by Dick Bryant
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BOOKS OF INTEREST "THE WORLD ATLAS OF MILITARY HISTORY, 1945-1986". This is the third volume to be published in this series and covers all the major and minor wars fought since 1945. Detailed maps are accompanied by an explanatory text. Published by Hippocrene Books, 108 pages, 93 maps, $24.95. "CHRISTMAS TRUCE". A study of the informal truce on the Western Front in 1914. The author demonstrates that the truce was more extensive, involved more men and lasted longer than has hitherto been realized. Published by Hippocrene Books, 228 pages, $22.50. "FREE TRADE AND SAILORS RIGHTS". A bibliography of theWar of 1912, this publication contains much of interest to gamers. In particular there is an appendix containing the military records of all American, British and Canadian regiments. Available through Greenwood Press, 399 pages, $45.00. THE NAVAL INSTITUTE PRESS A catalog of books related to all aspects of things naval. The range runs from the classics of naval literature to miniatures gaming to technical manuals and books on navigation. The catalog itself contains over 300 titles, many of them offered at substantial discounts. This is an excellent resource for gamers interested in nautical matters. For more information write to the Naval Institute Press, Annapolis, MD 21402, or phone (301) 268-6110. THE NAPOLEONIC SOCIETY OF AMERICA This non-profit organization's aim is to promote better understanding of the many accomplishments of Napoleon Bonaparte, and his contributions to the improvement of man's quality of life. The society also acts as a center of communication for Napoleophiles and provides a clearing house for the purchase and sale of Napoleonic memorabilia. A regular Members Bulletin contains information of the Society and articles on the life of Napoleon and the Napoleonic era. The Society also organizes an annual tour of Napoleonic sites in France. Membership in the Society is $24 in the U.S. and Canada, and $26 elsewhere. If you are interested in further details, or if you wish to participate in the annual meeting of the Society in Montreal in November, write to NSA, 640 Poinsettia Road, Belleair, Florida, 33516. GLEANINGS Le Moniteur (published quarterly, $15 (surface), $25 (airmail), L10 (UK) for four issues). Zeughaus, 11 Hythe House, Swan Road, London SE164LG. An all-new Napoleonic period magazine for the historian, wargamer and re- enactor. The premier issue contains several extensive articles as well as smaller features, such as music of the era. A sample of the longer articles includes an account of the creation, and subsequent repatriation, of La Romana's Spanish division (this division formed part of Brune's corps in Northern Europe in 1807/1808); the life of captured French officers in England; and Marshal Ney's instructions to his corps in 1806. The magazine is digest-sized and there are obvious similarities in format and content between Le Moniteur and Empires, Eagles and Lions (reviewed volume V number 6). I must say that EE & L is one of the best publications covering the Napoleonic period and Le Moniteur will have to go some to achieve the same standards of excellence. This first issue promises well for the future, however, and students of the period should consider adding this publication to their subscription list. Savage and Soldier (published quarterly, $12 for four issues) 14219 NE. 74th Street, Redmond, VA. 98052. S&S is another excellent magazine that has not been mentioned often enough in this column over the last several issues. S&S is devoted to the colonial era, and the latest issue to hand happens to be the first issue of its 20th year of publication. This is an exceptional achievement and Lynn Bodin is to be congratulated on his success in bringing the magazine this far. The major article in this issue is on the Nile Column (1884-85) giving details of the deployment of British and Egyptian troops along the Nile prior to, and during operations aimed at the relief of Khartoum. There is also an extensive review column and a couple of battle reports, as well as a retrospective of the 20 years of Savage and Soldier by Doug Johnson, the magazine's founder and original editor. S&S is a fine publication that deserves the support of gamers interested in the period. With this issue Lynn informs his readers that money to continue publishing the magazine is getting extremely low. The price is reasonable so, if you have an interest, why not subscribe. Midwest Wargamer's Association Newsletter (published bimonthly; $6 for 6 issues) Hal Thinglum, 3533 West 218th Street, Matteson, IL. 60443. MWAN is exclusively concerned with historical wargaming with miniatures and obviously has a content of interest to COURIER readers. The newsletter is 8x11" format, usually runs to 30 pages (special editions are published at irregular intervals and are considerably larger), and ispacked with all kinds of information and articles. There are reviews of figures and figure ranges, books, paints, rules and many other things dear to a wargamer's heart. There are letters, campaign ideas, Question and Answer columns and Wanted/For Sale sections. There are battle reports, convention reports and news of upcoming events, the thing just goes on and on. I highly recommend MWAN, particularly to those gamers living in the Illinois area looking for local information. CONVENTION CALENDAR 1985Sept 28-29,1985 AUSTIN MINI-FEST Austin, TX Austin Plaza South Southwest Conventions, 1103 W. Tri Oaks #181, Houston, TX 77043 Oct 11-13,1985 11TH ANNUAL COUNCIL Schenectady, NY SSAE to: P. Boynton, PO Box 4086, Queensbury, NY 12801 Oct 11-13,1985 LIN-CON VII Lincoln, NE Merlin Hayes, c/o Hobbytown, 130 N. 13th St., Lincoln, NE68508 Nov 1-3,1985 NOVACON3 York, PA Novacan 3, PO Box 41, Marietta, PA 17547 Nov 29-Dec 1, 1985 NAPOLEONIC SOCIETY Montreal, QE 640 Poinsettia Rd., Belleair, FL 33516 February 15-17,1986 ORCCON Los Angeles, CA. Los Angeles Airport Hyatt Hotel ORCCON, POB 8399, Long Beach, CA 90808 July 3-6,1986 L.A. ORIGINS86 Los Angeles, CA. Los Angeles Airport Hilton Hotel ORIGINS, POB 8399, Long Beach, CA 90808 NAPOLEONIC SOCIETY OF AMERICA PLANS FIRST ANNUAL MEETING Nov 29-Dec 1 Quebec will see the first annual meeting of the Napoleonic Society of America. The 3-day program includes seminars, talks and discussion groups on such subjects as The Italian Campaign; The Egyptian Campaign; Napoleon the Military Leader; The Russian Campaign; The Hundred Days and many other subjects. Various private collections will be displayed or visited and a documentary film "The Man on the Rock" will be viewed. Prices include Friday dinner, Saturday lunch and a Sunday banquet. $125. per person for members; $149. otherwise. Napoleonic Society of America, 640 Poinsettia Rd., Belleair, FL 33516 NEBRASKA LIN-CON VII Guests of Honor will be: world renowned Duke Siefried. He will be accompanied by his associate, Dale Bruner. Duke is past president of Heritage Game & Figure Mfg., and also past V.P. of TSR. Other guests will be Ken Bunger who is associate editor of Courier Magazine and a rules designer with 25 years of gaming experience, and West Point graduate and Nebraska Assistant Attorney General, John Boehm. John has been active in gaming for over 20 years. Come join us. We will have something for everyone. For more information, please contact: Merlin Hayes, c/o Hobby Town, 130 North 13th St., Lincoln, NE 68508. 402-476-3829. The Courier Dispatch News of the hobby. 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