by Dick Bryant
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MagazinesDadi & Piombo (dice and lead) is a new Italian wargamers magazine, attempting to link what the editors characterize as an active but scattered wargaming community in that country. The current issue is the first in which they have gone to a glossy paper format, with color covers. There is a history of Montebello (1800) with orders of battle and a version for a Volley and Bayonet scenario, a battle report of a refight of Trebbia (218 BC) using DBM, a set of rules for pirate games, an Age of Reason scenario fro Kolin (1757), a review of Principles of War, an account of Towton (1461), an an article on playing solo games, with convention calendar, news, and commentary. 40pp, Via F. Cavalli, 65-26013 Crema (Cr) Italy, e-mail, web: SAGA covers wargaming from Ancient through the Renaissance, with special attention to editor Terry Gore’s Ancient Warfare, Medieval Warfare, and Renaissance Warfare rules. Number 77 has articles on the third Punic War, a variety of army lists, tips on building a winning tournament army, rules questions and answers, scenarios for Blore Heath (War of the Roses), an introduction to the Renaissance Warfare rules, rules changes and clarifications, along with hobby news and letters. No table of contents. 48pp. SAGA Publishing, 890 Janes Rd, Rochester, NY 14612,, $25/6 issues. Age of Napoleon is a full color glossy magazine primarily aimed at the military history of the Napoleonic period, with a single wargaming column each issue: in number 34, this is a one-page set of skirmish rules. The first article is a critique of Wellington’s actions during the French 1810-11 invasion of Portugal; there is also a substantial piece on Lodi. Other articles present information on Portuguese and Spanish uniforms and equipment derived from British government records, and the first dozen pages of a multipart series on Nassauers in Netherlands service for the Waterloo campaign. There are lengthy book reviews, letters, and some commentary. Four-color glossy Published by Partizan Press, and available in the US from On Military Matters, 55 Taylor Terrace, Hopewell, NJ 08525, $42/ 6 issues. The Sword And the Flame Sceanrio Portfolio #2. This subscribed to scenario packet is the second in this year’s offering from And Thats the Way It Was. Larry Brom gives us 6 new scenarios for TSATF and a set of rules, The Sword and the Sand by Ian Croxall. Ian wrote the definitive articles in last issue and this on the French colonial activity in North Africa. These rules are intended to play that period. For More information write to And Thats The Way It Was, 213 3rd St NE, Hickory NC 28601-5124. Other Publications of Interest ReceivedThe Unexpurgated History of the Historical Miniatures Gaming Society is just that, as seen by Pat Condray, and written up in a 44-page booklet, and covering the period up to 1987. As it is labeled “Volume I,” there is a threat of more to come. Fascinating reading, apparently available from Pat for $5.Pat Condray, 2225 S. Gulfwater Pt., Crystal River, FL 34429 HMGS Dispatch, (Midsouth), Major Bill Harting, 101 Taylor Rd, Estill Springs, TN 37330-3831. HMGS East Newsletter, Scott Holder (Treasurer), PO Box 36, Bonnots Mill, MO 65016., $10/yr Lone Warrior, (solo wargaming), Solo Wargamers Association, 1707 Ridge Rd, Leavenworth, KS 66048., $20 / 4 issues Miniature Wargames, Wargames Inc, Box 278, Route 40 East, Triadelphia, WV 26059-0278, tel.: (304) 547-0000, NOVAG News, Northern VA Gamers Wargaming Club, PO Box 223660, Chantilly, VA 20153, $7/6 issues, membership Potomac Wargamers Review, Walter Simon, 12905 Layhill Rd, Silver Spring, MD 20906, $20/12 issues Seven Years War Association Journal, James Mitchell, 147 N. Jackson St, Crown Point, IN 46307, $30/4 issues Spearpoint, (NA Soc. Ancient & Medieval Wargamers), Scott Dickson, 590 Woodend Dr. SE, Concord, NC 28025, $24 / 6 issues & membership The Citadel, (HMGS NW), c/o Mark Serafin, 2614 Rucker Ave #14, Everett, WA 98201, $10 The Herald, (HMGS Great Lakes), HMGS membership Secretary, 2251 Wayne Madison Rd, Trenton, OH45 067, $10/6 issues, membership The Messenger, (HMGS Pacific SW), HMGS/PSW, PO Box 701, Norwalk, CA 90651-0701, $15/yr membership Geo-Hex has moved Geo-Hex has moved to larger facilities. Their new address is 543 SE Oak St., Portland OR 92714. (503)288-4805. More Courier Dispatch News About the Hobby. Back to Table of Contents -- Courier #81 To Courier List of Issues To MagWeb Master Magazine List © Copyright 2001 by The Courier Publishing Company. This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other military history articles and gaming articles are available at |