Throughout the period covered by this article gun carriage colors were red with yellow metal work.
Granaderkorpset. White field. in the upper inner corner the Danebrog, red field and white cross. Monogram, cypher, and palm branches in gold. Crown gold with a red bag. Monogram and cypher surrounded by a blue band with a golden elephant hanging f rom the bottom. Scroll white with inscription in gold.
Ostsiaelandske nationalle reg. Red field with a white cross. The other 7 national infantry regiments carried similar colors.
Unknown Danish dragoon regiment(s). Two examples, one with a white field and the other with a red field. Monograms, cyphers, crowns, and scrolls in gold on both colors. The inscription shown appears on the white color. That on the red color is blurred. Fringe gold.
Sjaelandske nationale dragonreg. White field. in the center a yellow shield with three blue lions and nine red hearts. Crown and decoration surrounding the shield in gold. Scroll white. The monograms, cyphers, and crowns in the corners in gold. Fringe gold.
In 1704 new regulations were issued for Norwegian Colors. The Colonel's Color was to have a white field with Frederik IV monogram and cypher, F IV, in gold in the center. A gold crown was to be above the monogram and a gold Norwegian lion was to be on either side of the monogram. Company Colors were to have fields in the facing color of the regiment. In the center was to be an allegorical scene with an inscription which applied to the scene in Danish above it. For infantry colors, in place of the Danebrog in the upper inner corner was a white field with the company's name in gold letters.
Norwegian Dragoon Regiment(s). Colonel's Color. White field. Norwegian lions, monogram, cypher and crown in silver. Monogram and cypher surrounded by a blue band from which a silver elephant is suspended. Fringe gold.
Folkersambsdragonreg (Norwegian). Company Color. Field divided blue over white. In the center the scene of David and Goliath. Over the scene a white scroll with inscription. The scene and scroll surrounded by green branches. Above the monogram and cypher of F. IV, crown and palm branches in gold. Gold fringe.
1. Bloch, A. Schematic of Norwegian Uniforms, 1718.
2. Generalstaben. Ellevearskrigens militaere historie. 1.bind. Oslo: 1936.
3. Hauge. Norwegian Uniform Plates.
4. Photographs of replicas of Norwegian uniforms 1718 in author's collection.
5. Royal (Danish) Uniform Orclonnance 1711.
6. Royal (Danish) Uniform Orclonnance 1716.
7. Schenstrom, F. Armfeltska Karolineras Siste Tag. Stockholm: 1890.
8. Vaupel, Otto. Den Dansk-Norske Haers Historie. 2 volumes. Copenhagen:1876.
Danish-Norwegian Uniforms: Colors and Standards of The Great Northern War 1709-1720
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