By Bruce Graumlich and Shannon Womer
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VERNET PRINTS AVAILABLEZeughaus (international Military Books), 11 Hythe House, Swan Road, London SE16 4LG, England, are offering a collection of 24 superb fullcolor engravings of Napoleonic battlefields. The set is entitled "Campagnes Francaises" and the prints are ideal for framing. The price given is £ 22.50 but an SAE to the above address will bring details of price and availability.BOOK COLLECTION FOR SALENoted Napoleonic collector S.J. Park has recently moved and is selling his military book collection, which includes about 600 Napoleonic titles. For information, send a large 5"x8" self-addressed stamped envelope for book list to: S.J. Park, 1706 Coturnix, Austin, Texas 78758.AWA-NWA TO JOIN FORCESThe American Wargaming Association and the National Wargaming Alliance have merged, forming a new national wargaming club. With nearly 300 members, this new group is the largest all-hobby wargaming club since the decline of the international Federation of Wargaming more than a decade ago.The AWA newsletter will continue to be published and will replace issues of "Kriegsrat" for NWA members. The new club name will be announced after ratification by the membership. The current suggestion is "The Strategy Gaming Society". The AWA/NWA Tournament Schedule will continue as before, and membership in the new national club will be $9.99/year. This includes subscription to the monthly newsletter. To join, send a check or money order to George Phillies, 1139 Nielsen Court #3, Ann Arbor, MI 4811`15. LA LEGION ANNOUNCES NEW RELEASESThe 15mm flag printers hasannounced a bevy of new releases for the next several months. in late October'84 we should see NF9 (French Allies #4) which include Bavaria & Wurtenburg infantry & cavalry; NB6 British cavalry; NR6 Russian Imperial Guard; and NP3 Prussian cavalry and Landwher. In late March '85 are due: NF10 (French Allies #5); Saxony, Westphalia, Wuxburg & The Kingdom of Holland; NF11 French "Special" Troops; Irish Legion, Swiss, Croats, Neuchatel, Danish Guards, Spanish & NF12 Allied "Special" Troops Brunswick, Hanover, Ottoman Empire, Portugese and Spanish Militia. Also due in October'84 are NF4,5,6,7 & 8 French Guard infantry; guard cavalry; Polish infantry; Neopolitans; Confederation of the Rhine, respectively. Many of my troops (Brunswickers & Portugese) will now be able to fight with flags to the fore. -- DICK BRYANTPIKE & SHOT CHAMPIONSHIP TOURNAMENTThe United States Pike & Shot Federation proudly announces its National Championship Tournament, the Essex Tournament, to be held in New Orleans, Louisians on April 20th and 21st, 1985. The tourney will be open to all members of the USPSF without seeding or restriction. All lists must be nore more than 1500 points and must strictly conform to the latest WRG lists and rules. Prizes to be awarded include an authentic English document from the reign of Charles I (on parchment), Essex Miniatures armies, an Irregular Miniatures army, and an award for the best painted army. Free beer and snacks will be provided by the New Orleans Wargamer's Club. Also a shuttle service will pick up participants at the airport free of charge and bring you to the tournament site, the Airport Travel Lodge. Free transportation will also be provided at the end of play on April 20th to and from the French Quarter. Wargamers wishing to enter the tournament should contact the tourney director at the following address: Dr. Brian Scherzer, 605 Sadie Ave., Matairie, Louisiana 70003. - BRIAN SCHERZERWARGAMES ANNOUNCES NEW LINESWargames of Dallas, Texas announces that they expect their first shipment of the new DIXON 15mm Samurai sometime in January. This first release of the line will consist of approximately 15.figures with more to follow. In addition, more ESSEX 25mm Napoloenics are also expected in January. This lot of 40 to50 French line infantry complimentsthe recently released Guard figures. The French cavalry will foll6w soon and the British next. RAFM PRODUCING FIGURES FOR HEARTS Of OAKJack Von Shaik of RAFM has announced recieving a license f rom FGU for the design, fabrication and sale of Napoleonic Naval figures for HEARTS OF OAK & TRADITION OF VICTORY Historical Role Playing Rules. They should be available in early '85. Watch THE COURIER for more details later. - DICK BRYANT NAPOLEONIC COLOR PRINTSCampaigns Francaises. 24 color prints of Napoleonic battles suitable for framing for $22.50 (add $3.50 for surface mail or $16 for airmail). U.S. $ checks made to: Pete Hoffschroer, 11 Hythe House, Swan Rd., London SE16 4LG, England. NEEDS INFO ON MARENGOI have been searching for several years, to no avail, for an accurate Orders of Battle of the Battle of Marengo between the Austrian forces under General Melas, and French forces under the incomparable General Bonaparte. What I am specifically looking for are the names of the French and Austrian regiments, the number of squadrons and battalions in each and what the actual assignation of command was. Along with that I am also looking for a better map than I have seen as yet, with some narrative accompaniment. I realize that this is a tall order, but if anyone could help me locate such a source I would be very grateful. Michael Toth, 24 North Shappard St., Richmond, VA 23221. GLEANINGSThe Heliograph (Published irregularly, $4.00 for 10 issues , Tony Adams, 301 N. Wille St., Mount Prospect, IL 60056. Still going strong and now on issue #20. This particular issue reviews and discusses the"Sword and the Flame" rules set in some detail. Not only are the mechanical details of play examined, but the author of the article, Tony Adams, also explores the rationale behind the various rule sections (movement, firing, morale, etc.). The result is an extremely interesting analysis of the rules. Part one of the article is in issue 20. I look forward to part two in the near future. Tony and the Heliograph are looking at the possibility of a "Sword and Flame" day sometime in 1985. Watch this space for details. Miniature Wargames (Published monthly, £ 28.00 for 12 issues