by Dick Bryant
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There has been an increasing desire to recognize those who bring these great games to the conventions, the Game Masters. The awards started at Cold Wars, this year, expanded into several sets of awards: The GM Awards given by a panel of GMs who travel throughout the show and make on the spot awards for games that are well presented and where the gamers are obviously having a good time; The Gamer’s Choice Awards which are awarded by a vote of the participants - this is also coordinated by the GM Help desk; The HMGS EAST Best Event Award for best events, and finally, The Society of daisy Award for an outstandingly humorous wargame. THE COURIER AT HISTORICON Of the 450 games listed, The Courier sponsored 48 games in The Paradise Room and gave away over $1000 in prizes to the participants. Special thanks to, Outland Games, TCS, Musket Miniatures, Wargames, Knuckleduster, Tommy Gunner 15, GAJO, Miriliton, On Military Matters, Meramic, RLBPS, and Miniature Service Center, all advertisers in these pages for their generous help. One noteworthy event occurred in a Desperado event that Dick Bryant was running. Dick uses a “dexterity check” for characters trying to accomplish something out of the ordinary - like jumping off a two story building. Two D10s are thrown for a percentage, the D10s are thrown again and the roll must be equal or less than the first roll for the character to accomplish the feat without being hurt. Well the player 12 year old Cory O’Connor managed to get one of the D10s to stand on one of its points (see photo). Always a soft touch, Dick did not insist that he accomplish the feat again to pass the dexterity check. As usual, this report is assembled from inputs of many people: Mike Hillsgrove, Bob Giglio, Pat Condray, Otto Schmidt, Bob Beattie and Mike Reese. RESULTS OF DBA EVENTS Dick Bryant Duplicate Games Tournament: The two battles were Fornovo with French Ordnance vs Italian Condotta and Trojan War, in 25mm. Mark Pozniak first, Marty Schmidt second, Joe Coniglio, Sr. third. Midnight Madness (run by Scott Dickinson): Dave Schlanger first with Later Pre-Islamic Arab Nomads, David Kuijt second with Aztecs. National Invitational Championship Tournament: Marty Schmidt first with Free Company, Mark Pozniaik second. Experimental Big Board Open (32” square boards, run by Dave Schlanger), David Kuijt first with Post-Mongol Russians, Wayne Hansen second with Medieval Germans. Tony Bath Memorial Tournament: Big Battle Doubles, Dave Schlanger and David Kuijt first with Alexandrian Imperial with Classical Indian ally, Marty Schmidt and Bob McDonald second with Later Carthaginian, Jon Baldwin and Roland Fricke third with Ptolemaic(c). 25mm tourney (run by Doug Mudd): Matt Torres first, Rob Torres second. Teen Tourney (run by Dennis Frank): Joe Coniglio Jr first. Sunday Themes (run by David Kuijt): Steve Donlon won the Asia/East Steppes theme (played on 32” square boards) with Kushans; Doug Mudd won the Medieval theme (played on 36”x 24” boards) with Italian Condotta/Venice; Joe Coniglio Jr. won the Dark Ages theme with Normans; Dave Schlanger won the Biblican theme with my borrowed NKE; Mark Pozniak won the Roman Classical theme with Ancient British; Jon Baldwin won the Greek Classical theme with Later Hoplite Greek Thebans 2002 Rookie of the Year: Victoria “Vicky” Giampapa (age 10) She played in the Midnite Madness, the Doubles, the Teen Tourney, and the Themes(2001 Rookie of the year Victoria “Tori” Nascati (age 9) DBA. Overall Champion: An average of points for placement in at least 4 events.David Schlanger first, Mark Pozniaik second (by a very small margin, decimal places in the computation). GM HELP DESK REPORT - HISTORICON 02 VOLUNTEERS
THE GM GAME AWARDSThese are awards for best game presentation given by Game Masters. The awards were coordinated from the GM Hep Desk by Bob Giglio and the following is an excerpt from his report.THURSDAY: Afternoon (Judges - Bob Giglio, Frank Preziosa): Mon Petite Chou (Jon Lundberg), The Mosquito Fleet in Mexico, 1848 (Bob Marshall). Evening Awards (Judges - Bob Giglio, Vince Lucchese): I Corps at Gettysburg: Day 1 (Scott Mingus), Ploesti - The Approach - Bulgaria (Tom Sparhawk). FRIDAY: Morning (Judges - Bob and Cleo Liebl): A Bridge Too Narrow (Ray Austin), North-West Frontier by Gaslight (John R. “Buck” Surdu and Rob Dean and the HAWKS), Summertime for Hitler - Beyond the Beachhead! (Duke Seifried), Trouble on the I-Bearean Peninsula (Todd Harland-White and the HAWKS). Afternoon (Judges - Bob Giglio, Michael Panzer): A Lyttel Geste of Robin Hood (Howard Whitehouse), Gulf War Trilogy, Part 2: Operation Desert Shield (Bryan Leshinskie), Why are the Cossacks never cold? (Bill Moreno and Jeff Kimmel). Evening (Judge - Mike Betz, Bruce Kimball): Gothic Horror - Vampire