by Jay Hadley
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NEW FIGURE RELEASES FROM RAL PARTHAIn May, R.P. will release more Colonials to supplement their existing line. These new figures will be forthe Sudan campaign. ByJuly, additional R.P. and R.P. Imports lines will be released. These will include the Dark Ages (DA) line; and Ancient Romans (AR) line; 7 to 15 packs in the Medieval (42) line which will include packs of the new Ancients (35) line, these will be mostly Macedonians.Ral Partha has a reputation for producing high quality figures as a reasonable price, their colonial lines in particular have proved very popular. These new figures will be eagerly awaited. PIKE & SHOT FEDERATIONThe United States Pike & Shot Federation would like to announce our formation, having been the Southern Pike& Shot Federation for the last 3 years. We provide sanctioning for tournaments around the country and assist in acquiring prizes for club and state tourneys along with sponsoring the annual national championship. We are now looking for regional representatives for the West Coast, Midwest and Eastern seaboard areas, along with enrolling members and clubs. For information please write to Dr. Brian R. Scherzer, U.S. Pike & Shot Federation, 605 Sadie Ave., Metairie, La. 70003. WARGAME FIGURE MOULDSMelt plumber's bar solder and tire weights in your kitchen and cast hundreds of metal figures in an evening. Casting your own figures has a lot of advantages over buying the finished product, the main one being price. The problems have always been quality from the commercial moulds and the limited number of moulds available for any given line. JA range of moulds for 15mm and 25mm figures are available from J. Haas, 3215 Merriman Ave., Raleigh, NC27607. In25mm thereisawiderangeof Colonial figure moulds including British, Sikhs,'Eioers, Egyptians, Zulus and Pathans,among others. Of particular interest are figures of Bedouins, Foreign Legionaires and a whole range of different nationalities for the Boxer Rebellion. Also in 25mm are moulds for ACW and Franco-Prussian War figures. The same periods are also covered in 15mm moulds. There are also a limited number of moulds for 30mm Napoleonic figures. JPrices are $15.00 for 15mm, $20.00 for25mm and $27.00 for a 30mm mould. Postage is extra. Additional ranges are promised in the future. Write to J. Haas at the above address for more details. NAPOLEONIC BOARDGAMES TO BE REPRINTEDClash of Arms Games has purchased the publishing rights to the games contained within the series known as "La Bataille Dans L'age L'Empereur Napoleon". Each of the 6 titles within this series will be reprinted in a limited number beginning this summer. There will be a serious rewriting of the rules to incorporate the addenda and all games will be boxed. The games affected are:
La Bataille d'Espagnol- Albuera La Bataille cle Preussisch-Eylau La Bataille d'Espagnol-Talavera La Bataille D'Austerlitz La Bataille de Deutsch-Wagram SCRUBY MINIATURES SOLDJack Scruby informs us that he has sold his wargame figure business to Chris Munro who has worked with Jack for many years. Chris will be taking overall moulds, models and production of Scru by Miniatures in all scales. All catalogue numbers will remain the same and the Scruby catalogue will be good until replaced by a new issue. Projects in the pipeline at this time include 25mm Sudan figures available around July, and a series of 25mm Medieval figures available in the fall. The new business will be known as Munro Miniatures, POB 1512, Cambria, CA 93428. We at the COURIER would like to wish Chris the best of luck with this venture. NAVAL NOTESby CLIFF SAYRE Where to spend your summer vacation. Naval buffs may wish to visit some of the historic ships on display in this country or overseas. HISTORIC SHIPS OF THE WORLD by William C. Heine, published by G.P. Putnam's Sons (1977) is a collection of photographs and descriptions of twnety-two ships located in various countries. Each ship is treated in a chapter about seven pages long with excellent drawings or photographs which enhance the text. HISTORIC SHIP EXHIBITS IN THE UNITED STATES, published by the Naval History Division of the Navy Department (1969) is still available from the Government Printing Office for the reasonable sum of $1.75. The booklet is seventy pages long in an 81/2 X 11" format. There are photographs on almost every page. In addition to the list of ships, a section also contains the locations of museums and maritime displays in a state-by-state census of sites. The order number for the GPO publication is 008-046-00024-7. I would also like to plug WARSHIP INTERNATIONAL, published by the international Naval Research Organization, Inc. as a high quality, relatively inexpensive quarterly magazine. Present annual dues are $15.00 (for the four issues). Each