happier circumstances. It is returning to a bimonthly schedule, and has increased its cover price by 2F. This is a French glossy covering uniforms, equipment, unit histories, figures, and the occasional wargame article. It is beautifully illustrated with regular contributions from the Funkens and other well-known authors. The January-February issue includes articles on French royal household troops of the Middle Ages, the Royal Allemand regiment, Jena, and Drouot's Armee d'Afrique. BilL Dean Books Ltd., 151-49 Seventh Ave., P.O. Box 69, Whitstone, NY 11357. Empires, Eagles and Lions has managed to fight through one of those periods of accumulating problems which tend to afflict amateur publications, and is now back on track aftera pause for catching up. The content, as always, is first rate. The December'89 issue contains an account of the battle of Kalisch by George Nafziger, an analysis of first-hand accounts of firefights by Ned Zuparko, an article on howitzers and licornes, battle reports, short pieces on the War of 1812, reviews, etc. An indispensible resource for any Napoleonic gamer. 60 pp. $18/6 issues. Subscriptions through RAFM Co., 19 Concession St., Cambridge, Ontario, Canada, N1 R 2G6. The Dispatch is the journal of the Historical Miniatures Association. The December '89 issue has an article on how to defeat Hussites in WRG games, a Johnny Reb scenario, Modern and ACW battle reports, and modifications for the Jagdpanzer ruleset to incorporate fatigue, along with reviews, convention reports, and association business. 50 pp. $20 membership, including 4 issues. Historical Miniatures Association, P.O. Box 4582, Austin, TX 78765-4582. Falcon Miniatures, P.O. Box 444, Medford, MA 02155. 15mm Han Chinese, Napoleonic Egyptian campaign, ACW, Franco-Prussian; 25mm Medievals, Marlburian, SYW, AMR, Napoleonic, Roman, Barbarian, Colonial; 20mm WWII. Connoisseur Figures USA, 2625 Forest Glen Trail, Riverwoods, IL 60015 (708) 940-7617 eves. Connoisseur and Elite large 25s for Napoleonics, Colonial, Pony Wars, ACW, Italian Wars 1485-1525, Battleground Ltd terrain and buildings. Catalog $2, with samples, $5. GAJO Enterprises, 1926 Fern St., Royal Oak, MI 48073. This is a service for those buying and selling previously owned wargaming armies and military books. The latest listing, for example, offered a Greek Hoplite army, a Mexican army, Napoleonic Austrians, Marlburian Prussians and Brits, Samurai, ECW, ACW, Crusaders, Vikings, Saxons, etc., along with painted villages and a page of books. Armies are shipped on approval, want lists maintained. Caliver Books, 26 Cliffsea Grove, Leigh-on-Sea, Essex, UK. Over 500 books of all sorts which will appeal to those interested in the English Civil War, plus another 80 or so facsimile reprints of 17th Century pamphlets. To get a catalog, send two dollar bills. The Civil War Bookshop, 23 Maplewood St., Albany, NY 12208. (518) 438-7138. A listing of some 180 Civil War books, both current and out of print. Aide de Camp Books, P.O. Box 9250, Schenectady, NY 12309 (518) 3464966. A listingof 132 books of military interest, mostly pre-20th Century. Listing on request. CATALOGS RECEIVEDSimtac, 20 Attawan Road, Niantic, CT 06357 has mailed its 1990 catalog covering 15mm Jacobite Napoleonics, Ancients, ECW, Feudal, and Army Packs.Also included are Scotia Micro Models 1/300 Modern and WWII. New items include Britannia 25mm Ancients, Napoleonic, Colonial, Old West, and Crimean War figures. $2.00. GDW, P.O. Box 1646, Bloomington, IL 61702. The new catalog contains all their miniature rules as well as Twilight 2000 and Space 1889 with all their scenario and reference books. GDW also announces Over The Top, a WWI Miniature Rules set a la Command Decision for an August release. GHQ, 2634 Bryant Ave. South, Minneapolis, MN 55408 has released 10 new Micro Armor pieces including UK Cruiser Tank, the M5A1 andM9A1 US Halftracks and German and Russian recovery vehicles. Also, an SdKfz 10/1 Prime Mover. Two Dragons Productions, 70 Luck Lane, Marsh, Huddersfield, West Yorkshire, HD1 4QX, England, is now offering all 15mm Dixon Miniatures designed by Lt. Tim Hallam, which are: 15mm Samurai, Vikings and Maharatts. As of August 1989 these figures will be only available from Two Dragons. Orders can be made from the Dixon Catalog. This company also produces a line of early British in Egypt, 15mm Samurai, Vikings and "the Dawn of British India - Pre Raj". Panzershiffe, P.O. Box 26074, Akron, OH 44319. Six jam packed pages of 1/2400 ships covering periods from the American Civil War to modern. A feature of this catalog is that it lists the sister ships to the one listed and how many are in each class. Essex Miniatures Wargames, Box 278, Route 40 East, Triadelphia, WV 26059. A new listing of 15mm ACW figures. Pendragon Miniatures, 1549 Marview Ave., Westlake, OH 44145. Pendragon is THE U.S. Outlet forthe magnificent Wargames Foundry Figures. This new catalog lists expansion of the Franco Prussian range, the Indian Mutiny range and the Crimean Warrange. Introduced isanew15mm War of the Roses and a 20mm WWII range. Quality Castings, P.O. Box 11714, Alexandria, VA 22312. A new listing which includes their redesigned M4 Shermans. They also have decals for this 15mm line. The line is expanding into figures to cover the Korean War. More Courier Dispatch Back to Table of Contents -- Courier Vol. IX #3 To Courier List of Issues To MagWeb Master Magazine List © Copyright 1990 by The Courier Publishing Company. This article appears in (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other articles from military history and related magazines are available at |