Wars (Louis Reash), Ploesti - Low Level Attack (Tom Sparhawk), Roman Circus (Dennis Daughetee), The Battle of Chick-a-Hominy-Grits (Bob and Cleo Liebl - NOVAG), The Battle of Lake Erie (Dave Manley and Doug Wildfong), Trafalgar of the Landships (Alex Bagosy), Up Jumped The Devil - Black and Tan War (Leo Cronin), 55 Days at Peking (Michael Consentino). SATURDAY: Morning (Judges - Martin Baber, Sam Scott): A Carnival of Death - The Battle of Franklin - Nov. 30, 1864 (Bill Moreno), Braddock’s Revenge (Curtis Murff), French and Indian Naval (Bob Baldwin), Incredible Victory (John F. Stanoch), Pantographic War of the Worlds (Steve Johnson), Row and Ram (Don Smith and the HAWKS). Afternoon (Judges - Jamie Davis and the HAWKS Gaming Club): Battle of the Chesapeake - Sept. 5, 1781(Stan Sunderwirth), Dancing with Jack Ketch (Chuck Scholti), The Lion Besieged, Surviving the Indian Mutiny (Ed Watts and Paul Silberman). Evening (Judges - Mike Condello, Mike Consentino, Bob Giglio, Jim Hergenhahn, James Mattes): A Day At The Magic Carpet Races (Jamie Davis and the HAWKS), Philippines, 1945 (Eric Burgess), Restless Natives (Jon Lundberg), The Stalingrad of Kursk (Peter Gaut and Keith Thomas). SUNDAY: Morning (Judges - Bob Giglio, James Mattes), Suffren vs Hughes (Dave Manley and Doug Wildfong), The Road to Moscow (Fred Hubig and Nigel Marsh). HMGS EAST “BEST” EVENT AWARDSThe following is the list of events (games) that were determined as being the “Best” in the various categories, and will receive ribbons in the mail from HMGS East. One event from each of the time slots (morning, afternoon, evening) was awarded the Best Event award for that session (in a couple cases we had ties). In addition, there is one overall Best 1812 Theme Event and Best Convention Event award for all games run at the convention. Please note that while the GM Help Desk (GM Network) did the judging for these Best Event awards, they are sponsored and provided by HMGS East, as compared to the other awards (streamers) listed in the previous report. THURSDAY: Afternoon: The Mosquito Fleet in Mexico, 1848 (Bob Marshall); Evening: I Corps at Gettysburg: Day 1 (Scott Mingus, Gettysburg-York Gamers). FRIDAY: Morning (tie): A Bridge Too Narrow (Ray Austin); Summertime for Hitler - Beyond the Beachhead! (Duke Seifried). Afternoon: Why are the Cossacks never cold? (Bill Moreno and Jeff Kimmel). Evening:: 55 Days at Peking (Michael Cosentino). SATURDAY: Morning (tie): A Carnival of Death - The Battle of Franklin - Nov. 30, 1864 (Bill Moreno); French and Indian Naval (Bob Baldwin). Afternoon: Dancing with Jack Ketch (Chuck Scholti). Evening: Dagami, 1944 - USMC vs. Japanese in the Philippines (Eric Burgess). SUNDAY: Morning: Suffren vs Hughes (Dave Manley and Doug Wildfong). Best Children’s Event: Trouble on the I-Bearean Peninsula (Todd Harland-White and the HAWKS)
Gamers Choice Award I needn’t have worried, the Gamers came through and by the end of the con a horde of deserving gamers had been cited by the gamers. While I need to clean up some of the spellings and a few of the details, this list is complete. Just as precious are the reasons that gamers chose these games. What it comes down to is that given a method, the gamers will readily say “thank you”. Mark G. McLaughlin Princess Ryan’s Star Marines ) Historicon 2002 Results15mm DBM Mini
25mm DBM Min
15mm DBM NICT - 6 Rounds
25mm DBM NICT/Open - 3 Rounds
15mm DBM Bronze & Iron Age Theme
Most Enemy Generals Killed: Darrell Smith
25mm DBM Bronze & Iron Age Theme
15mm DBM Open
15mm DBM Open
Warrior Bronze Age Tournament - 25mm
Warrior Bronze Age Tournament - 15mm
Warrior Mini - 25mm
Warrior Mini - 15mm
Medieval Warfare 15mm
*1st time player. In addition to Rob’s 1st place prize, Jevon won the highly contested next to last, Mitch the equally highly contested best sportsman prize and Dave Smith best presentation with attractive terrain, good casualty figures, great figures and absolutely fabulous bases. Ancient Warfare 25mm
THE FIRST SOCIETY OF DAISY AWARDBy Otto Schmidt The first “Society of Daisy Humor in Gaming Award” was awarded to Howard Whitehouse for his exemplary presentation of “The Fiendish Plot of Fu-Manchu” at Historicon 2002. The award, given by the Society to a person who does outstanding work in staging an outrageously humorous game, or producing game materials, is a gold medal with the society’s logo on it (shown below) hung from a pink ribbon, and a $50.00 cash prize. The Society hopes, in the future, to interest corporate sponsors and private individuals to contribute money or merchandise to expand the awards to other categories. But the star of the show was Howard and his game which kept at least 20 gamers entertained in a mad riot of laughter and mayhem for several hours at the Historicon convention in the Lancaster Host - see the article on the game elsewhere