issue has two or three well- researched articles on various topics in naval history. There are numerous half and full page photographs which will interest the model builder or naval buff. Each issue runs about 100 pages (with no advertising). The I.N.R.O. also has available a variety of 1:600 and 1:1200 scale ship plans. Write, WARSHIP INTERNATIONAL, 1729 Lois Court, Toledo OH 43613. ANCIENTS POSTAL CAMPAIGNWalter Compton (address below) ran a successful Seven Years War campaign by post during 1980-81 and now wishes to try again, this time an ancient campaign based on WRG Rules and Army Lists. The campaign is planned for about 28 people and will begin in April if there is sufficient interest. There will be no cost to the players (apart from postage) and arrangements will be made to accommodate "drop outs" so that the campaign will not be slowed down or delayed because of poor response once it begins. Detailed rules are available from Walter but briefly, the campaign involves seven nations in Italy fighting for control of the penninsula. circa 500 B.C. Each nation is initially split into four separate tribes or cities who will fight each other for control during the first year. Thus the eventual controller of each nation will have three loyal and trustworthy (hopefully) allies. The original armies will be based on Army List #30 and will amount to 600 points in the first year. Points are gained for fighting and winning battles and lost for fighting and losing battles or not fighting at all. Battles will be set up by Walter using deployments given him by referees chosen by Walter from among the players. The referees will use orders provided by the players involved in the battle. Each player will have one or two battles to referee during a move. Each campaign turn should take about 3 to 4 months real time so there will not be any great strain on the players as far as time is concerned. If you are interested and want to know more, write to Walter Compton, Apastado 70774, Caracas 1071-A Venezuela. STONE MOUNTAIN LANDS CONTRACTStone Mountain Miniatures, manufacturer of the world's most complete line of American Civil War miniatures, has announced that it recently completed its second large contract for the State of Arkansas Department of Parks and Tourism. The contract was to supply 20mm figures, wagons, artillery, and accessories to be used in the construction of historical dioramas in the Arkansas Park system. Company spokesman David Babb reported that the contract, which called for over 2,800 miniatures, was completed well ahead of the specified schedule. Stone Mountain President James McCarron stated that he was "extremely proud of the fact that the State of Arkansas has chosen to use our figures in their dioramas. I'm also pleased that we were able to maintain our quality and sharpness of detail under the production pressures of an order this large." Mr. Babb added that in addition to Stone Mountain's just released line of 15mm American Civil War figures, the remainder of their 15mm line of Colonial figures should be completed in time for Origins in June, 1984. GLEANINGSGorget & Sash (published quarterly, $10.00 for 4 issues) 5218 Langrave Lane, Springfield, VA 22151. Volume 11, No. 2 contains articles on German Reiters and Turkish Spahis giving details of armour, weapons, organization and tactics as well as accounts of someof the actions in which theywere involved.There isalso an article on Russian Hussars of the Seven Year's War giving uniform details. Other features cover Flags and Standards of the French Civil Wars, Scots in foreign service during the Thirty Years War and the camp life of the 1st Virginia, a group recreating the lifestyle of a Continental unit during the American Revolution. Departments include reviews of figures and books about the Renaissance period and a letters column. The Wargamer (published monthly, $32.00 for 6 issues) 3W, POB F, Cambria, CA 93428-0295. Expensive magazine! The reason being it has a board game in the middle. The current issue has a voucherthat reduces the price of the subscription to $28.00. Issue number 26 contains the game "Race to the Meuse", an operational level game of the advance of the 5th Panzer Army during the Battle of the Bulge. The issue contains the rules, the charts, the designers nots and a historical background to the actual battle. The game-mapand the pre-cut counters are of reasonable quality. There are also game reviews, both brief and in-depth, and an annotated play-through of one of the games carried in a previous issue. Back to Table of Contents -- Courier Vol. V #4 To Courier List of Issues To MagWeb Master Magazine List © Copyright 1984 by The Courier Publishing Company. This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other military history articles and gaming articles are available at |