The Battle of Argentoratum
357 AD

Wargaming Argentoratum Using Vis Bellica

by John Avery

Wargaming Argentoratum at correct ground scale is possible, and gives a large battle with the Romans fielding about 750 points and the Germans about 1,500. Army rosters for Vis Bellica can be constructed from the second book of army lists and the numbers given above.

Below, however, you will find OB for both sides scaled down to 500 points a side. This no longer represents a historically proportionate battle, but does provide a good evening’s game. The numbers given are the number of bases of each troop type from the appropriate army lists.


Leader 1: 2 x Elite Legionaries; 2 x Veteran Auxilia
Leader 2: 2 x Cataphracts, 2 x Light Cavalry
Leader 3: 2 x Legionaries
Leader 4: 3 x Auxilia
Leader 5: 2 x Auxiliary Bow, 1 x Light Artillery
2 False Leader Bases
Defeat Condition: Big Man Down on Julian (the SubGeneral)


Leader 1: 2 x Noble Cavalry
Leader 2: 3 x Veteran Warriors
Leader 3: 4 x Warriors
Leader 4: 5 x Tribal Levy (OO Levy MI)
Leader 5: 5 x Tribal Levy (OO Levy MI)
2 False Leader Bases
Defeat Condition: All Gone (18 bases)

For start positions, see Map 1. the Romans lined up with a front line consisting of, from left to right, five cohorts of auxilia, 2 cohorts of veteran auxilia (the Cornuti and Bracchiatii), the cataphracts, and most of the light horse. Behind them was another line consisting of, again from left to right, one cohort of auxilia, the normal legions, the elite legion, two cohorts of veteran auxilia (the Batavi and Regii), and the rest of the light cavalry.

The Germans should form a rough line opposite the Romans with Chnodomar commanding the noble dismounted cavalry on their left, and Serapio commanding on their right.

The Romans can still be deployed historically if using scaled down armies. From left to right bases should be placed:

    Front Line: Auxiliary Bow, Auxilia, Auxilia, Auxilia, Cataphracts, Light Cavalry, Light Cavalry.
    Back Line: Auxiliary Bow, Legionaries, Legionaries, Elite Legionaries, Elite Legionaries, Veteran Auxilia, Veteran Auxilia.
    On Hill: Artillery.

Terrain and Special Rules

The Roman base line should be the crest of the low hill which they have just marched down. Both sides should have one flank (the Roman left and the German right) anchored on thick woods counting as Difficult terrain in Vis Bellica.

The Germans have some kind of light works running about a quarter of the way up the battlefield from their baseline on their right.

Ways to Re-fight the Battle

Players can start from the initial positions detailed above and see if their game follows the course of history.

Alternatively they can deploy troops as usual using Leader bases, and see if they can do better than their historical counterparts. The Germans would then be allowed to use their light works for an attempted ambush: seeing if they can lure the Romans far enough forward for an assault from the woods on their flank.

Solo wargamers should re-fight the battle from the Roman viewpoint: with the Germans programmed with Attack or Forward orders.

Background and Battle

The rules, Vis Bellica, for which this scenarios was designed is reviewed in the Reviewing Stand in this issue. - ED

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