The year is 1938. Republican fortunes are sinking lower and lower. The
Nationalist juggernaut seems to be unstoppable. The Republicans have one last opportunity to regain the initiative and keep communications open between Catalonia and the rest of Spain. That chance is holding the line of the River Ebro. This having failed, the Nationalists are now driving the forces of the Republic back over the Ebro. The guerillas must try to damage those bridges to prevent a successful pursuit by the Nationalists forces.
1 Guerilla Leader w/ pistol and SMG.
1 Guerilla bomber w/ explosives and charges, carrying a bolt action rifle.
8 Guerillas with rifles, two of thes may have up to 4 hand grenades.
2 Guerillas manning a belt fed LMG, one also carries a rifle.
The objective of this force is to damage the bridge so that the heavy
vehicles of the Nationalists, tanks, trucks and artillery may not cross the river.
Intelligence reports have indicated that the Nationalist offensive is to start at 9AM.
Your group will have 3 hours to reach the bridge, eliminate any guards, and set the
charges and blow them. There is no partial Victory for the Guerillas. If the bridge is
still intact when the offensive begins, you have failed!
1 Officer W/Pistol and binoculars.
1 NCO w/SMG.
4 Privates w/rifles and bayonets.
2 Privates manning a belt-fed LMG.
Your squad has been given the highly important task of guarding the
bridge to be used in the great counter-attack. You know that this is the only bridge that can support the heavy vehicles, so it must be protected at all costs. You have placed sandbagged positions to guard the bridge and keep up constant patrols. The attack is scheduled to come at 9AM, so you know that your squad must remain vigilant during the early hours of the morning. For you too, there is only one victory condition: maintain the bridge intact until the attacking forces have crossed.
Whatever rules you use, you will need to make allowances for poorer
fight early in the game, increasing visibility as the game goes on. This will give the guerillas a chance to get away, whether or not the mission has been successful. Allow for approximately half the Nationalist squad to be off duty until something happens.
It should take 2 to 3 turns for the bombadier to complete the setting and wiring of the charges and get back to the group's position. There should also be a chance for the charge to be a dud. It depends on how much read role playing you want to get involved in. if the charge does not go off, then someone should be allowed to make the ultimate sacrifice for the cause!
The Nationalists may have 2 substantial sandbagged positions on their side of the bridge, with a small listening post on the other side. This may be manned by only one figure. Obviously, rules for hidden moves and sighting will be very important. Playing area is 3 feet square, assuming the use of 20/25mm figures. If 54mm are used, double the size. The terrain represented as woods should be very rugged with hills, brush, trees, and rock outcroppings all over providing plenty of cover.
Spanish Civil War 1936-1939 by Nick Nascati
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