in this issue. - EDAs with all good GM’s in all this Howard was able to largely let his under-GM (recruited on the spot or through the GM support Network list) run the show and he was able to supervise and drink beer. My kind of guy! But it was also many little things that Howard did as a GM that marked it out as a superior event. Once, he bustled past me with four empty pitchers and said “These boys are going to get dry real quick...” and he returned with cold water for them. That’s a really nice touch and shows a GM who views his players as– well— more than players. Howard’s assistant GM’s also did yeoman service and an excellent job in “keeping ahead of the gamers” and congratulations to Charles B. Stevens, Matthew Fritz, Nigel Clarke, Ross Maker, and Walt O’Hara. I can’t say how excellent the final “production” of “the movie” would have (if anyone wrote it down) but I’m sure it had to be better than the crap the studious put out these days. Of course, with Hercule Poirot meeting a fiery death at the wheel of a chemical tank truck in the Louisiana Hobo camp, and Bertie Wooster impaling a Vampire Prince with his walking stick, it had to be better than what we pay $15 for at the movies today, and perhaps we should corral these guys and ship them to Hollywood – (No on second thought, Hollywood wouldn’t survive the encounter!) It might have been nice to have all of the characters (well– those that survived anyway) gathered together in a “drawing room” or dining room where the brilliant English/ Inscrutable Oriental/ Hard-bitten American/ Fidgeting French/ detective explained the whole case but— maybe next time- it probably would have been anti-climactic. The Society of Daisy is pleased to announce that it received several cash contributions towards future awards and that a fund has been started for this purpose. Persons wishing to make contributions to it should contact the list owner, given below. THE SOCIETY OF DAISY AND THE AWARD The Society of Daisy is a group of somewhat deranged war gamers, whose existence was first sparked on “The Net” and which is dedicated to the advancement, use, and popularization of whimsy and absurdity in the hobby. (Not that it isn’t pretty absurd already). It is for those who like to joke around, and not take the hobby, their games, their armies, and especially, themselves, too seriously. We are wargamers who like to have units like “The Camambert Cuirassiers (a rather cheesy unit if you ask me) or the Riseundshine Regiment, fighting over places like Valvoline, the Evelyn Wood, the Tottie Fields, and the Mire of D’Espond, and commanded by people like King Juan Carlos Ohyahyubetcha, Admiral Louis von Battenhatch, and King Ludwig, who always goes into battle followed by his pet cow, Daisy, who trots along beside him. Daisy, the creation of Bob Tesfro, has become the mascot, icon and paradigm of the group. It’s a world of bumbling monarchs, incompetent generals, lascivious countesses, and absurd scenarios right out of comic opera. So Come to the Dark Side of the Farce! Now admit it! Isn’t this what you REALLY want out of gaming- confess- you really don’t care if your Neo-Senephrin Catatonics carried left handed smoke-shifters or one-armed flayrobs! You don’t care at all about real history, you want it as it should have been!- Not the history of academia or those boring textbooks you read as a kid, and not even of the Osprey books, but the history by C.B. Demille, P.T. Barnum, and the Marx Brothers- you don’t want Robert E.Lee, you want Gypsy Rose Lee! Our Logo pretty much says it all- we are devoted to the whimsical side of things- Death is easy, Comedy is hard! Got the picture? Does the idea of painting your Prussian Seven Years War miniatures in pink coats and mint green facings, or have Cleopatra’s war galleys for your refight of Actium rowed by bench upon bench of ranks upon ranks of nubile (and anatomically correct) virgins appeal to you? If so then perhaps the Society of Daisy is for you. There are no rules, no dues, no membership restrictions, no hierarchy, and no officers. We decided all that serious stuff was too much to handle. We’d also like to develop a secret handshake, wear funny hats to the conventions, and sponsor events, awards, and testimonials, to recognize those gamers who champion the cause of whimsy and humor in the hobby, before they are hauled away to an insane asylum. Perhaps we could even produce our own line of figures (the mind boggles!). If you wish to join, the address is If you aren’t on the NET, but wish to get occasional blurbs from Daisy anyway, contact Otto Schmidt 1031 Stillwater Rd., Newton N.J. BE WARNED! If you are a sensitive sort who is easily offended, and a very serious wargamer, this is not the place for you. Courier Dispatch News About the Hobby.
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