To the Mountains of the Moon
A Campaign Game


by Howard Whitehouse
(eaten by cannibals, 1887)
Photos from the collection of
Steve Winter - Colonial Period Editor

1. START: June 20 1887. The expedition is at Yambuya but Barttelot is at Stanley falls with Tippu Tib trying to get the extra porters, Ward is at Bolobo with 125 men, and Troup is at Stanley Pool waiting for the second half of the loads. Roll 1d6 to determine when the missing loads arrive on the steamer Stanley: 1 or 2 = July 26, 3 or 4 = August 2, 5 or 6 = August 14.

Left: Emin Pasha. A Prussian, born in 1840 and given the name Edouard Schnitzer. Physician, linguist, natural scientist, gifted administrator, and hopeless romantic.
Right: Tippu Tib, most powerful of the African slaver lords, who both aided and hindered Stanley's expedition.

2. One officer falls very sick with malaria (can’t walk).

3. The first village you come to has a wide, newly cut avenue approach. The men of the village are out with spears and bows at the end of this track, looking menacing. Other villages will sell food grudgingly, but how the expedition behaves during this first encounter should affect the tribes’ attitudes for many turns.

4. Two of the porters, Musa bin Juma and Charlie No 1, disappear on the trail.

5. A donkey dies of starvation. There is no grass in the forest.

6. A porter, Sudi, dies of dysentery. Food is hard to come by. The natives run away, hide their stocks, or just demand high prices.

7. A village lies ahead. As you approach, flames appear above the huts and engulf the place.

8. You find a village that is abandoned except for a gibbering, old woman who is clearly mad. There are no food stores but there are some plantains on the trees.

9. Tell Barttelot privately: they are talking about you! All the others are jealous and covet your post as second in command. For extra fun, hand everyone a note. Barttelot’s carries the message above; everyone else’s states “stare at Barttelot for a few moments.”

10. Cannibals attack at the Avibissa river, a minor tributary of the Aruwimi. Concealed bowmen ambush the party, hitting any officer on a roll of 1 and 1d6 others. Wounds seem very minor. Play this one out.

11. Over the course of several days, all those wounded by cannibals except the officers die a horrible, lingering death. The officer (Stairs, historically) is very ill.

12. One officer’s men become unruly and disrespectful of his authority.

13. Tell Barttelot privately: Stanley seems intent on subverting your position as second in command. Clearly he wants to give the job to someone else!

14. A Zanzibari is shot in the foot by “a friend.” They claim it was an accident.

15. You reach a burned village. As you approach, several chickens come home to roost for the night.

16. A porter, Kasim, in charge of a box of biscuits from Fortnum and Masons, goes missing along with his load.

17. Food is hard to come by. Nothing can be found or bought except unripe plantains and manioc.

18. A canoe is spotted with a red flag flying. It is the Zanzibari flag, and the crew are Manyuema slavers. They call out in Swahili but do not land.

19. You come across a scene of horror, a village where a massacre occurred recently. Women and children are hacked into pieces, and a man is impaled on a spear. A small boy is still alive, though his insides are spilling out of a vicious gash in his belly. That night, two men desert; one steals a box of Remington ammo. A third is caught as he deserts, carrying one of the hampers from Fortnums. How he is treated should affect porter morale for several turns.

20. One man has such bad ulcers on his feet he cannot march at all.

21. Twelve men desert, taking their rifles and a dozen boxes of Remington ammunition.

22. The advance guard finds the bodies of 14 natives shot dead on the track.

23. You reach an amazing settlement with fine houses in the Arab style and fruit on the trees.

24. You are greeted by a well-dressed Arab surrounded by several hundred Manyuema henchmen. He announces he is Uledi, known to “these savages” as Ugarrowa, and this is his home. You are welcome to his hospitality.

25. Ugarrowa has a pygmy girl, age about 17. She is pretty, and quite full of herself. Parke finds her charming.

26. After the column leaves Ugarrowa’s, he sends up a canoe bringing three deserters “as a sign of my goodwill.”

27. One officer falls down a game trap. Roll 1d6: 1 or 2 = quite badly hurt and injured on stakes (poisoned, of course - counts as being sick), 3 or 4 = hurt but not poisoned (+1 on recovery roll), 5 or 6 = simply embarrassed.

28. Food is scarce. The porters are eating wild bananas, grubs, and a kind of bean. Various insects prove surprisingly tasty! Must eat European provisions or forest food.

29. Rogue elephant attacks column — play this out. Determine the elephant’s movement direction and distance randomly each turn. Officers can shoot it with a roll of 6. Charged askaris stand their ground and fight as one officer on a roll of 4-6. Porters get out of the way on a roll of 6. A roll of 2-3 (askaris) or 2-5 (porters) = they retreat in disorder, as you might. A roll of 1 = total panic, loss of loads, some permanent desertions, etc.

30. Starvation sets in. Eat forest food or European rations. The men are growing weaker, living on grubs, red ants, fungi.

31. The route goes through utterly ravaged land. No food or natives can be found at all.

32. See signs of Manyuema setting fires.

33. Six Manyuema come into camp. They identify themselves as Kilongalonga’s men and claim that a village lies five days ahead.

34. Five days pass with no village. One officer develops foot ulcers and can barely walk. Kajeli deserts with a box of Winchester ammo.

35. Salim steals Emin Pasha’s new boots and two pairs of Stanley’s.

36. Wadi Adam runs off with one officer’s entire kit.

37. Episode at Kilongalonga’s place. The headman, Ismaili, sees easy pickings. He offers to care for any sick left behind and provide guides.

38. Hippos defend themselves at river or swamp crossing.

39. Reach Ibwiri. This is the end of the slavers’ zone. Plantains for everyone!

40. You’re just 67 miles from the end of the forest!

41. Trade with BaLegga natives. Offending them risks a fight with 2-300 warriors.

42. Reach Lake Albert at last; Emin Pasha is waiting on the steamer Khedive. Open champagne to celebrate. Emin provides food, boots, clothing, etc. This is the end of the game. Do what your briefings tell you to do.

To the Mountains of the Moon: A Campaign Game An Expedition with Mr. Henry Morton Stanley, the Famous Explorer

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