airmail, £ 15.00 surface), A.E. Morgan Publications Ltd., Stanley House, 9 West St., Epson Surrey KT187RL. Note the new address for subscriptions. M.W. has found a new publisher after some problems with Conflict Publications. Current subscribers are assured that the balance of their subscriptions will be transferred automatically. The quality of M.W. remains high, particularly the colour prints. The magazine contains articles of general interest to miniature gamers. For example, the latest issue (No. 15) features a couple of battle descriptions, the storming of the Schellenberg and the second battle atWorcester, with tips to gamers for refights with miniatures. There's an article by Paddy Griffith exploring the possibility of gaming without rules. It is perhaps a reflection on me and the people I game with, but gaming without the benefit of rules seems to me an invitation to real bloodshed. Other features include modeling an ancient Greek Farm, English Tactics in the Hundred Years War, KamiKazi in miniature, as well as figure and book reviews. M.W. is highly recommended. Empires, Eagles and Lions (published 8 times a year, $12.00 per 8 issues), RAFM Co., 19 Concession St., Cambridge, Ontario, Canada NIR 2G6. The magazine for Napoleonic gamers and historians. The issue to hand (No. 82, September,'84) contains part 3 of "Artillery and its Application to Wargames", an extensive description of the uniforms and organization of the Royal Sicilian Army 1800-1815 and the second and final part of an article on the Prussian Military Train. The balance of the issue is made up of letters and responses from various section editors and contributors, and a wargames and figure painting section. The articles are scholarly in their approach and points are backed up by references to original sources wherever possible. Where a French source is used the reference from the source document is given, as well as the translation. Anyone interested in the military history of the Napoleonic period should not be without this magazine. OTHER MAGAZINE NOTESThe Midwest Wargamer's Association Newsletter will be putting out a special issue on the Mexican-American War/Texas War of Independence/Other South American Wars in its March-April 1985 issue. Any articles pertaining to the above subjects would be appreciated. They should be sent to Hal Thinglum, 3533 West 218th St., Matteson, IL 60443. Fantasy Garner and Space Garner will be recombined starting with Space Garner No. 71. Space Garner will now cover the entire spectrum of adventure gaming and will be published 6 times a year. Fantasy Garner subscribers will have their subs. transferred automatically. A new newsletter is being published by Greg Novak titled "The Picket Line - The Journal of Central Illinois Tabletop Warriors". The newsletter will offer a local forum for gamers in that area. For more information, contact Walt LeBegue, POB 32, Mason, IL 62443. As of the September issue (Vol. 11, No. 11), Wargamers Digest has changed its name to Military Digest. The editor, Gene McCoy, feels that this title more correctly reflects the magazine content. M.N. CASTINGSM.N. Castings provide a variety of buildings, bunkers and fantasy terrain in 15mm, 20mm and 25mm scales. They make some particularly nice Mexican War buildings (2 sizes), a Mexican Church and gun positions. These fit very nicely with the Freikorps 15mm Mexican War Range. They have at least one satisfied customer who wrote to tell us about the good service he received. With the Pound Sterling at record low rates against the dollar, British figure manufacturers and distributors have very attractive prices, even including postage. For M.N.C.'s illustrated listing write to MNC, 144 Elmfielcl Rd., Glengormley, Co. Antrim, Northern Ireland. Please include an international postal coupon for return mail. LAMMING MINIATURES - U.S. DISTRIBUTORSHIPModelers Mart, 2071 Range Rd., Clearwater, FL 33575 announce that they have been granted the exclusive U.S. Distributorship for Lamming Miniatures by Gallia Reproductions of England. The entire line of over 600 figures and equipment pieces will be available. The 25mm line covers Ancients, Medieval, Renaissance, 30-Year War and Napoleonic and there are also 20mm WWII figures. Lamming figures feature varied heads and weapons in many of the packs to impart a certain amount of individualism to your wargame units. Separate head, shield and weapon packs are also available. Prices are $.65 each or $3.50 for a pack of 6 foot; and $1.40 each or $4.00 for 3 cavalry. For a list of the entire line write to Modeler's Mart at the above address. IMPERIAL GERMAN MILITARY COLLECTORS ASSOCIATIONThis Association is formed by collectors as a non-profit organization to increase the knowledge and enjoyment of those interested in the old German Armed Forces. The scope of the association includes the era of the Thirty Year's War through the First World War. A quarterly magazine entitled "Kaiserzeit" conveys scholarly and researched articles of interest, classified advertisements and a question and answer column. A directory of members forms the heart of the association, and membership includes collectors and enthusiasts throughout the U.S. and Europe. For more information write to I.G.M.C.A., P.O.B. 38, Keyport, N.J. 07735. NEW MAIL ORDER OPERATIONThe Commandant's Co-op, 3341 N.W. 21 Street, Oklahoma City, OK 73107 is planning a rather unique military miniatures mail order house. They will offer 15mm and 25mm miniatures from the major companies to member wargamers at savings of 10% to40% off the retail price. The initial idea is to cater to the historical wargamer with more than half a million figures in all the popular periods. There will be a small annual membership fee to qualify for the discount, but non-members will be offered fast mail order at regular prices. More Dispatch Back to Table of Contents -- Courier Vol. V #6 To Courier List of Issues To MagWeb Master Magazine List © Copyright 1984 by The Courier Publishing Company. This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other military history articles and gaming articles are available at |