by Ned Zuparko
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The Archduke Charles and the Austrian Army 1792-1814, For those in a hurry to get to the figure reviews, I'll be brief NAPOLEON'S GREAT ADVERSARIES is an excellent book and I recommend you buy it as soon as possible! For those reading at a more leisurely pace, keep going. Professor Rotherberg is a Professor of Military History at Purdue University and well-known in his field. He is the author of many books, best known to Napoleonic wargamers as the author of THE ART OF WAR IN THE AGE OF NAPOLEON. Unfortunately for the English-speaking wargamer, most participants in the Napoleonic Wars had the temerity to neither speak not write in English. By basing many of our games upon English - language sources (or else upon ignorance) armies such as the Austrian have often been, at the least, misunderstood. Thanks to his use of primary Austrian sources as well as other non-English sources, much of the gamer's ignorance about the Austrian army can be dispelled. Instead of a one dimensional combat force, apparently called forth for Napoleon when he heeded a victory, we instead see a larger picture; an army and a ruling family present before Napoleon rose to prominence, and still around long after his dem ise. Professor Rothenberg also goes into more complex details, examining the strengths and weaknesses of the Austrian amry and its leadership. He explains in detail much of the reform and change that took place, and sometimes didn't take place, in the tactical system and drill, as well as examining the command and staff system. He looks at some of the reasons why the Austrian commanders had trouble coping with their French opponents. He also gives some organizational information and campaign OB's and discusses the Archduke Charles, his abilities and influence upon the Austrian army, as well as information about other Austrian commanders and leaders. Perhaps the most important picture to arise from this book is the perspective it gives of the army as keeper and protector of the Habsburg dynasty, Charles' actions because of that, and of how that shaped military decisions. Many wargamers tend to consider their table top games only in terms of the figures on the table at the moment. From that narrow point of view many historical events seem senseless and contradictory. In this book the effect, particularly acute for the Austrian army, of social and political pressures upon military problems are vividly shown. After reading NAPOLEON'S GREAT ADVERSARIES, many wargamers will be able to gain a new appreciation and understanding for Napoleonic history, and their games should improve because of it. More Reviews
Figures: Skytrex 15mm English Civil War Figures: Freicorps 15mm Seven Years War Book: Napoleon's Great Adversaries Book: The Troops of Electoral Saxony during the 30 Years War Rules: Third World Wars Back to Table of Contents -- Courier Vol. IV No. 2 © Copyright 1982 by The Courier Publishing Company. This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. |